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import numpy as np | |
import gym | |
from gym import wrappers | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
import json, sys, os | |
from os import path | |
import random | |
from collections import deque | |
##################################################################################################### | |
## Algorithm | |
# Deep Q-Networks (DQN) | |
# An off-policy action-value function based approach (Q-learning) that uses epsilon-greedy exploration | |
# to generate experiences (s, a, r, s'). It uses minibatches of these experiences from replay memory | |
# to update the Q-network's parameters. | |
# Neural networks are used for function approximation. | |
# A slowly-changing "target" Q network, as well as gradient norm clipping, are used to improve | |
# stability and encourage convergence. | |
# Parameter updates are made via Adam. | |
##################################################################################################### | |
## Setup | |
env_to_use = 'LunarLander-v2' | |
# hyperparameters | |
gamma = 0.99 # reward discount factor | |
h1 = 512 # hidden layer 1 size | |
h2 = 512 # hidden layer 2 size | |
h3 = 512 # hidden layer 3 size | |
lr = 5e-5 # learning rate | |
lr_decay = 1 # learning rate decay (per episode) | |
l2_reg = 1e-6 # L2 regularization factor | |
dropout = 0 # dropout rate (0 = no dropout) | |
num_episodes = 5000 # number of episodes | |
max_steps_ep = 10000 # default max number of steps per episode (unless env has a lower hardcoded limit) | |
slow_target_burnin = 1000 # number of steps where slow target weights are tied to current network weights | |
update_slow_target_every = 100 # number of steps to use slow target as target before updating it to latest weights | |
train_every = 1 # number of steps to run the policy (and collect experience) before updating network weights | |
replay_memory_capacity = int(1e6) # capacity of experience replay memory | |
minibatch_size = 1024 # size of minibatch from experience replay memory for updates | |
epsilon_start = 1.0 # probability of random action at start | |
epsilon_end = 0.05 # minimum probability of random action after linear decay period | |
epsilon_decay_length = 1e5 # number of steps over which to linearly decay epsilon | |
epsilon_decay_exp = 0.97 # exponential decay rate after reaching epsilon_end (per episode) | |
# game parameters | |
env = gym.make(env_to_use) | |
state_dim = # Get total number of dimensions in state | |
n_actions = env.action_space.n # Assuming discrete action space | |
# set seeds to 0 | |
env.seed(0) | |
np.random.seed(0) | |
# prepare monitorings | |
outdir = '/tmp/dqn-agent-results' | |
env = wrappers.Monitor(env, outdir, force=True) | |
def writefile(fname, s): | |
with open(path.join(outdir, fname), 'w') as fh: fh.write(s) | |
info = {} | |
info['env_id'] = | |
info['params'] = dict( | |
gamma = gamma, | |
h1 = h1, | |
h2 = h2, | |
h3 = h3, | |
lr = lr, | |
lr_decay = lr_decay, | |
l2_reg = l2_reg, | |
dropout = dropout, | |
num_episodes = num_episodes, | |
max_steps_ep = max_steps_ep, | |
slow_target_burnin = slow_target_burnin, | |
update_slow_target_every = update_slow_target_every, | |
train_every = train_every, | |
replay_memory_capacity = replay_memory_capacity, | |
minibatch_size = minibatch_size, | |
epsilon_start = epsilon_start, | |
epsilon_end = epsilon_end, | |
epsilon_decay_length = epsilon_decay_length, | |
epsilon_decay_exp = epsilon_decay_exp | |
) | |
##################################################################################################### | |
## Tensorflow | |
tf.reset_default_graph() | |
# placeholders | |
state_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None,state_dim]) # input to Q network | |
next_state_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None,state_dim]) # input to slow target network | |
action_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=[None]) # action indices (indices of Q network output) | |
reward_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None]) # rewards (go into target computation) | |
is_not_terminal_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None]) # indicators (go into target computation) | |
is_training_ph = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.bool, shape=()) # for dropout | |
# episode counter | |
episodes = tf.Variable(0.0, trainable=False, name='episodes') | |
episode_inc_op = episodes.assign_add(1) | |
# will use this to initialize both Q network and slowly-changing target network with same structure | |
def generate_network(s, trainable, reuse): | |
hidden = tf.layers.dense(s, h1, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense', reuse = reuse) | |
hidden_drop = tf.layers.dropout(hidden, rate = dropout, training = trainable & is_training_ph) | |
hidden_2 = tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop, h2, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_1', reuse = reuse) | |
hidden_drop_2 = tf.layers.dropout(hidden_2, rate = dropout, training = trainable & is_training_ph) | |
hidden_3 = tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop_2, h3, activation = tf.nn.relu, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_2', reuse = reuse) | |
