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Created September 24, 2018 07:47
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Project Topic
## table of contents:
1. Basic Php
2. Install WordPress in live server
2.1. WordPress Dashboard Introduction
3. Introduce about IDE & WordPress template hierarchy
4. Introducing about Visual Composer
4.1. Visual Composer academy site
4.2. Use Visual Composer Element/Addons
5. Starter theme development
5.1. Start a project "Stock", PSD to WordPress
5.2. Generate a starter theme from ""
5.3. header.php design (Logo, Custom Menu)
5.4. footer.php design (Register widget)
6. Styling header area
6.1. Styling footer area
7. WordPress Shortcode
7.1. Basic shortcode
7.2. Types of shortcode
7.3. Register a plugin in WordPress plugin directory
7.4. Add a shortcode in registered plugin
7.5. Types of shortcode
7.6. Register Bootstrap Alert type shortcode
7.7. How to get dynamic image id in shortcode attribute
7.8. Register Bootstrap panel shortcode
8. Shortcode inside custom post and pages
8.1. Register a custom post type
8.2. Get all pages from custom post type, using shortcode
9. Create Visual Composer Addons (Use vc_map function)
9.1. Integrate custom shortcode with Visual Composer Addons
9.2. Create a custom addons (Post List Addons)
10. Add dependency in Visual Composer Addons
10.1. Visual Composer default value (std)
10.2. Organize custom plugin toolkit and setup shortcode directory
10.3. Exit if accessed directly ( 'ABSPATH' )
10.4. Add support, do shortcode in widget
10.5. Organize and regitered shortcode in "theme shortcode" directory
10.6. Shortcode depends on visual composer
10.7. Registered custom plugin tookit files
10.8. Visual composer block/element loading files
11. Codestar Framework
11.1. Install codestar framework
11.2. Create some codestar framework option
11.3. Remove codestar default option
11.4. Codestar option (array_key_exist)
11.5. Create custom enable/disable option for page title using Codestar.
11.6. Create custom enable/disable option for page content using Codestar.
12. Crate a slider using Visual Composer Addons/Shortcode/Codestar Framework
12.1. Create custom post type for slider
12.2. Crate slider addons option in "vc-slides.php"
12.3. Registered slider shortcode in slides-shortcode.php
12.4. Crate slider option using Codestar
12.5. Organize template stucture
12.6. Integrate resources for slider
12.7. Add style in slider
13. Integrate slider option with slider addons field
14. Add option in slider (slides count)
14.1. Add option in slider (slides height)
14.2. Slides selection option
15. Logo carousel shortcode/addons
15.1. Create logo carousel field in visual composer addons (vc-logo-carousel.php)
15.2. Registered logo shortcode in (logo-shortcode.php)
16. Service shortcode/addons
16.1. Create service section field in visual composer addons (vc-service.php)
16.2. Registered service shortcode in (service-shortcode.php)
17. Integrate service shortcode option with service addons field
18. Add style in service addons
19. Call to Action shortcode/addons
19.1. Create "cta" field in visual composer addons (vc-cta.php)
19.2. Registered "cta" shortcode in (cta-shortcode.php)
19.3. Add style in "cta" boxes
20. Button shortcode/addons
20.1. Create common button shortcode (btn-shortcode.php)
20.2. Create statistic box field in visual composer addons (vc-static-box.php)
20.3. Registered statistic box shortcode in (static-box-shortcode.php)
20.4. Add style in statistic boxes
21. Using visual composer default addons
22. Testimonial box shortcode/addons
22.1. Create testimonial box field in visual composer addons (vc-testimonial-box.php)
22.2. Registered testimonial box shortcode in (testimonial-box-shortcode.php)
22.3. Add style in testimonial boxes
23. Add Contact Form 7
23.1. Add Contact Form 7 markup in form setting
23.2. Add style style in form
24. Google Maps shortcode
24.1. Using gmap3 plugin
24.2. Registered Google Maps shortcode in (styled-google-maps.php)
25. Add Breadcrumb NavXT plugin
25.1. Add style in breadcrumb
25.2. Registered tile gallery shortcode in (tile-gallery-shortcode.php)
25.3. Create tile gallery filed in visual composer addons (vc-tile-gallery.php)
26. Our story page design using Visual Composer
27. Promo box shortcode/addons
27.1. Registered promo box shortcode in (promo-box-shortcode.php)
27.2. Create promo box filed in visual composer addons (vc-promo-box.php)
27.3. Add style in promo boxes
27.4. Career page desgin using Visual Composer
28. Single serivice page desgin using Visual Composer
28.1. Add style in Visual Composer custom menu widget
28.2. Add multiple style or theme option Visual Composer Addons
29. Project page design using visual composer / Active isotope for all project
29.1. Register a custom post type for project (istope)
29.2. Register a custom texonomy under porject post type
29.3. Add some project catagory
29.4. Add style in single project page
29.5. Registered project shortcode in (project-shortcode.php)
30. Add style in main project page
31. Active isotope in project addons
32. Add multiple design support in project addons
33. Design "single.php" for project single page
34. Project single page design using Visual Composer
34.1. Detect Visual Composer (vc_check)
34.2. Project navigation condition
34.3. Blog page design
34.4. Using "Theme Unit Test XML" file
34.5. Using "Monster Widget" for WP all widget
34.6. Installing "Wordpress Importer"
34.7. Organize index.php layout
35. Add style featured image size in blog page
35.1. Add style read more button for blog page
35.2. Add style in WordPress default widget
36. Organize archive.php layout / add style in archive page
36.1. Organize search.php layout / add style in search page
36.2. Add style all blog post
36.3. Organize 404.php layout / add style in 404 error page
37. Add style in comments template
38. Upload real content in existing project
38.1. Organize all pages / crate all pages in menu bar
38.2. Add dropdown menu support
39. Prepared hover statement in all pages
40. Theme option (Codestar Framework) / Theme setting
40.1. Header setting
=> Header iconic boxes
40.2. Header logo setting
=> Image logo
=> Text logo
40.3. Typography setting
=> Body font
=> Body font weight
=> Heading font
=> Heading font weight
40.4. Styling setting
=> Theme color
=> Preloader
=> Enable box layout
40.5. Blog setting
=> Display post by
=> Display post date
=> Display comment count]
=> Display posted in catagories
=> Display posted in tags
=> Enable text previous link on single page
40.6. Footer setting
=> Footer background color
=> Footer text color
=> Footer heading color
40.7. Footer scripts setting
=> Head scripts
=> Footer scripts
=> Custom CSS
40.8. Social links setting
41. Header iconic box query
41.1. Footer social link query
41.2. Text logo query
42. Theme option (Google Fonts)
42.1. Add inline css WordPress
42.2. Box layout query
42.3. Head scripts query
42.4. Footer scripts query
42.5. Custom CSS query
43. Blog setting query
43.1. Footer setting query
44. Theme color query
45. Preloader option query
45.1. Add slider preloader / query slider preloader
46. Responsive design / Visual Composer responsive design
47. Responsive design for mobile view
48. CSS index and prefixing
49. Add Visual Composer default template
50. Required plugin installer / tgmpa plugin installer
51. Code sanitization and validation
52. Code sanitization and validation - 2
53. Download or backup theme
53.1. Check theme using "Theme check plugin"
53.2. Generate language file using "Loco translate plugin"
54. Query script setting (head & footer script) in right way
54.1. Add "Woocommerce" support (Woocommerce plugin)
55. Include plugin "One click demo importer"
56. Documentation and Packaging
56.1. Usage "Wedocs" plugin for crate documentation
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