Hidden system settings (click to expand the bulletpoints)
save screenshots to a folder on the desktop, instead of directly on the desktop
mkdir ~/Desktop/screenshots
defaults write com.apple.screencapture location ~/Desktop/screenshots
save window-screenshots without the shadow
defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool TRUE
killall SystemUIServer
de-localize the name of the Desktop-folder in finder (so it's not called "Schreibtisch")
rm ~/Desktop/.localized
remove the delay for the dock to appear, and speed up the autohide animation
defaults write com.apple.Dock autohide-delay -float 0
defaults write com.apple.dock autohide-time-modifier -float 0.1;killall Dock
now that the dock is fast, you should consider enabling dock-auto-hide and disabling dock magnification in the system settings
disable finder animations
defaults write com.apple.finder DisableAllAnimations -bool true
killall Finder
stop finder from creating .DS_Store files on shared network drives
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true
killall Finder
speed up the type-delay
this will make the key-repeat twice as fast as is usually configurable
defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1
disable desktop icons
defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop false; killall Finder
disable "Last login"-message on terminal start
touch ~/.hushlogin
Some essential programs
- brew (package manager)
- iTerm2 (Terminal replacement, can be installed with
brew cask install iterm2-nightly
) - oh-my-zsh (awesome shell plugins) (requires
, which can be installed withbrew install zsh zsh-completions
) - caffeine (makes your mac not fall asleep, can be installed with
brew cask install caffeine
Enable silent clicking
If you have a macbook from 2015, enable silent clicking in the system settings.
This does not affect how the clicks feel, it only changes the volume of the simulated click-sound.
This setting was removed for macbooks from >= 2016 (see here)
Adjust the click pressure
Adjust the click pressure to the lightest setting in the system settings. At least for me,
it's actually easier on the fingers and less straining.
Disable screenshot-delay
press cmd+shift+5 to open the screen-recording menu. select options and disable "show floating thumbnail". This has the downside of disabling the small preview you get when taking a screenshot, but it also removes the delay between taking a screenshot and the picture being saved to disk.
Keep the dock clean
Remove EVERYTHING from the dock you don't need. I got like 8 items in the dock
(including finder and trash bin). keep only the things you really need every day, like
Keep the menubar clean
Remove EVERYTHING from your menubar you don't need using bartender. I only got 5 to 6
items in there, including the ones you can't remove. Keep only the things you actually
use every day in your main menu bar, and only the things you sometimes use in your
secondary menu bar. Remove everything else. I only have
- The battery-percentage (only when not fully charged)
- A system-stats-icon (from iStatMenus)
- The wifi icon
- The clock
- The bartender-menu-bar-switcher
- the notification center (this one only because it can't be removed (you could remove it with bartender on older osx versions))
Improve the window-management
For a windows-like window-positioning using the mouse have a look at solutions like magnet or better-snap-tool
Useful keyboard shortcuts
- fullscreen-screenshot:
- free-selection-screenshot:
- screenshot of a window:
, then pressingspace
- touchbar-screenshot:
- You can switch between applications with
, but you can also switch
between the windows of the cureently active application with⌘+>/<
- rotate images and videos 90 deg. clockwise (in finder):
Fully customize the touchbar
For a fully customizable touchbar, have a look at BetterTouchTool.
For some inspiration on what to do with the touchbar, have a look at these presets
Here is how to configure iterm2 to have a minimalistic look like this:
- macOS Mojave (macOS 10.14) or higher
- iTerm2 3.3 or higher (only available in nightly builds at the time of writing this)
Configuring iTerm2
All the following settings are found in Profiles > Open Profiles > Edit Profiles
- General:
- Check
quit when all windows are closed
- Check
- Appearance:
- Set
(this makes the title bar have the terminals background color in compact mode) - Uncheck
Show tab numbers
- Uncheck
Show tab close buttons
(keep this checked if you'd like the close buttons to always show as kind of a tab-divider) - Uncheck
Show new-ouput indicator
- Uncheck
Show window number in title bar
- Check
Hide scrollbars
- Uncheck
Show line under title bar when tab bar is not visible
- Set
- Profiles
- General
- Set
toSession Name
(this makes the tabs titles show what is running instead of the name of the iTerm2-profile)
- Set
- Color
- Configure the colors to your liking. The importable color-preset used in the screenshot is here
- Window
- Set
(this makes the tabs be inside the title bar)
- Set
- General
- Advanced
- set
Tab bar height (points) for...
(this is about regular title bar height) - set
In minmal tab style, how different...
(this makes the inactive tabs have the same background color as the active one, so the terminal window looks more uniform) - set
In minmal tab style, how prominent...
(this makes the tab-divider-line invisible)
- set
Add this to the end of your ~/.zshrc
to replace the default prompt:
with a simpler one, that conveys the same information: