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Created July 5, 2023 19:21
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A Windows installer for Sublime Text, Luau LSP, and Roblox definitions and documentation files
$sublHasPath = $FALSE
$luauLSPHasPath = $FALSE
$luauLspFolder = $NULL
try {
# Install Sublime
winget.exe install -e --id SublimeHQ.SublimeText.4 --force
# Check if Sublime is under our PATH environment
ForEach ($PATH in $env:PATH.Split(';')) {
$sublHasPath = ($PATH -like "*$env:HOMEDRIVE\Program Files\Sublime Text*")
if ($sublHasPath -eq $TRUE) {
} finally {
if ($sublHasPath -eq $TRUE) {
Write-Host "Sublime Text already in PATH"
} else {
# Write Sublime to our PATH environment
$env:PATH += ";$env:HOMEDRIVE\Program Files\Sublime Text"
Write-Host "Sublime Text written to PATH"
# Install Package Control
subl.exe --command "install_package_control"
## Install LSP (unfortunately, this is impossible, see:
subl.exe --command "advanced_install_package {\"packages\": \"LSP\"}"
} try {
If (Test-Path "$HOME\.luau-lsp\bin") {
$luauLspFolder = (Get-Item -Path "$HOME\.luau-lsp\bin" -Force).FullName
} else {
$luauLspFolder = (New-Item -Path "$HOME\.luau-lsp\bin" -ItemType Directory -Force).FullName
# Remove all files in the luau-lsp folder
ForEach ($item in Get-ChildItem $luauLspFolder) {
Remove-Item $item.FullName -Force
} finally {
## Get luau-lsp.exe
curl.exe "" -L -o "$HOME\.luau-lsp\bin\"
Expand-Archive "$HOME\.luau-lsp\bin\" -DestinationPath "$HOME\.luau-lsp\bin"
Remove-Item "$HOME\.luau-lsp\bin\" -Force
try {
# Check to see if we have luau-lsp.exe in our PATH environment
ForEach ($PATH in $env:PATH.Split(';')) {
$luauLSPHasPath = ($PATH -like "*$env:HOMEDRIVE\Program Files\Sublime Text*")
if ($luauLSPHasPath -eq $TRUE) {
} finally {
if ($luauLSPHasPath -eq $TRUE) {
Write-Host "luau-lsp already in PATH"
} else {
# Add luau-lsp.exe to our PATH environment
$env:PATH += ";$HOME\.luau-lsp\bin"
Write-Host "luau-lsp written to PATH"
## Get Roblox api-docs.json and Roblox globalTypes.d.lua
curl.exe "" -o "$HOME\.luau-lsp\api-docs.json"
curl.exe "" -o "$HOME\.luau-lsp\globalTypes.d.lua"
## Get Luau LSP and Rojo .sublime-build gists (WIP)
# curl.exe "" -o "$HOME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User\luau-lsp-get.sublime-build"
# curl.exe "" -o "$HOME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User\rojo-builder.sublime-build"
## Get LSP Settings
curl.exe "" -o "$HOME\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages\User\LSP.sublime-settings"
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