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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Helpfile for the imageTweak Extension

~~ imageTweak ~~


For a general help to the kitCommands, the usage and the general available parameters please refer the kitCommand help.

Attention: imageTweak provide a kitCommand and a kitFilter, this is the helpfile for the kitCommand.

General Parameters

FlexSlider Parameters

* [`animation[]`](#param_fs_animation) * [`animation_speed[]`](#param_fs_animation_speed) * [`animation_loop[]`](#param_fs_animation_loop) * [`control_nav[]`](#param_fs_animation) * [`direction[]`](#param_fs_direction) * [`direction_nav[]`](#param_fs_direction_nav) * [`item_width[]`](#param_fs_item_width) * [`init_delay[]`](#param_fs_init_delay) * [`max_items[]`](#param_fs_max_items) * [`min_items[]`](#param_fs_min_items) * [`move[]`](#param_fs_move) * [`randomize[]`](#param_fs_randomize) * [`reverse[]`](#param_fs_reverse) * [`start_at[]`](#param_fs_start_at) * [`slideshow[]`](#param_fs_slideshow) * [`slideshow_speed[]`](#param_fs_slideshow_speed) * [`smooth_height[]`](#param_fs_smooth_height)


This is a must parameter. At the moment the only possible value is gallery to switch imageTweak to the Gallery mode.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] ~~

The gallery to use can be specified with the parameter type[]. At the moment the only supported gallery is FlexSlider, so you can omit the type[] - the FlexSlider will be selected automatically.


This parameter is used in combination with the directory[].

The parameter base[] is needed to tell imageTweak which is the base for the specified directory:

  • base[cms_media] - default, the base for the directory is the CMS Media Directory /media
  • base[media] - the base for the directory is the public kitFramework Media Directory /kit2/media/public
  • base[media_protected] - the base for the directory is the protected kitFramework Media Directory /kit2/media/protected
  • base[path] - the directory contains a full server path


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] base[media] directory[example] ~~

Images will be loaded from the public kitFramework directory /kit2/media/public/example


Use this parameter to specify the directory from where to load the images for a gallery.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] ~~

will load images from the CMS Media Directory /media/example.

Use the parameter base[] to specify another base for the directory.


The parameter type[] is used to select the Gallery Type.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] type[flexslider] ~~

At the moment the only supported gallery is FlexSlider, so you can omit this parameter.

FlexSlider Parameters##

The following parameters are specific for the usage with the FlexSlider Gallery.


With the mode[] parameter you can simply switch between the elementary modes of the FlexSlider. The kitCommand will set all needed parameters for you:


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] mode[carousel] ~~

will load images from /media/example and show the FlexSlider in Carousel mode.


With the parameter animation[] you can select the animation type:

  • animation[fade] - will fade in and out the images
  • animation[slide] - default, will slide in and out the images


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] animation[fade] ~~

will load the images from /media/example and fade in and out the images.


With the parameter animation_speed[] you can determine the speed (duration) of an animation[] in milliseconds. By default the animation speed is 600 milliseconds.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] animation[fade] animation_speed[3000] ~~

will load the images from /media/example and fade in and out the images within 3000 milliseconds (very slow and soft).


By default an animation will loop endless. If you set the parameter animation_loop[false], the animation will loop from the first to the last image and then stop.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] animation_loop[false] ~~

will loop once and then stop.


By default below the image will be shown a navigation for paging control. You can switch off the paging control using the parameter control_nav[false].


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] control_nav[false] ~~

will show the basic slider without paging control.


With the parameter direction[] you can determine the sliding direction:

  • direction[horizontal] - default, the images slide in horizontal direction
  • direction[vertical] - the images slide in vertical direction


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] direction[vertical] ~~

will slide the images in vertical direction.


By default FlexSlider will show direction navigation buttons at the left and the right side of the images. You can switch off the direction navigation, using the parameter direction_nav[false].


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] direction_nav[false] ~~

will show the basic slider without the direction navigation.


In Carousel mode the image width is by default identical with the maximum thumbnail width defined in the configuration file config.imagetweak.json. You can determine any other item width in pixel.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] mode[carousel] item_width[200] ~~

will show a carousel with items in a width of 200 pixels.


By default FlexSlider will start the animation suddenly after loading the page. With the parameter init_delay[] you can set an initialization delay in milliseconds.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] init_delay[1000] ~~

will wait 1000 milliseconds before starting the animation.


In Carousel mode you can specify the number of items which will be shown maximum in the carousel slider.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] mode[carousel] max_items[6] ~~

will show at maximum 6 items in the carousel.


In Carousel mode you can specify the number of items which will be shown minimum in the carousel slider.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] mode[carousel] min_items[3] ~~

will show at minimum 3 items in the carousel.


You can specify the number items which should be moved within a Carousel animation. By default FlexSlider will move all visible items.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] mode[carousel] move[2] ~~

will move 2 items at animation.


By default FlexSlider will show the images ordered by the filenames in ascending order. Use the parameter randomize[true] to show the images in a random order.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] randomize[true] ~~

will show the images in the basic slider in a random order.


You can reverse the animation direction, by default from left to right or from top to bottom, using the parameter reverse[true].


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] reverse[true] ~~

will animate the images in the basic slider from right to the left.


By default the animation will start with the first image, indicated by zero 0. You can specify the image position to start with using the parameter start_at[].


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] start_at[2] ~~

will start the animation with the image at the third position (zero is also counting).


By default the slider animation will be started automatically. You can switch of the slideshow, using the parameter slideshow[false].


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] slideshow[false] ~~

will show the basic slider but don't start the animation.


You can determine the speed of the slideshow in milliseconds. By default the slideshow will step to the next item after 7000 milliseconds, use the parameter slideshow_speed[] to set another value.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] slideshow_speed[2000] ~~

will change the items after 2000 milliseconds.


You can use the parameter smooth_height[true] to allow the height of the slider to animate smoothly in horizontal mode.


~~ imagetweak action[gallery] directory[example] smooth_height[true] ~~

will use smooth height.


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