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Created August 1, 2017 06:50
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import numpy as np
import gym
from gym import wrappers
import tensorflow as tf
import json, sys, os
from os import path
import random
from collections import deque
## Algorithm
# Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)
# An off-policy actor-critic algorithm that uses additive exploration noise (e.g. an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process) on top
# of a deterministic policy to generate experiences (s, a, r, s'). It uses minibatches of these experiences from replay
# memory to update the actor (policy) and critic (Q function) parameters.
# Neural networks are used for function approximation.
# Slowly-changing "target" networks are used to improve stability and encourage convergence.
# Parameter updates are made via Adam.
# Assumes continuous action spaces!
## Setup
env_to_use = 'Pendulum-v0'
# hyperparameters
gamma = 0.99 # reward discount factor
h1_actor = 8 # hidden layer 1 size for the actor
h2_actor = 8 # hidden layer 2 size for the actor
h3_actor = 8 # hidden layer 3 size for the actor
h1_critic = 8 # hidden layer 1 size for the critic
h2_critic = 8 # hidden layer 2 size for the critic
h3_critic = 8 # hidden layer 3 size for the critic
lr_actor = 1e-3 # learning rate for the actor
lr_critic = 1e-3 # learning rate for the critic
lr_decay = 1 # learning rate decay (per episode)
l2_reg_actor = 1e-6 # L2 regularization factor for the actor
l2_reg_critic = 1e-6 # L2 regularization factor for the critic
dropout_actor = 0 # dropout rate for actor (0 = no dropout)
dropout_critic = 0 # dropout rate for critic (0 = no dropout)
num_episodes = 15000 # number of episodes
max_steps_ep = 10000 # default max number of steps per episode (unless env has a lower hardcoded limit)
tau = 1e-2 # soft target update rate
train_every = 1 # number of steps to run the policy (and collect experience) before updating network weights
replay_memory_capacity = int(1e5) # capacity of experience replay memory
minibatch_size = 1024 # size of minibatch from experience replay memory for updates
initial_noise_scale = 0.1 # scale of the exploration noise process (1.0 is the range of each action dimension)
noise_decay = 0.99 # decay rate (per episode) of the scale of the exploration noise process
exploration_mu = 0.0 # mu parameter for the exploration noise process: dXt = theta*(mu-Xt)*dt + sigma*dWt
exploration_theta = 0.15 # theta parameter for the exploration noise process: dXt = theta*(mu-Xt)*dt + sigma*dWt
exploration_sigma = 0.2 # sigma parameter for the exploration noise process: dXt = theta*(mu-Xt )*dt + sigma*dWt
# game parameters
env = gym.make(env_to_use)
state_dim = # Get total number of dimensions in state
action_dim = # Assuming continuous action space
# set seeds to 0
# prepare monitorings
outdir = '/tmp/ddpg-agent-results'
env = wrappers.Monitor(env, outdir, force=True)
def writefile(fname, s):
with open(path.join(outdir, fname), 'w') as fh: fh.write(s)
info = {}
info['env_id'] =
info['params'] = dict(
gamma = gamma,
h1_actor = h1_actor,
h2_actor = h2_actor,
h3_actor = h3_actor,
h1_critic = h1_critic,
h2_critic = h2_critic,
h3_critic = h3_critic,
lr_actor = lr_actor,
lr_critic = lr_critic,
lr_decay = lr_decay,
l2_reg_actor = l2_reg_actor,
l2_reg_critic = l2_reg_critic,
dropout_actor = dropout_actor,
dropout_critic = dropout_critic,
num_episodes = num_episodes,
max_steps_ep = max_steps_ep,
tau = tau,
train_every = train_every,
replay_memory_capacity = replay_memory_capacity,
minibatch_size = minibatch_size,
initial_noise_scale = initial_noise_scale,
noise_decay = noise_decay,
exploration_mu = exploration_mu,
exploration_theta = exploration_theta,
exploration_sigma = exploration_sigma
replay_memory = deque(maxlen=replay_memory_capacity) # used for O(1) popleft() operation
def add_to_memory(experience):
def sample_from_memory(minibatch_size):
return random.sample(replay_memory, minibatch_size)
## Tensorflow
# placeholders
state_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None,state_dim])
action_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None,action_dim])
reward_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None])
next_state_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None,state_dim])
is_not_terminal_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None]) # indicators (go into target computation)
is_training_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=()) # for dropout
# episode counter
episodes = tf.Variable(0.0, trainable=False, name='episodes')
episode_inc_op = episodes.assign_add(1)
# will use this to initialize both the actor network its slowly-changing target network with same structure
def generate_actor_network(s, trainable, reuse):
