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Forked from neromatrix/NPW2500.yaml
Created February 27, 2024 12:27
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# No Power Wasted 2500
# ESPHome Software für alle gängigen Versionen des Balkonspeichers xy2500.
# Diese Version ist speziell für Verwendung mit dem Home Assistant ausgelegt und
# inkludiert die Kommunikation mit diesem, Regelung für Nulleinspeisung (funktioniert auch ohne Akku)
# und in Zukunft einiges mehr.
# Die Kommunikation mit dem Balkonspeichers xy2500 basiert auf der Arbeit von noone2K.
# Die Hauptseite für neue Entwicklungen, Integration MQTT, openhab usw. findet ihr unter:
# Mögen euch die Bits gnädig sein,
# neromatrix
name: npw2500
friendly_name: No Power Wasted 2500
board: esp32dev
type: esp-idf
#ota: #remove '#' to use ota
# Enable wifi
id: npw2500_wifi
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
reboot_timeout: 0s
fast_connect: True
# Enable Home Assistant API
# Enable logging
#web_server: #remove '#' to use web_server
# port: 80
# local: true
# js_include: "./v2/www.js"
# js_url: "/0.js"
# version: 2
#mqtt: #remove '#' to use mqtt
# id: npw2500_mqtt_client
# broker: # IP of HA broker
# username: username # username of HA mqtt username
# password: xyz # password of HA mqtt password
# discovery: False
# reboot_timeout: 0s
# topic_prefix: npw2500
# log_topic: npw2500/debug
- mac_address: e8:8d:a6:56:00:00 # mac address of the batterie, you find it in in the App
id: npw2500_ble
- id: npw2500_boot_state
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '0'
- id: npw2500_grid_old_value
type: int
restore_value: no
initial_value: '0'
- platform: version
id: npw2500_version
name: "No Power Wasted 2500"
hide_timestamp: true
- platform: template
name: ESP Ble connected
id: npw2500_ble_connected
# state_topic: npw2500/service/ble_connected
- platform: template
name: ESP Wifi connected
id: npw2500_wifi_connected
# state_topic: npw2500/service/wifi_connected
- platform: template
name: ESP HA connected
id: npw2500_api_connected
# state_topic: npw2500/service/ha_connected
# - platform: template
# name: ESP MQTT connected
# id: npw2500_mqtt_connected
# state_topic: npw2500/service/mqtt_connected
- platform: template
name: Input Ch1 active
id: npw2500_input_ch1_active
# state_topic: npw2500/inputs/ch1_active
- platform: template
name: Input Ch2 active
id: npw2500_input_ch2_active
# state_topic: npw2500/inputs/ch2_active
- platform: template
name: Input Ch1 transparent
id: npw2500_input_ch1_transparent
# state_topic: npw2500/inputs/ch1_transparent
- platform: template
name: Input Ch2 transparent
id: npw2500_input_ch2_transparent
# state_topic: npw2500/inputs/ch2_transparent
- platform: template
name: Battery WiFi connected
id: npw2500_battery_wifi
# state_topic: npw2500/status/battery_wifi
- platform: template
name: Battery MQTT connected
id: npw2500_battery_mqtt
# state_topic: npw2500/status/battery_mqtt
- platform: template
name: Ouput Ch1 active
id: npw2500_power_ch1_active
# state_topic: npw2500/outputs/ch1_active
- platform: template
name: Ouput Ch2 active
id: npw2500_power_ch2_active
# state_topic: npw2500/outputs/ch2_active
- platform: template
name: PassThrough active
id: npw2500_passthrough_active
# state_topic: npw2500/outputs/passthrough_active
#### Input Power
- platform: template
name: Input Power
id: npw2500_input_power
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/inputs/input_power
### NPW2500 Input Ch1
- platform: template
name: Input Ch1 Power
id: npw2500_input_power_ch1
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/inputs/input_power_ch1
### NPW2500 Input Ch2
- platform: template
name: Input Ch2 Power
id: npw2500_input_power_ch2
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/inputs/input_power_ch2
#### Ouput Power
- platform: template
name: Output Power
id: npw2500_output_power
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/outputs/output_power
#### InOutput Power
- platform: template
name: Battery Power InOut
id: npw2500_inout_power
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
update_interval: 10s
lambda: |-
return (id(npw2500_input_power).state - id(npw2500_output_power).state);
# state_topic: npw2500/battery/inoutput_power
#### Ouput Power Ch1
- platform: template
name: Output Power Ch1
id: npw2500_output_power_ch1
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/outputs/output_power_ch1
#### Ouput Power Ch2
- platform: template
name: Output Power Ch2
id: npw2500_output_power_ch2
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/outputs/output_power_ch2
- platform: template
name: "Battery SOC"
id: npw2500_soc
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: 'battery'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/battery/soc
- platform: template
name: Battery SOC calc.
