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Last active December 11, 2015 06:09
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Save henrahmagix/4557586 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My presentation on nice front-endery things

Nice Things

My presentation on nice front-endery things

    • CSS - Indented Button
    • JS - Readless
  • Sublime Editor
  • Multiple Cursors
  • New Line Above/Below
  • Sublime Packages
  • Browser Refresh
  • Comments Aware Enter
  • GitGutter
  • JavaScript Snippets
  • Markdown Preview
  • Tag
  • GitHub CLI
  • Gist CLI

This presentation is being viewed on! Pretty right?

Get live demos of your gists! To use the demo feature add an index.html file. You can point to relative files like styles and scripts. shows all your gists. shows index.html in a frame with all the gist files below. shows index.html in it's own window. Visiting this refreshes the cache of your gist if you are having problems.

Indented Button - Demo

Use a :before element that increases as top does.

Readless - Demo

Quick and dirty.

Working on turning it into a jQuery plugin, mostly for my own education on classifying things.

Sublime Text 2 - Multiple Cursors

This is the shit!

  • cmd + click or cmd + double-click

    Add cursor, or selection with cursor at the end.

  • alt + drag

    Column select with a cursor at the end of each line selection.

  • ctrl + shift + up/down-arrow

    Column select with cursor keys.

  • cmd + ctrl + g

    Select all based on current selection.

  • cmd + d

    Without selection: expand selection to word. With selection: add next find based on current selection.


    • Place cursor in var
    • cmd + d selects var
    • cmd + d adds next var to selection
    • ad infinitum
    • Can't select backwards

Sublime Text 2 - Packages

First get the Package Install Manager to add, upgrade, and remove packages.

GitHub CLI - Link

Set your GitHub username and password in your git-config. To do so globally, put the following in ~/.gitconfig:

    user = USER
    password = !security find-generic-password -gs github.password -w | tr -d '\n'

The above line for password uses OSX's keychain to fetch the value of github.password, but only when the line is called. This means your password will never appear as plaintext in your git-config or terminal history.


  • alias git='hub'

  • git clone -p allows you to clone a private repository.

  • git pull-request creates a pull-request on GitHub.

    Best part? -i ISSUE_NUM converts an issue into a pull-request. Be careful: this is irreversible!


    Deleting the remote branch on GitHub will close any pull-request for that branch:

    git push origin :<branch>

    or with git 1.7+

    git push origin --delete <branch>

Gist CLI - Link

This is great for sharing snippets of code you have in your terminal. Uses your GitHub settings in your git config. Either pipe STDIN or pass a filename as the last argument.


  • Use standard in

    for i in {1..10}; do echo "This is number $i"; done | gist

  • Use file and open in browser

    gist -o quick.js

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