hidden = tf.layers.dense(s, h1_actor, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense', reuse = reuse)
hidden_drop = tf.layers.dropout(hidden, rate = dropout_actor, training = trainable & is_training_ph)
hidden_2 = tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop, h2_actor, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_1', reuse = reuse)
hidden_drop_2 = tf.layers.dropout(hidden_2, rate = dropout_actor, training = trainable & is_training_ph)
hidden_3 = tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop_2, h3_actor, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_2', reuse = reuse)
hidden_drop_3 = tf.layers.dropout(hidden_3, rate = dropout_actor, training = trainable & is_training_ph)
actions_unscaled = tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop_3, action_dim, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_3', reuse = reuse)
actions = env.action_space.low + tf.nn.sigmoid(actions_unscaled)*(env.action_space.high - env.action_space.low) # bound the actions to the valid range
return actions
# actor network
with tf.variable_scope('actor'):
# Policy's outputted action for each state_ph (for generating actions and training the critic)
actions = generate_actor_network(state_ph, trainable = True, reuse = False)
# slow target actor network
with tf.variable_scope('slow_target_actor', reuse=False):
# Slow target policy's outputted action for each next_state_ph (for training the critic)
# use stop_gradient to treat the output values as constant targets when doing backprop
slow_target_next_actions = tf.stop_gradient(generate_actor_network(next_state_ph, trainable = False, reuse = False))
# will use this to initialize both the critic network its slowly-changing target network with same structure
def generate_critic_network(s, a, trainable, reuse):
state_action = tf.concat([s, a], axis=1)
hidden = tf.layers.dense(state_action, h1_critic, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense', reuse = reuse)
hidden_drop = tf.layers.dropout(hidden, rate = dropout_critic, training = trainable & is_training_ph)
hidden_2 = tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop, h2_critic, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_1', reuse = reuse)
hidden_drop_2 = tf.layers.dropout(hidden_2, rate = dropout_critic, training = trainable & is_training_ph)
hidden_3 = tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop_2, h3_critic, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_2', reuse = reuse)
hidden_drop_3 = tf.layers.dropout(hidden_3, rate = dropout_critic, training = trainable & is_training_ph)
q_values = tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop_3, 1, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_3', reuse = reuse)
return q_values
with tf.variable_scope('critic') as scope:
# Critic applied to state_ph and a given action (for training critic)
q_values_of_given_actions = generate_critic_network(state_ph, action_ph, trainable = True, reuse = False)
# Critic applied to state_ph and the current policy's outputted actions for state_ph (for training actor via deterministic policy gradient)
q_values_of_suggested_actions = generate_critic_network(state_ph, actions, trainable = True, reuse = True)
# slow target critic network
with tf.variable_scope('slow_target_critic', reuse=False):
# Slow target critic applied to slow target actor's outputted actions for next_state_ph (for training critic)
slow_q_values_next = tf.stop_gradient(generate_critic_network(next_state_ph, slow_target_next_actions, trainable = False, reuse = False))
# isolate vars for each network
actor_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='actor')
slow_target_actor_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='slow_target_actor')
critic_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='critic')
slow_target_critic_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='slow_target_critic')
# update values for slowly-changing targets towards current actor and critic
update_slow_target_ops = []
for i, slow_target_actor_var in enumerate(slow_target_actor_vars):
update_slow_target_actor_op = slow_target_actor_var.assign(tau*actor_vars[i]+(1-tau)*slow_target_actor_var)
for i, slow_target_var in enumerate(slow_target_critic_vars):
update_slow_target_critic_op = slow_target_var.assign(tau*critic_vars[i]+(1-tau)*slow_target_var)
update_slow_targets_op =*update_slow_target_ops, name='update_slow_targets')
# One step TD targets y_i for (s,a) from experience replay
# = r_i + gamma*Q_slow(s',mu_slow(s')) if s' is not terminal
# = r_i if s' terminal
targets = tf.expand_dims(reward_ph, 1) + tf.expand_dims(is_not_terminal_ph, 1) * gamma * slow_q_values_next
# 1-step temporal difference errors
td_errors = targets - q_values_of_given_actions
# critic loss function (mean-square value error with regularization)
critic_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(td_errors))
