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Justin Molineaux hellojustin

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hellojustin / temp_table_read_examples.rb
Created January 23, 2025 11:01
Reading from a Temp Table that is Dropped on Commit
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Temp Table Read Example
# Demonstrating how data can be read from a temp table
# that is nomrally dropped when a transaction is committed,
# without altering the transaction.
# cp <this file> <rails project root>
# cd <rails project w/ db>
Xen Minimal OS!
start_info: 0x18ae000(VA)
nr_pages: 0x1e0000
shared_inf: 0x7daf3000(MA)
pt_base: 0x18b1000(VA)
nr_pt_frames: 0x11
mfn_list: 0x9ae000(VA)
mod_start: 0x0(VA)
mod_len: 0
flags: 0x0
hellojustin / gist:ac8035822538f6a4ccda
Created February 4, 2015 20:40
Running a custom unit at CoreOS startup
# generate a new token for each unique cluster from
# uncomment the following line and replace it with your discovery URL
# discovery:
addr: $private_ipv4:4001
peer-addr: $private_ipv4:7001
# give etcd more time if it's under heavy load - prevent leader election thrashing
hellojustin / landing_page.html
Last active December 21, 2015 01:29
Boilerplate HTML5 markup for a landing/explainer page.
<header class='stage'>
<nav class='top-of-page-links'>
<div class='brand'>
<div class='primary call-to-action'>