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Created April 15, 2014 12:38
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import scala.language.higherKinds
import scalaz.Coproduct
import scalaz.Functor
import scalaz.Applicative
import scalaz.Free
import scalaz.Free.Return
import scalaz.Free.Suspend
import scalaz.State.modify
import scalaz.State
import scalaz.Monad
import scalaz.Inject
import scalaz.Inject.inject
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Main {
// Domain Model.
case class Account (number:String, balance:Int) {
def this(number:String) {
this(number, 0)
def withdraw(amount:Int):Account = {
require (amount > 0, "It is only possible to withdraw a positive amount")
require (balance - amount >= 0, "The amount requisted excese the balance")
copy(balance = balance - amount)
def deposit(amount:Int):Account = {
require (amount > 0, "It is only possible to deposit a positive amount")
copy(balance = balance + amount)
type AccountMap = Map[String,Account]
// Domain Specific Language for Repository Functions
sealed abstract trait ROp[+A]
final case class Save[A](account:Account,next:A) extends ROp[A]
final case class Get[A](number:String,f:Account => A) extends ROp[A]
implicit def ROpFunctor = new Functor[ROp] {
def map[A, B](x: ROp[A])(f: A => B) = x match {
case Save(account,next) => Save(account,f(next))
case Get(number,g) => Get(number,f.compose(g))
def get[F[_]: Functor](number:String)(implicit I: Inject[ROp,F]):Free[F,Account] =
inject[F,ROp,Account](Get(number, Return(_)))
def save[F[_]: Functor](account:Account)(implicit I: Inject[ROp,F]):Free[F,Unit] =
inject[F,ROp,Unit](Save(account, Return()))
// Domain Specific Language for Domain Functions
sealed trait Op[+A]
case class Balance[A](account:Account,f:Int => A) extends Op[A]
case class Deposit[A](amount:Int,account:Account,f:Account => A) extends Op[A]
case class Withdraw[A](amount:Int,account:Account,f:Account => A) extends Op[A]
implicit def OpFunctor = new Functor[Op] {
def map[A, B](x: Op[A])(f: A => B) = x match {
case Balance(account,g) => Balance(account,f.compose(g))
case Deposit(amount,account,g) => Deposit(amount,account,f.compose(g))
case Withdraw(amount,account,g) => Withdraw(amount,account,f.compose(g))
def balance[F[_]:Functor](account:Account)(implicit I: Inject[Op,F]) =
def deposit[F[_]:Functor](amount:Int)(account:Account)(implicit I: Inject[Op,F]) =
def withdraw[F[_]:Functor](amount:Int)(account:Account)(implicit I: Inject[Op,F]) =
// Create a composition of two domain specific languages
type Al[A] = Coproduct[ROp,Op,A]
type Program[A] = Free[Al,A]
// Service layer
def getBalance(number:String):Program[Int] =
get[Al](number) >>= balance[Al]
def doTransfer(dest:String,source:String,amount:Int):Program[Unit] =
(get[Al](dest) >>= deposit[Al](amount) >>= save[Al]) >>
(get[Al](source) >>= withdraw[Al](amount) >>= save[Al])
// Monad stack used by the interpreters
type ST[A] = State[AccountMap,A]
object ST {
def apply[A](a: A):ST[A] = a.point[ST]
// Interpreters are natural transformations
trait Interpreter[F[_]] {
def interpreter:F ~> ST
// Interpreter for repository operations defined as a natural transformation
implicit def interpreterOnROp = new Interpreter[ROp] {
def interpreter:ROp ~> ST = new (ROp ~> ST) {
def apply[A](op:ROp[A]):ST[A] = op match {
case Save(account,next) => for {
_ <- modify[AccountMap] { map => map + (account.number -> account) }
} yield next
case Get(number,f) => for {
map <- scalaz.State.get[AccountMap]
next <- (map get number) match {
case None => throw new Error ("Unknown account number")
case Some(account) => ST(f(account))
} yield next
// Interpreter for domain operations defined as a natural transformation
implicit def interpreterOnOp = new Interpreter[Op] {
def interpreter:Op ~> ST = new (Op ~> ST) {
def apply[A](op:Op[A]):ST[A] = op match {
case Balance(account,f) => ST(f(account.balance))
case Deposit(amount,account,f) => ST(f(account.deposit(amount)))
case Withdraw(amount,account,f) => ST(f(account.withdraw(amount)))
* Here I define two instances of the type class Interpreter. One instance is
* for Al[A] (Coproduct ROp Op A), which is specific form this application:
* instance Interpreter (Coproduct ROp Op) where
* The other one is more generic:
* instance (Interpreter f, Interpreter g) => Interpreter (Coproduct f g) where
* I would like the application to work with only the generic version, but instead
* my code only works with the specific version...
// Interpreter for co-products
implicit def interpreterOnCoproduct[A,F[_]: Interpreter, G[_]: Interpreter] = {
type H[A] = Coproduct[F,G,A]
new Interpreter[H] {
def interpreter:H ~> ST = new (H ~> ST) {
def apply[A](h:H[A]):ST[A] = match {
case -\/(x) => implicitly[Interpreter[F]].interpreter(x)
case \/-(x) => implicitly[Interpreter[G]].interpreter(x)
// Should not really be necessary since Al is a coproduct for which we defined an instance above
implicit def interpreterOnAl = new Interpreter[Al] {
def interpreter:Al ~> ST = new (Al ~> ST) {
def apply[A](algebra:Al[A]):ST[A] = match {
case -\/(x) => implicitly[Interpreter[ROp]].interpreter(x)
case \/-(x) => implicitly[Interpreter[Op]].interpreter(x)
// Convert a program written in the DSL to a program using the ST monad and run this monad with the
// supplied state.
def execute[A,F[_]:Functor](p:Free[F,A], state:AccountMap)(implicit e:Interpreter[F]) = {
def go(p:Free[ST,A]):ST[A] = p.resume match {
case \/-(r) => Monad[ST].pure(r)
case -\/(s) => Monad[ST].bind(s)(go)
def main(args:Array[String]):Unit = {
// Initial state
val s0 = Map("1" -> Account("1", 100),"2" -> Account("2", 50))
// Query the balance of account 1
val (s1,r1) = execute(getBalance("1"), s0)
println("The initial balance at account 1 is: " + r1)
// Transfer 25 to account 1 from account 2
val (s2,r2) = execute(doTransfer("1","2",25),s1)
// Query the balance of account 1
val (s3,r3) = execute(getBalance("1"),s2)
println("The new balance at account 1 is: " + r3)
// Print the final application state
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