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Created March 5, 2012 17:38
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Markdown brush for SyntaxHighlighter
* SyntaxHighlighter
* SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using it, please donate.
* @version
* 3.0.83 (July 02 2010)
* @copyright
* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Alex Gorbatchev.
* @license
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
* shBrushMarkdown.js
* @version
* 1.0.0 (March 06 2012)
* @copyright
* copyright (C) 2012 hekt <>.
* @license
* MIT license
;(function() {
// CommonJS
typeof(require) != 'undefined' ? SyntaxHighlighter = require('shCore').SyntaxHighlighter : null;
function Brush() {
this.regexList = [
{regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.xmlComments,
css: 'comments'}, // comments
{regex: new RegExp('.+\\n([=-]{4,})', 'gm'),
css: 'functions' }, // headers
{regex: new RegExp('^#+\\s+.*', 'gm'),
css: 'functions' }, // headers
{regex: new RegExp('^(>|&gt;)\\s+.*', 'gm'),
css: 'string' }, // blockquotes
{regex: new RegExp('^([0-9]+.|[*+-])\\s', 'gm'),
css: 'keyword' }, // lists
{regex: new RegExp('\\n\\n((\\s{4,}|\\t).*\\n?)+', 'gm'),
css: 'constants' }, // code block
{regex: new RegExp('^([*-_])(\\1{2,}|(\\s\\1){2,}).*', 'gm'),
css: 'functions' }, // horizontal rules
{regex: new RegExp('\\!?\\[[^\\]]*\\]\\s?(\\([^\\)]*\\)|\\[[^\\]]*\\])',
css: 'keyword'}, // links and images
{regex: new RegExp('^\\s{0,3}\\[[^\\]]*\\]:\\s.*', 'gm'),
css: 'string'}, // references
{regex: new RegExp('\\*([^*\\s]([^*]|\\\\\\*)*[^*\\s]|[^*\\s])\\*',
css: 'italic' }, // emphasis *
{regex: new RegExp('\\_([^_\\s]([^_]|\\\\_)*[^_\\s]|[^_\\s])_', 'gm'),
css: 'italic' }, // emphasis _
{regex: new RegExp('\\*{2}([^\\s]([^*]|\\\\\\*\\*|[^*]\\*[^*])*[^\\s]|[^*\\s])\\*{2}',
css: 'bold' }, // emphasis **
{regex: new RegExp('__([^\\s]([^_]|\\\\__|[^_]_[^_])*[^\\s]|[^_\\s])__',
css: 'bold' }, // emphasis __
{regex: new RegExp('`(\\\\`|[^`])+`', 'gm'),
css: 'constants' }, // code `
{regex: new RegExp('(`{2,}).*\\1', 'gm'),
css: 'constants' }, // code ``
{regex: new RegExp('(<|&lt;).+[:@].+(>|&gt;)', 'gm'),
css: 'keyword' } // automatic links
Brush.prototype = new SyntaxHighlighter.Highlighter();
Brush.aliases = ['md', 'mdt', 'markdown'];
SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Markdown = Brush;
// CommonJS
typeof(exports) != 'undefined' ? exports.Brush = Brush : null;
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Note: If you are attempting to add this to Conlfuence's Code Macro as an additional language, you may need to line 34 to read:

SyntaxHighlighter = SyntaxHighlighter || (typeof require !== 'undefined' ? require('shCore').SyntaxHighlighter : null);

This line was stolen from the test fixtures for v3 brushes here:

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