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Hendrik Kleinwaechter hendricius

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hendricius / Text.txt
Last active January 9, 2024 20:12
Sourdough Framework Summary Rear-Page
Dive deep into the enlightening pages of “The Sourdough Framework,” where the precision of engineering intertwines with the ancient craft of bread making.
Discover how a software engineer's analytical approach demystifies the complexities of sourdough. From the comfort of a home kitchen to the depths of scientific inquiry, witness the transformation of fundamental ingredients into gastronomic marvels. Explore the nuances of flour, water, and salt, and understand why sometimes simplicity reigns supreme.
“The Sourdough Framework” transcends typical recipe books; it is a manifesto aimed at comprehending the rationale behind each aspect of bread making. Through experimentation, scientific curiosity, and an unwavering passion for bread, learn the intricacies of fermentation, kneading techniques, and the art of perfecting the baking environment. This book will provide you with a solid knowledge framework, allowing you to truly master every bread recipe out there.
hendricius /
Created September 10, 2023 13:58
Interview Ukraine Bakery

Title suggestions

  1. "Baking Across Borders: A Remote Dive into Ukraine's Wood-Fired Sourdough"
  2. "Bread Without Borders: A Visit to Ukraine's Wood-Fired Bakeries"

Script 30 seconds

[Opening shot: A montage of golden sourdough loaves being pulled from a glowing wood-fired oven, the embers flickering. Close-ups of the crust's crackling sound, wood logs burning, and hands shaping the dough. Traditional Ukrainian music plays softly in the background.]

Hendrik: "The art of baking bread is as old as civilization itself. But in the heart of Ukraine, it takes on a special warmth, a dance of fire and flour, where tradition meets passion."

hendricius /
Created February 15, 2023 22:04
Automatically deploy from server to heroku every 4 hours.
set timeout 120
spawn ./
expect "Username for '':"
expect "Password for 'https://[email protected]':"
expect eof
hendricius / friendly_capture.rb
Created August 9, 2022 16:24
Friendlycapture Ruby service class
class FriendlyCaptcha
class Error < StandardError; end
def initialize(token)
@token = token
# FriendlyCaptcha.valid?("my token that was passed from frontend")
def self.valid?(token)
# Small screenshot service that uses headless chrome to take a screenshot
# of your website.
class ScreenshotService
def initialize(url, options: {})
@url = url
@options = options
attr_reader :url, :options
hendricius /
Created April 29, 2020 09:28
Git Workshop Ideas

What is Git how was it created and why?

What are git remotes?

What are git branches?

How to create a branch

How to commit

hendricius /
Last active September 8, 2019 16:37

It's a typical bread from the city of Santa Maria da Feira. It represents the castle in the city. The dough is rolled up like a swirl in the end. The top is cut with scissors to achieve the look of the castle. The taste is slightly sweet, cinnamony and finished off with a nice lemon touch. It is a protected product, just like the Parmigiano cheese from Italy for instance. A good place to by it in Feira is:


For 1 Fogaca:

  • 600 grams of strong bread flour
  • 15% warm water
  • 2% dry yeast, or 6% fresh yeast
  • 20% sugar
  • 15% unsalted butter
filetype off
set nocompatible " be iMproved
filetype off " required!
call plug#begin()
" let Vundle manage Vundle required!
Plug 'gmarik/vundle'
Plug 'rking/ag.vim'
Plug 'nono/jquery.vim'
<tr><td><a href=""></a></td></tr>
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hendricius / 01_add_cors.config.yaml
Created June 27, 2016 17:24 — forked from vsviridov/01_add_cors.config.yaml
Add CORS to Nginx on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Rails)
command: "/tmp/"
mode: "000755"
owner: root
group: root
content: |