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Last active March 2, 2019 23:44
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RaspberryPi: Python Script launch on boot

How to setup script autolaunch

Start from home base directory


Then type

# navigate to home directory, then to this directory, then execute python script, then back home

cd /
cd home/pi/instagramcounter
sudo python3
cd /

Cntl-X, Return to save.

1: Make It Executable

We need to make the launcher script an executable, which we do with this command

chmod 755

Now test it, by typing in:


This should run your Python code.

2: Add Logs Directory

Navigate back to your home directory:


Create a logs directory:

mkdir logs

3: Add to Your Crontab

Type in:

sudo crontab -e

This will brings up a crontab window.

Now, enter the line:

@reboot sh /home/pi/instagramcounter/ >/home/pi/logs/cronlog 2>&1

4: Reboot and See If It Works

Unplug the power or just type in:

sudo reboot

Wait for startup and see if your script automatically launches.

If it doesn't work, check out the log file:

cd logs
cat cronlog

This will show you any errors that you might have.

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