id: npw2500_soc_calc
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: 'battery'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/battery/soc_calc
- platform: template
name: Battery remaining capacity
id: npw2500_brc
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'battery'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/battery/brc
### Ha Integration
- platform: homeassistant
name: Grid Power
id: npw2500_grid_power
entity_id: sensor.grid_power
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
internal: false
### Ha Integration
- platform: homeassistant
name: openDTU Power limit relative
id: npw2500_limit_nonpersistent_relative
entity_id: number.hm_800_limit_nonpersistent_relative
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
internal: false
### Ha Integration
- platform: template
name: openDTU Value
id: opendtu_limit_nonpersistent_relative
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
internal: true
- platform: template
name: Temperature Sensor 1
id: npw2500_temperature_1
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
device_class: 'temperature'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/cells/temperature1
- platform: template
name: Temperature Sensor 2
id: npw2500_temperature_2
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
device_class: 'temperature'
accuracy_decimals: 0
# state_topic: npw2500/cells/temperature2
- platform: template
name: "Cell Voltage sum"
id: npw2500_cell_vsum
unit_of_measurement: 'V'
device_class: 'voltage'
accuracy_decimals: 3
# state_topic: npw2500/cells/cell_vsum
- platform: template
name: "Cell Voltage max"
id: npw2500_cell_vmax
unit_of_measurement: 'V'
device_class: 'voltage'
accuracy_decimals: 3
# state_topic: npw2500/cells/cell_vmax
- platform: template
name: "Cell Voltage min"
id: npw2500_cell_vmin
unit_of_measurement: 'V'
device_class: 'voltage'
accuracy_decimals: 3
# state_topic: npw2500/cells/cell_vmin
- platform: template
name: "Cell Voltage avg"
id: npw2500_cell_vavg
unit_of_measurement: 'V'
device_class: 'voltage'
accuracy_decimals: 3
# state_topic: npw2500/cells/cell_vavg
- platform: template
name: "Cell Voltage diff"
id: npw2500_cell_vdiff
unit_of_measurement: 'V'
device_class: 'voltage'
accuracy_decimals: 3
# state_topic: npw2500/cells/cell_vdiff
- platform: template
name: Discharge threshold
id: npw2500_discharge_treshold_value
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
- platform: template
name: Solar Charge threshold
id: npw2500_solar_charge_treshold_value
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'power'
accuracy_decimals: 0
- platform: template
name: "Battery Version"
id: npw2500_device_version
accuracy_decimals: 3
# state_topic: npw2500/device_version
- platform: ble_client
ble_client_id: npw2500_ble
type: characteristic
name: "npw2500Info"
id: npw2500_Info
service_uuid: 'ff00'
characteristic_uuid: 'ff02'
update_interval: never
internal: True
notify: True
lambda: |-
std::vector<char> xdata;
for (auto b : x) { xdata.push_back(b); }
return (float)x[0];
- platform: template
name: Power Out Switch Ch1
id: npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1
icon: mdi:toggle-switch
# state_topic: npw2500/switch/powerout_ch1_switch
optimistic: True
assumed_state: False
- script.execute:
id: ble_switch_powerout
- script.execute:
id: ble_switch_powerout
- platform: template
name: Power Out Switch Ch2
id: npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2
icon: mdi:toggle-switch
# state_topic: npw2500/switch/powerout_ch2_switch
optimistic: True
assumed_state: False
- script.execute:
id: ble_switch_powerout
- script.execute:
id: ble_switch_powerout
- platform: template
name: PV2 Passtrough Switch
id: npw2500_powerout_pv2_switch
icon: mdi:toggle-switch
#state_topic: npw2500/switch/powerout_pv2_switch
optimistic: True
#assumed_state: False
- script.execute:
id: ble_command
ble_cmd: 0x0D
ble_cmd_parm: 0x01
