Here is a CSS snippet for Obsidian to customize heading colors in the default theme where the headings are all the same color. This will help provide some contrast between the headings, without being too obnoxious.
Element | Color |
H1 | #7fbbb3 |
H2 | #83c092 |
H3 | #a7c080 |
H4 | #dbbc7f |
H5 | #e69875 |
H6 | #e67e80 |
Element | Color |
H1 | #5a93a2 |
H2 | #569d79 |
H3 | #899c40 |
H4 | #bf983d |
H5 | #f57d26 |
H6 | #f85552 |
Place custom-header-colors.css
file in your vault's snippets folder .obsidian/snippets
- Open settings
- Click the "Appearance" tab
- Activate "custom-header-colors"