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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am hems on github.
  • I am xpand ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAAux8WLIW6RritlxA0tDyptr5XgdtTWlNBopcJi8T8kwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

hems / spacemacs
Last active October 25, 2017 03:39

File Tree

  • SPC f t
  • SPC p t ( root set to the projectile project root)

Key Binding Description

h collapse expanded directory or go to parent node

H select previous sibling

# Basic random test based on some example from
# Every beat randomly pick a parameter from device[0] from track[0]
# and randomize it's value
import live, random
hems / gist:52823bf5a63d842abfee
Created June 28, 2015 04:03
Simple "hand made" meteor geolocation API
retring = false
# make it global
@geolocation = new EventEmitter()
@geolocation.current = null
@geolocation.start = ->
if not navigator.geolocation
hems / black requiemfy sketch
Created July 12, 2014 06:26
creates squares over a site and fade them when you drag your mouse over it
d =
w: $(window).width()
h: $(window).height()
sq = 100
create = (x, y) ->
dom = undefined
dom = $("<div>")
hems / remixing_a_website_using_node_js
Created June 12, 2014 01:43
remixing a website using node.js
# - save this file as
# - create a remix.js file with the js you want to remix
# - do your magic
express = require 'express'
app = express()
request = require 'request'
hyperstream = require('hyperstream')
hems / iterm_boot.scpt
Created June 7, 2014 21:42
Dividing iTerm screen and running different commands on each division
# makefile
osascript ./start_iterm.scpt $(PWD)
# start_iterm.scpt
on run argv
hems /
Last active January 1, 2016 01:49 — forked from mohayonao/
English translation of @mohayonao which is perhaps a first introduction to CoffeeCollider
hems / Simple coffee script LFO
Created November 12, 2013 21:23
A simple Coffee Script LFO to run on the browser. Useful for animations and modulations. # - will return browser microsecond precision when possible # - if you wish to use outside of the browser just use some other timing source instead of "" # - parameter "speed" could use a more comprehensive time unit, "ms" …
# If you wish to have a landscape "8" movement, like the "infinity sign" you should use something like:
# lfo = new LFO 1
# lfo_y = new LFO 0.5
# Then if you wish to make it slower, multiply both by same value
# lfo = new LFO 1 * 2
# lfo_y = new LFO 0.5 * 2
hems / build.rb
Last active December 18, 2015 05:29
Simple rb file to build jamoma on bec's sever
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# building jamoma master repository
puts `git clone [email protected]:jamoma/Jamoma.git`
puts `cd Jamoma && git submodule update --init`
puts `cd Jamoma/Tools && ruby update.rb`