- script.wait: ble_command
- script.execute:
id: ble_command
ble_cmd: 0x0D
ble_cmd_parm: 0x00
- script.wait: ble_command
- platform: template
name: ZeroPower enabled
id: npw2500_zeropower_enabled
optimistic: True
- platform: template
name: Discharge threshold
id: npw2500_discharge_treshold
# state_topic: npw2500/treshold/discharge_treshold
min_value: 10
max_value: 90
step: 1
optimistic: true
initial_value : 90
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: 'battery'
icon: 'mdi:speedometer'
- script.execute:
id: ble_command
ble_cmd: 0x0B
ble_cmd_parm: !lambda 'return x;'
- script.wait: ble_command
- platform: template
name: Solar Charge threshold
id: npw2500_solar_charge_threshold
# state_topic: npw2500/treshold/solar_power_threshold
min_value: 0
max_value: 500
step: 10
initial_value : 500
optimistic: true
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
device_class: 'battery'
icon: 'mdi:speedometer'
- script.execute:
id: ble_command
ble_cmd: 0x0C
ble_cmd_parm: !lambda 'return int(x);'
- script.wait: ble_command
############## HA Integration ##############################
- platform: template
name: npw2500 openDTU limit relative
id: npw2500_hm_800_limit_nonpersistent_relative
min_value: 0
max_value: 100
step: 1
optimistic: true
internal: True
#restore_value: true
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: 'battery'
icon: 'mdi:speedometer'
- logger.log: "----------------------------"
- homeassistant.service:
service: number.set_value
entity_id: number.hm_800_limit_nonpersistent_relative
value: !lambda |-
ESP_LOGD("limit","limit = %d" , int(x));
return int(x);
- platform: template
name: Set max. Power Limit rel.
id: npw2500_zeropower_max_powerlimit_rel
#state_topic: npw2500/treshold/solar_power_threshold
min_value: 10
max_value: 100
step: 1
optimistic: true
restore_value: true
unit_of_measurement: '%'
device_class: 'battery'
icon: 'mdi:speedometer'
############## HA Integration ##############################
- platform: homeassistant
id: homeassistant_time
- logger.log: "Synchronized system clock"
- interval: 5 sec
- logger.log: "Auf gehts..."
- lambda: |-
ESP_LOGD("npw2500","service HA api: %d wifi: %d ble: %d",
- if:
lambda: 'return id(npw2500_wifi).is_connected() && global_api_server->is_connected();'
- script.execute:
id: power_zero
- logger.log: "power_zero called"
- delay: 1 sec
- if:
lambda: 'return id(npw2500_ble).connected();'
- script.execute:
id: ble_command
ble_cmd: 0x03
ble_cmd_parm: 0x01
- logger.log: "Request command 0x03 sent"
- delay: 1 sec
- script.execute:
id: ble_command
ble_cmd: 0x0f
ble_cmd_parm: 0x01
- logger.log: "Request command 0x0f sent"
- delay: 1 sec
- id: ble_parse_response
x: char[]
lambda: |-
//ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEXDUMP("npw2500", &x[0], x.size(), ESP_LOG_ERROR);
//### Cell parser by neromatrix ###
//### Ver. 0.3 ###
if ((std::count (x.begin(), x.end(), '_') == 16) || (std::count (x.begin(), x.begin() + 10, '_') == 3))
int pos = 0;
int soc = 0;
int t1 = 0;
int t2 = 0;
float cv = 0.0;
float cmin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float cmax = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();
float ct = 0.0;
int found = -1;
char delimiter = '_';
std::string xstr;
ESP_LOGD("npw2500","Parsing cell information, response of request command 0xf");
xstr.assign(x.begin(), x.end()); // copy values from vector into string xstr, deep copy
xstr = xstr + delimiter; // append delimiter to xstr
found = xstr.find(delimiter); // search for position of the first delimiter
while (found != -1) // loop until no more delimiter found
if(pos == 0) soc = atoi( xstr.substr(0, found).c_str()); // pos 0 get int value of device SOC // pos 0 don't care
if(pos == 1) t1 = atoi( xstr.substr(0, found).c_str()); // pos 1 get int value of temperature sensor 1
if(pos == 2) t2 = atoi( xstr.substr(0, found).c_str()); // pos 2 get int value of temperature sensor 2
