See comment below. (It renders fine here but shows an indentation.)
In the atom editor, a no-break space (alt+space
on OSX) is shown as a small dot.
In Sublime Text 2 and 3, with draw_white_space: all
, it renders as blank whereas a regular space is a small dot.
# Regular space after `#`
# No-break space after `#`
This is exactly as I would expect it to work, the Markdown parser should be differentiating between ' ' and '
', so while# some text
should be correctly parsed as ah1
,#&bsp;some text
shouldn't.Github uses the redcarpet Markdown parser, and looking at the source you can see that it expects 1-6
's followed by oneAs in your editor, it would be nice to have some visual indicator that a non breaking space has been typed in the Github editor/comments rather than a regular space.