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Created July 11, 2018 14:24
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Latest Makefile
# #
# EXPERIMENTAL - Only use if you know what you're doing #
# #
BASE := $(shell /bin/pwd)
# Python vars #
SERVICE ?= service_not_defined
# SAM vars #
$(info ${HELP_MESSAGE})
@exit 0
clean: ##=> Deletes current build environment and latest build
$(info [*] Who needs all that anyway? Destroying environment....)
rm -rf ./${SERVICE}/build
rm -rf ./${SERVICE}.zip
find . -type d -name '*pycache*' -exec rm -rf {} \;
all: clean build
install: _install_packages _install_dev_packages
@pipenv shell
package: _check_service_definition ##=> Builds package using Docker Lambda container
ifeq ($(DOCKER),1)
$(info [*] Cleaning up local dev/builds before build task...)
$(info [+] Packaging service '$(SERVICE)' using Docker Lambda -- This may take a while...)
docker run -v $$PWD:/var/task -it lambci/lambda:build-python3.6 /bin/bash -c 'make _package SERVICE="${SERVICE}"'
$(info [*] Cleaning up local builds before build task...)
$(info [+] Packaging service '$(SERVICE)' -- This may take a while...)
@$(MAKE) _package SERVICE="${SERVICE}"
build: _check_service_definition _clone_service_to_build ##=> Same as package except that we don't create a ZIP
@$(MAKE) _install_deps SERVICE="${SERVICE}"
run: ##=> Run SAM Local API GW and can optionally run new containers connected to a defined network
@test -z ${NETWORK} \
&& sam local start-api \
|| sam local start-api --docker-network ${NETWORK}
test: ##=> Run pytest
@AWS_XRAY_CONTEXT_MISSING=LOG_ERROR pipenv run python -m pytest --cov . --cov-report term-missing --cov-fail-under $(CODE_COVERAGE) tests/ -v
# Helpers #
$(info [*] Install required packages...)
@pipenv shell \
&& @pipenv install
$(info [*] Install required dev-packages...)
@pipenv shell \
&& @pipenv install -d
$(info [*] Checking whether service $(SERVICE) exists...)
# SERVICE="<name_of_service>" must be passed as ARG for target or else fail
ifndef SERVICE
$(error [!] SERVICE env not defined...FAIL)
ifeq ($(wildcard $(SERVICE)/.),)
$(error [!] '$(SERVICE)' folder doesn't exist)
ifeq ($(wildcard Pipfile),)
$(error [!] Pipfile dependencies file missing from $(BASE) folder...)
ifeq ($(wildcard $(SERVICE)/build/.),)
$(info [+] Cloning ${SERVICE} directory structure to ${SERVICE}/build)
rsync -a -f "+ */" -f "- *" ${SERVICE}/ ${SERVICE}/build/
$(info [+] Cloning source files from ${SERVICE} to ${SERVICE}/build)
@find ${SERVICE} -type f \
-not -name "*.pyc" \
-not -name "*__pycache__" \
-not -name "requirements.txt" \
-not -name "event.json" \
-not -name "build" | cut -d '/' -f2- > .results.txt
@while read line; do \
ln -f ${SERVICE}/$$line ${SERVICE}/build/$$line; \
done < .results.txt
rm -f .results.txt
$(info [-] '$(SERVICE)' already has a development build - Ignoring cloning task...)
_check_dev_definition: _check_service_definition
$(info [*] Checking whether service $(SERVICE) development build exists...)
ifeq ($(wildcard $(SERVICE)/build/.),)
$(warning [FIX] run 'make build SERVICE=$(SERVICE)' to create one")
$(error [!] '$(SERVICE)' doesn't have development build)
$(info [+] Installing '$(SERVICE)' dependencies...")
@pip install pipenv
@pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
@pipenv run pip install \
--isolated \
--disable-pip-version-check \
-Ur requirements.txt -t ${SERVICE}/build/
@rm -f requirements.txt
# Package application and devs together in expected zip from build
_package: _clone_service_to_build _check_service_definition _install_deps
# As its name states: Zip everything up from build
_zip: _check_dev_definition
$(info [+] Creating '$(SERVICE)' ZIP...")
@cd ${SERVICE}/build && zip -rq -9 "$(BASE)/$(SERVICE).zip" * \
--exclude "wheel/*" "setuptools/*" "pkg_resources/*" "pip/*" \
"" "__pycache__/*" "*.dist-info/*" "./**/__pycache__/*"
$(info [*] Build complete: $(BASE)/$(SERVICE).zip)
Environment variables to be aware of or to hardcode depending on your use case:
Default: not_defined
Info: Environment variable to declare where source code for lambda is
Default: not_defined
Info: Environment variable to declare whether Docker should be used to build (great for C-deps)
Common usage:
...::: Installs all required packages as defined in the pipfile :::...
$ make install
...::: Spawn a virtual environment shell :::...
$ make shell
...::: Cleans up the environment - Deletes Virtualenv, ZIP builds and Dev env :::...
$ make clean SERVICE="slack"
...::: Creates local dev environment for Python hot-reloading w/ packages:::...
$ make build SERVICE="first_function"
...::: Bundles app and dependencies into a ZIP file :::...
$ make package SERVICE="email"
...::: Bundles app and dependencies into a ZIP file using Docker:::...
$ make package SERVICE="email" DOCKER=1
...::: Run SAM Local API Gateway :::...
$ make run
...::: Run Pytest under tests/ with pipenv :::...
$ make test
Advanced usage:
...::: Run SAM Local API Gateway within a Docker Network :::...
$ make run NETWORK="sam-network"
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