hidden_drop_3 = tf.layers.dropout(hidden_3, rate = dropout, training = trainable & is_training_ph) | |
action_values = tf.squeeze(tf.layers.dense(hidden_drop_3, n_actions, trainable = trainable, name = 'dense_3', reuse = reuse)) | |
return action_values | |
with tf.variable_scope('q_network') as scope: | |
# Q network applied to state_ph | |
q_action_values = generate_network(state_ph, trainable = True, reuse = False) | |
# Q network applied to next_state_ph (for double Q learning) | |
q_action_values_next = tf.stop_gradient(generate_network(next_state_ph, trainable = False, reuse = True)) | |
# slow target network | |
with tf.variable_scope('slow_target_network', reuse=False): | |
# use stop_gradient to treat the output values as constant targets when doing backprop | |
slow_target_action_values = tf.stop_gradient(generate_network(next_state_ph, trainable = False, reuse = False)) | |
# isolate vars for each network | |
q_network_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope='q_network') | |
slow_target_network_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='slow_target_network') | |
# update values for slowly-changing target network to match current critic network | |
update_slow_target_ops = [] | |
for i, slow_target_var in enumerate(slow_target_network_vars): | |
update_slow_target_op = slow_target_var.assign(q_network_vars[i]) | |
update_slow_target_ops.append(update_slow_target_op) | |
update_slow_target_op =*update_slow_target_ops, name='update_slow_target') | |
# Q-learning targets y_i for (s,a) from experience replay | |
# = r_i + gamma*Q_slow(s',argmax_{a}Q(s',a)) if s' is not terminal | |
# = r_i if s' terminal | |
# Note that we're using Q_slow(s',argmax_{a}Q(s',a)) instead of max_{a}Q_slow(s',a) to address the maximization bias problem via Double Q-Learning | |
targets = reward_ph + is_not_terminal_ph * gamma * \ | |
tf.gather_nd(slow_target_action_values, tf.stack((tf.range(minibatch_size), tf.cast(tf.argmax(q_action_values_next, axis=1), tf.int32)), axis=1)) | |
# Estimated Q values for (s,a) from experience replay | |
estim_taken_action_vales = tf.gather_nd(q_action_values, tf.stack((tf.range(minibatch_size), action_ph), axis=1)) | |
# loss function (with regularization) | |
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(targets - estim_taken_action_vales)) | |
for var in q_network_vars: | |
if not 'bias' in | |
loss += l2_reg * 0.5 * tf.nn.l2_loss(var) | |
# optimizer | |
train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr*lr_decay**episodes).minimize(loss) | |
# initialize session | |
sess = tf.Session() | | | |
##################################################################################################### | |
## Training | |
total_steps = 0 | |
experience = deque(maxlen=replay_memory_capacity) | |
epsilon = epsilon_start | |
epsilon_linear_step = (epsilon_start-epsilon_end)/epsilon_decay_length | |
for ep in range(num_episodes): | |
total_reward = 0 | |
steps_in_ep = 0 | |
# Initial state | |
observation = env.reset() | |
# env.render() | |
for t in range(max_steps_ep): | |
# choose action according to epsilon-greedy policy wrt Q | |
if np.random.random() < epsilon: | |
action = np.random.randint(n_actions) | |
else: | |
q_s =, | |
feed_dict = {state_ph: observation[None], is_training_ph: False}) | |
action = np.argmax(q_s) | |
# take step | |
next_observation, reward, done, _info = env.step(action) | |
# env.render() | |
total_reward += reward | |
# add this to experience replay buffer | |
experience.append((observation, action, reward, next_observation, | |
# is next_observation a terminal state? | |
0.0 if done else 1.0)) | |
# update the slow target's weights to match the latest q network if it's time to do so | |
if total_steps%update_slow_target_every == 0: | |
_ = | |
# update network weights to fit a minibatch of experience | |
if total_steps%train_every == 0 and len(experience) >= minibatch_size: | |
# grab N (s,a,r,s') tuples from experience | |
minibatch = random.sample(experience, minibatch_size) | |
# do a train_op with all the inputs required | |
_ =, | |
feed_dict = { | |
state_ph: np.asarray([elem[0] for elem in minibatch]), | |
action_ph: np.asarray([elem[1] for elem in minibatch]), | |
reward_ph: np.asarray([elem[2] for elem in minibatch]), | |
next_state_ph: np.asarray([elem[3] for elem in minibatch]), | |
is_not_terminal_ph: np.asarray([elem[4] for elem in minibatch]), | |
is_training_ph: True}) | |
observation = next_observation | |
total_steps += 1 | |
steps_in_ep += 1 | |
# linearly decay epsilon from epsilon_start to epsilon_end over epsilon_decay_length steps | |
if total_steps < epsilon_decay_length: | |
epsilon -= epsilon_linear_step | |
# then exponentially decay it every episode | |
elif done: | |
epsilon *= epsilon_decay_exp | |
if total_steps == epsilon_decay_length: | |
print('--------------------------------MOVING TO EXPONENTIAL EPSILON DECAY-----------------------------------------') | |
if done: | |
# Increment episode counter | |
_ = | |
break | |
print('Episode %2i, Reward: %7.3f, Steps: %i, Next eps: %7.3f'%(ep,total_reward,steps_in_ep, epsilon)) | |
# Finalize and upload results | |
writefile('info.json', json.dumps(info)) | |
env.close() | |
gym.upload(outdir) |
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