if((pos >= 3) && (pos <= 16)) // pos 3-16 parse pos for the 14 cell voltages
ct = atof( xstr.substr(0, found).c_str()); // get float value of pos x
cv += ct; // add actual value to var cv
if(ct > cmax) cmax = ct; // check for higher value as stored in cmax
if(ct < cmin) cmin = ct; // check for lower value as stored in cmin
xstr.erase(xstr.begin(), xstr.begin() + found + 1); // remove parsed string part
found = xstr.find(delimiter); // find next delimiter
pos++; // increment pos
/* calculate SoC from cell voltages
cell empty = lowlimit = 0% SoC
cell full = highlimit = 100% SoC
float lowlimit = 3.0; // low voltage limit
float highlimit = 3.64; // high voltage limit
float soccalc = 100*((cv/14000)
- highlimit)/(highlimit - lowlimit) + 100; // equation of line with two points (0,lowlimit) (100,highlimit)
id(npw2500_soc_calc).publish_state(soccalc); // SOC calculated from cell voltages (%)
id(npw2500_temperature_1).publish_state(t1); // Temperature 1 (°C)
id(npw2500_temperature_2).publish_state(t2); // Temperature 2 (°C)
id(npw2500_cell_vsum).publish_state(cv/1000); // sum of cellvoltages = battery Voltage(V)
id(npw2500_cell_vmin).publish_state(cmin/1000); // lowest cellvoltage (V)
id(npw2500_cell_vmax).publish_state(cmax/1000); // highest cellvoltage (V)
id(npw2500_cell_vdiff).publish_state((cmax-cmin)/1000); // difference high-low (V)
id(npw2500_cell_vavg).publish_state(cv/14000); // avarage cellvoltage (V)
else if((x[3] == 3) && (x.size() == 31))
ESP_LOGD("npw2500","Parsing response of request command 0x3");
// Input power ch1
int inputpower1 = x[6] | x[7] << 8;
// Input power ch2
int inputpower2 = x[8] | x[9] << 8;
// Input power ch1 + ch2
id(npw2500_input_power).publish_state(inputpower1 + inputpower2);
// Output power Ch1
int outputpower1 = x[24] | x[25] << 8;
// Output power Ch2
int outputpower2 = x[26] | x[27] << 8;
// Output power Ch1 + Ch2
id(npw2500_output_power).publish_state(outputpower1 + outputpower2);
// Input-Output power
//id(ipoi).publish_state(inputpower1 + inputpower2 - outputpower1 - outputpower2);
//int dod_level = x[18];
if(id(npw2500_boot_state) == 0) id(npw2500_discharge_treshold).publish_state(x[18]);
//Solar Treshold
id(npw2500_solar_charge_treshold_value).publish_state(x[19] | x[20] << 8);
if(id(npw2500_boot_state) == 0) id(npw2500_solar_charge_threshold).publish_state(x[19] | x[20] << 8);
// Battery state of charge %
id(npw2500_soc).publish_state((x[10] | x[11] << 8 ) / 10);
// Battery remaining capacity
id(npw2500_brc).publish_state(x[22] | x[23] << 8);
// update active and transparent state of input channels
if( x[4] == 0x00 ) { id(npw2500_input_ch1_active).publish_state(false); id(npw2500_input_ch1_transparent).publish_state(false); }
if( x[4] == 0x01 ) { id(npw2500_input_ch1_active).publish_state(true); id(npw2500_input_ch1_transparent).publish_state(false); }
if( x[4] == 0x02 ) { id(npw2500_input_ch1_active).publish_state(true); id(npw2500_input_ch1_transparent).publish_state(true); }
if( x[5] == 0x00 ) { id(npw2500_input_ch2_active).publish_state(false); id(npw2500_input_ch2_transparent).publish_state(false); }
if( x[5] == 0x01 ) { id(npw2500_input_ch2_active).publish_state(true); id(npw2500_input_ch2_transparent).publish_state(false); }
if( x[5] == 0x02 ) { id(npw2500_input_ch2_active).publish_state(true); id(npw2500_input_ch2_transparent).publish_state(true); }
float dev_version = x[12];
id(npw2500_device_version).publish_state(dev_version / 100);
if(id(npw2500_boot_state) == 0)
if( x[13] == 0x00 ) { id(npw2500_powerout_pv2_switch).turn_on(); }
if( x[13] == 0x01 ) { id(npw2500_powerout_pv2_switch).turn_off(); }
id(npw2500_passthrough_active).publish_state(x[13] == 0);
// update powerout switches state
if(id(npw2500_boot_state) == 0)
if( x[14] == 0x00 ) { id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1).turn_off(); id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2).turn_off();}