for var in critic_vars:
if not 'bias' in
critic_loss += l2_reg_critic * 0.5 * tf.nn.l2_loss(var)
# critic optimizer
critic_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr_critic*lr_decay**episodes).minimize(critic_loss)
# actor loss function (mean Q-values under current policy with regularization)
actor_loss = -1*tf.reduce_mean(q_values_of_suggested_actions)
for var in actor_vars:
if not 'bias' in
actor_loss += l2_reg_actor * 0.5 * tf.nn.l2_loss(var)
# actor optimizer
# the gradient of the mean Q-values wrt actor params is the deterministic policy gradient (keeping critic params fixed)
actor_train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr_actor*lr_decay**episodes).minimize(actor_loss, var_list=actor_vars)
# initialize session
sess = tf.Session()
## Training
total_steps = 0
for ep in range(num_episodes):
total_reward = 0
steps_in_ep = 0
# Initialize exploration noise process
noise_process = np.zeros(action_dim)
noise_scale = (initial_noise_scale * noise_decay**ep) * (env.action_space.high - env.action_space.low)
# Initial state
observation = env.reset()
if ep%10 == 0: env.render()
for t in range(max_steps_ep):
# choose action based on deterministic policy
action_for_state, =,
feed_dict = {state_ph: observation[None], is_training_ph: False})
# add temporally-correlated exploration noise to action (using an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process)
# print(action_for_state)
noise_process = exploration_theta*(exploration_mu - noise_process) + exploration_sigma*np.random.randn(action_dim)
# print(noise_scale*noise_process)
action_for_state += noise_scale*noise_process
# take step
next_observation, reward, done, _info = env.step(action_for_state)
if ep%10 == 0: env.render()
total_reward += reward
add_to_memory((observation, action_for_state, reward, next_observation,
# is next_observation a terminal state?
# 0.0 if done and not env.env._past_limit() else 1.0))
0.0 if done else 1.0))
# update network weights to fit a minibatch of experience
if total_steps%train_every == 0 and len(replay_memory) >= minibatch_size:
# grab N (s,a,r,s') tuples from replay memory
minibatch = sample_from_memory(minibatch_size)
# update the critic and actor params using mean-square value error and deterministic policy gradient, respectively
_, _ =[critic_train_op, actor_train_op],
feed_dict = {
state_ph: np.asarray([elem[0] for elem in minibatch]),
action_ph: np.asarray([elem[1] for elem in minibatch]),
reward_ph: np.asarray([elem[2] for elem in minibatch]),
next_state_ph: np.asarray([elem[3] for elem in minibatch]),
is_not_terminal_ph: np.asarray([elem[4] for elem in minibatch]),
is_training_ph: True})
# update slow actor and critic targets towards current actor and critic
_ =
observation = next_observation
total_steps += 1
steps_in_ep += 1
if done:
# Increment episode counter
_ =
print('Episode %2i, Reward: %7.3f, Steps: %i, Final noise scale: %7.3f'%(ep,total_reward,steps_in_ep, noise_scale))
# Finalize and upload results
writefile('info.json', json.dumps(info))
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Thanks for sharing your code.
Isn't the critic updated twice in every step?
The first time is from the critic_train_op, and the second time is from the actor_train_op.
I thought actor_train_op should update actor's weights only, but in your computational graph it seems the critic part is also updated.

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sritee commented Jun 26, 2018

@lerrytang, the var_list is chosen as only the actor in the actor update step.

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Hi, Thanks for sharing. For the actor loss here actor_loss = -1*tf.reduce_mean(q_values_of_suggested_actions), looks like you are just considering the contribution of critic. But in the original paper, deterministic policy gradient has two components ∇θμJ≈Est∼ρβ ∇θμQ(s,a|θQ)|s=st,a=μ(st|θμ) =E β ∇ Q(s,a|θQ)| ∇ μ(s|θμ)| . In your implementation the contribution of actor network is missing.

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msinto93 commented Oct 11, 2018

Hi, Thanks for sharing. For the actor loss here actor_loss = -1*tf.reduce_mean(q_values_of_suggested_actions), looks like you are just considering the contribution of critic. But in the original paper, deterministic policy gradient has two components ∇θμJ≈Est∼ρβ ∇θμQ(s,a|θQ)|s=st,a=μ(st|θμ) =E β ∇ Q(s,a|θQ)| ∇ μ(s|θμ)|. In your implementation the contribution of actor network is missing.

@mehdimashayekhi This is not the case. q_values_of_suggested_actions passes actions through the critic network, where actions come from a forward pass through the actor network. This is where the contribution of the actor network comes from.

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