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Created November 16, 2016 19:13
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  • Save heukirne/a93cd5717e9bba3a46ef355e71dc927f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script to deploy fleetany-web
rm -rf ./fleetany-web
svn checkout fleetany-web/
cp configDir/php.ini fleetany-web/
cp configDir/tpms-bkp/.htaccess fleetany-web/
cp configDir/tpms-bkp/.htaccess-public fleetany-web/public/.htaccess
cp configDir/tpms-bkp/.env fleetany-web/
cd fleetany-web
curl -sS | php7 -c php.ini
php7 -c php.ini composer.phar install --no-dev --no-scripts
php7 -c php.ini -e artisan vendor:publish --provider=Kodeine\\Acl\\AclServiceProvider
php7 -c php.ini -e artisan vendor:publish --provider=Alientronics\\FleetanyWebGeofence\\FleetanyWebGeofenceServiceProvider
php7 -c php.ini -e artisan vendor:publish --provider=Alientronics\\FleetanyWebDriver\\FleetanyWebDriverServiceProvider
php7 -c php.ini -e artisan vendor:publish --provider=Alientronics\\FleetanyWebAttributes\\FleetanyWebAttributesServiceProvider
php7 -c php.ini -e artisan vendor:publish --provider=Alientronics\\FleetanyWebAdmin\\FleetanyWebAdminServiceProvider
php7 -c php.ini -e artisan clear-compiled
php7 -c php.ini -e artisan optimize
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Can you also share your .htaccess and .htaccess-public files content?

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