if( x[14] == 0x01 ) { id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1).turn_on(); id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2).turn_off();}
if( x[14] == 0x02 ) { id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1).turn_off(); id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2).turn_on(); }
if( x[14] == 0x03 ) { id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1).turn_on(); id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2).turn_on(); }
if( x[15] == 0x00 ) { id(npw2500_battery_wifi).publish_state(false); id(npw2500_battery_mqtt).publish_state(false); }
if( x[15] == 0x01 ) { id(npw2500_battery_wifi).publish_state(true); id(npw2500_battery_mqtt).publish_state(false); }
if( x[15] == 0x02 ) { id(npw2500_battery_wifi).publish_state(true); id(npw2500_battery_mqtt).publish_state(true); }
if( x[16] == 0x00 ) { id(npw2500_power_ch1_active).publish_state(false);}
if( x[16] == 0x01 ) { id(npw2500_power_ch1_active).publish_state(true); }
if( x[17] == 0x00 ) { id(npw2500_power_ch2_active).publish_state(false);}
if( x[17] == 0x01 ) { id(npw2500_power_ch2_active).publish_state(true); }
id(npw2500_boot_state) = 1;
- id: ble_switch_powerout
- lambda: |-
int ble_cmd_t = 0x00;
if ( ! id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1).state && ! id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2).state ) { ble_cmd_t = 0x00; }
if ( id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1).state && ! id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2).state ) { ble_cmd_t = 0x01; }
if ( ! id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1).state && id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2).state ) { ble_cmd_t = 0x02; }
if ( id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch1).state && id(npw2500_powerout_switch_ch2).state ) { ble_cmd_t = 0x03; }
id(ble_command).execute(0x0E, ble_cmd_t);
- id: ble_command
ble_cmd: int
ble_cmd_parm: int
- lambda: 'ESP_LOGD("NPW2500","ble_command cmd = %d parm = %d" ,ble_cmd, ble_cmd_parm); '
- ble_client.ble_write:
id: npw2500_ble
service_uuid: 'ff00'
characteristic_uuid: 'ff01'
value: !lambda |-
int rlen = 0;
int rxor = 0;
std::vector<unsigned char> rdat1{ 0x73,0x06,0x23,(unsigned char)ble_cmd};
if (ble_cmd == 0x0C) {
rdat1.push_back((uint8_t)((ble_cmd_parm >> 0) & 0xFF));
rdat1.push_back((uint8_t)((ble_cmd_parm >> 8) & 0xFF));
} else {
rdat1.push_back((unsigned char)ble_cmd_parm);
rlen = rdat1.size(); = rlen+1;
for (int i=0;i<rlen;i++) {
rxor = rxor ^ rdat1[i];
return rdat1;
- id: npw2500_mqtt_synchronize
- logger.log: "MQTT Synchronisierung"
- id: power_zero
### Nulleinspeisung - Powerzero by neromatrix
### first attempt, use at your own risk !
### Ver. 0.01
- lambda: |-
int ptu_min_value = 5;
int ptu_max_value = id(npw2500_zeropower_max_powerlimit_rel).state;
int ptu_limit = 0;
int ptu_max_power = 800;
int grid_to_ptu_ratio = ptu_max_power/100;
int grid_value = int(id(npw2500_grid_power).state);
static int ptu_old_limit = 0;
if (id(homeassistant_time).now().is_valid())
char str[30];
time_t currTime = id(homeassistant_time).now().timestamp;
strftime(str, sizeof(str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", localtime(&currTime));
ESP_LOGD("npw2500", "Time: %s", str);
ptu_limit = grid_value /grid_to_ptu_ratio + ptu_old_limit;
if(ptu_limit > ptu_max_value) ptu_limit = ptu_max_value;
if(ptu_limit < ptu_min_value) ptu_limit = ptu_min_value;
ESP_LOGD("npw2500","PowerZero PTU old limit %d, PTU new limit %d, Grid value %d " ,ptu_old_limit, ptu_limit, grid_value);
ptu_old_limit = ptu_limit;
id(npw2500_hm_800_limit_nonpersistent_relative).publish_state(ptu_limit); // push ptu_value to HA
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helmi55 commented Mar 12, 2024

Servus ich habe noch die erste Verson im Einsatz und plane in kürze auf die neue Version umzusteigen

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