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How to create rust macro - detailed beginner friendly examples - Youtube video tutorial series
// Detailed example on how to create a macro in Rust language.
// Part 1 - Youtube tutorial -
// Part 2 - Youtube tutorial -
fn main() {
let sum = add(&[1, 2, 3, 4]);
let diff = diff(&[1, 2, 3, 4]);
let product = mult(&[4, 2]);
println!("sum = {}, diff = {}, product = {}", sum, diff, product);
// Generate a function call add using out custom macro.
special_fn!(add, +, 4, i32, 0);
// Generate a function call diff using out custom macro.
special_fn!(diff, -, 4, i32, 0);
// Generate a function call mult using out custom macro.
special_fn!(mult, *, 2, i32, 0);
// Definging out macro.
#[macro_export] // This makes our macro importable into other modules.
macro_rules! special_fn {
// Define the patterns.
($name:ident, $op:tt, $n:literal, $t:ty, $default:expr ) => {
fn $name(values: &[$t; $n]) -> $t {
// Define the generated code here.
if(values.len() < 1){
return $default;
let mut result = values[0];
for i in 1..$n {
result = result $op values[i];
println!("i = {}, result = {}, val = {}",i,result,values[i]);
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