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Last active December 10, 2016 13:33
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Tips to Upgrade a liftweb application from 2.5 2.6 to version 3

Some tips to upgrade your lift 2.5 2.6 application to lift 3 (3.0-SNAPSHOT, 3.0-M2, ...etc)


replace ensureIndex( by createIndex( replace setIsUnset( by setIfUnset(

New Features

Promise Actor

  for (sess <- S.session) {
    val roundTrip = sess.buildRoundtrip(List[RoundTripInfo](
      "loop" -> doLoop _,
      "findUser" -> doFindUser _,

Rest Promise

object DelayedRest extends RestHelper {
  serve {
    case "delay" :: Nil Get _ =>
    LAFuture(() => {


updateListeners to sendListenersMessage

  • JsonHandler => replaced with RoundTrips and SHtml.jsonCall
  • jsonCall => jsonSend
  • CometActor handleJson => receiveJson


remove EmbedMD and use template md from lift core support.

<div data-lift="embed?what=/docs/about-dev-text"></div>


No more get, you can replace it by openOrThrowException("some msg")


val v = "user" -> u.asJValue ~
 ("whenCreated" -> "someDate"))
// { "user" { "some JValue Fields u.asJValue" , "whenCreated" : "someDate"  }}

is now :

val v = "user" -> (u.asJValue ++
 ("whenCreated" -> "someDate")))

will produce an JArray

or for a JObject

val v = "user" -> (u.asJObject ++
   ("whenCreated" -> "someDate")))

where asJObject is :

   import net.liftweb.common._
   import net.liftweb.http._
   import S._
   import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.JObject
   import net.liftweb.json._
   import net.liftweb.record.{MetaRecord, Record}
   import net.liftweb.util._
   import Helpers._
   import scala.xml._

   trait RecordExt[BaseRecord <: Record[BaseRecord]] extends Record[BaseRecord] {
     self: BaseRecord =>

     def meta: MetaRecord[BaseRecord] with MetaRecordExt[BaseRecord]

     /** Encode a record instance into a JObject */
     def asJObject(): JObject = {

   trait MetaRecordExt[BaseRecord <: Record[BaseRecord]]  extends MetaRecord[BaseRecord]  {
     self: BaseRecord =>

     /** Encode a record instance into a JObject */
     def asJObject(rec: BaseRecord): JObject = {
       JObject(fields(rec).map(f => JField(, f.asJValue)))


Surround have a new attribute eat to to drop the element that invoked the surround. The at attribute of surround is bind to element id. <lift:bind> disappears.


Now include in lift core, no more sbt adds like lift-wizard. wizard html template integrate new lift 3 constraints, no more specific lift node. New example at :


mock Request replace mockReq.body = s by mockReq.body_(s)

New deprecations

JSONParser, Lift's legacy JSON parser, along with its dependents:
    CometActor's handleJson, jsonCall, and jsonInCode
    S.jsonFmapFunc with Any=>JsCmd
    SHtml.jsonButton with Any=>JsCmd
Mapper and MetaMapper's snippet bindings that use PartialFunctions:
    addSnippet, editSnippet, viewSnippet (in favor of addFormSnippet, editFormSnippet, andviewTransform, all based on CSS selector transforms)
    modSnippet, used in addSnippet and editSnippet, superseded by formSnippet.
    add, edit, and view snippets in HTML, in favor of addForm, editForm, and viewTransform
    fieldMapperPF, in favor of fieldMapperTransforms
    fieldPF, appendField, and prependField, in favor of fieldTransforms, appendFieldTransform, and prependFieldTransform.


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Ran across this via Google; nice recap!

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