##data structure
- Japanese Mahjong has 34 different kinds of tiles plus 3 read doras, 4 for each, 136 tiles in total. Therefore, for simpilicity, all different tiles are labled from 0 to 33 as below.
- Note that for each tile there are 4 same ones, in our algorithm, we use 0 to 135 to represent each tile. And they are easily convert back into 0 ~ 34 using folling code.
var ind = Math.floor(x / 4); //convert back into 0~33
var isRed = (ind < 27 && ind % 9 == 4 && x % 4 == 3); //judge if it's red
##API - JMJHand ####JMJHand handles all judgements in the game including the score calculation and provide well abstraction to complex data structure
JMJHand are derived from hand, which has several important elements
function Hand(){
this.tiles=new Array;
this.melds=new Array;
this.dora=new Array;
this.roundWind = 6912; //East
this.ownWind = 6912; //East
function JMJHand(){
this.hand = new Hand();
Push a tile into the hand
JMJHand.prototype.addTile = function(tile) {
###JMJHand.addMeld Yet to be determined
JMJHand.prototype.addMeld = function() {
###JMJHand.removeTile Remove a tile from hand.
JMJHand.prototype.removeTile = function(tile) {
this.hand.lastDraw = -1;
###JMJHand.judge Judge current state and return it's point and other details
JMJHand.prototype.judge = function() {
var combinations = this.hand.valid();
var h = this.hand;
var result = {point: 0, fu:0 , yaku: 0, yakuman: 0, yakuType: new Array(), limitName: ""};
for (var i = 0; i < combinations.length; i++) {
var c = combinations[i];
var fuCalc = calculateFu(c, h);
var yakuCalc = calculateYaku(c, h);
var yakumanCount = yakuCalc[0] < 0 ? -yakuCalc[0] : 0;
var calculatedHandValue = yakumanCount ?
8000 * yakumanCount :
fuCalc[0] * (1 << (yakuCalc[0] + 2));
var handValue = calculatedHandValue;
var limitName = ""; /* limit name is the rough */
if (yakuCalc[0] < -3) limitName = "SUPER YAKUMAN";
else if (yakuCalc[0] == -3) limitName = "TRIPLE YAKUMAN";
else if (yakuCalc[0] == -2) limitName = "DOUBLE YAKUMAN";
else if (yakuCalc[0] == -1) limitName = "YAKUMAN";
else if (yakuCalc[0] < 6 && handValue > 2000) handValue = 2000, limitName = "MANGAN";
else if (yakuCalc[0] < 8 && handValue > 3000) handValue = 3000, limitName = "HANEMAN";
else if (yakuCalc[0] < 11 && handValue > 4000) handValue = 4000, limitName = "BAIMAN";
else if (yakuCalc[0] < 13 && handValue > 6000) handValue = 6000, limitName = "SANBAIMAN";
else if (yakuCalc[0] >= 13 && handValue > 8000) handValue = 8000, limitName = "KAZOE-YAKUMAN";
var payoff = handValue * (h.dealer ? 6 : 4);
if(calculatedHandValue > result.point){
result.point = handValue;
result.fu = fuCalc[0];
result.yaku = yakuCalc[0];
result.yakuman = yakumanCount;
for(var i = 0; i < yakuCalc[1].length; i++)
result.yakuType.push([yakuCalc[1][i][0], yakuCalc[1][i][1]]);
result.limitName = limitName;
return result;
###Usage Below is an example that impliments a 九蓮宝燈九面待ち
var hand = new JMJHand();
hand.addTile(0); //1m
hand.addTile(1); //1m
hand.addTile(2); //1m
hand.addTile(4); //2m
hand.addTile(8); //3m
hand.addTile(12); //4m
hand.addTile(16); //5m
hand.addTile(20); //6m
hand.addTile(25); //7m
hand.addTile(28); //8m
hand.addTile(32); //9m
hand.addTile(33); //9m
hand.addTile(34); //9m (ready for 123456789m)
hand.addTile(35); //9m (win)
var result = hand.judge(); //get the calculated result
JSON.stringify(result); //{"point":16000,"fu":30,"yaku":-2,"yakuman":2,"yakuType":[["九蓮宝燈九面待ち",-2]],"limitName":"ダブル役満"}