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David Fontenot hellyeah

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import requests
sites = get_sites_from_db()
for s in sites:
r = requests.head(s)
if r.status_code in [404,500]:
except Exception:
{"created_time":"2015-09-30T05:01:46+0000","message":"there's this project that I really need all of your help and input on. \n\nWhat are some micro aggressions you've ever experienced?\n\nIf you feel more comfortable PMing me, please do so as well, you have my complete support and confidentiality :)","actions":[{"name":"Like","link":"https:\/\/\/groups\/LadiesStormHackathons\/permalink\/1639069169681491\/"},{"name":"Comment","link":"https:\/\/\/groups\/LadiesStormHackathons\/permalink\/1639069169681491\/"},{"name":"Create Group Chat","link":"https:\/\/\/groups\/LadiesStormHackathons\/"}],"comments":{"data":[{"id":"1639069766348098","from":{"name":"Hallie Lomax","id":"10204765677278720"},"message":"I remember going to a hackathon and walking up to say hi to a recruiter from a company that I'd interned at the year before. She assumed I was a business business school student, who'd gone through one of their non-technical programs.","can_remove":false,"created_time
class ScrollViewController: UIViewController, UIScrollViewDelegate {
var scrollView: UIScrollView!
var imageView: UIImageView!
var pageControl: UIPageControl!
override func viewDidLoad() {
scrollView = UIScrollView(frame: view.bounds)
var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('_1pu2');
for(var i=0;i<inputs.length;i++)
{ inputs[i].click(); }
import Romans from "roman-numerals"
var toRoman = Romans.toRoman
hackathons = [{title: "MHacks", organizer: "Dave Font", img: ''},
{title: "HackDuke", organizer: "Ashley Qian", img: ''},
{title: "HackHolyoke", organizer: "Eva Snyder", img: ''},
{title: "Cal Hacks", organizer: "Evadora", img: ''}]
cover = romanNumeral => `${toRoman(romanNumeral+1)}.svg`
//hackathons = [{title: 'blah', author:'blahblah'}]
import Romans from "roman-numerals"
let toRoman = Romans.toRoman
let hackathons = [{title: "MHacks", organizer: "Dave Font", img: ''},
{title: "HackDuke", organizer: "Ashley Qian", img: ''},
{title: "HackHolyoke", organizer: "Eva Snyder", img: ''},
{title: "Cal Hacks", organizer: "Evadora", img: ''}]
let cover = romanNumeral => `${romanNumeral}.svg`
//hackathons = [{title: 'blah', author:'blahblah'}]
//give me cash l
function getMePlaces(lat, long) {
return _array_of_places_

Day One: InstaCache Goal: working app in 12 hours (11pm)

11am Hacking Starts Customer Discovery 3pm Start building iOS Consumer app/Whatsapp vendor app 6pm Dinner 11pm Demos

if !(annotation is MKPointAnnotation) {
return nil
let twentyDollars = UIAlertAction(title: "$20", style: .Default, handler: {
(alert: UIAlertAction!) -> Void in
//poss do asyc funcs? idk how to code that but it would give the vc time to initialize and find current loc & render map
let vc = self.mainStoryboard.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MapViewController") as! MapViewController
self.presentViewController(loadingAlert, animated: true, completion: {() -> Void in
self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: {() -> Void in
self.showViewController(vc, sender: self)})
print("20 Selected")