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hexmanshu /
Created March 6, 2022 02:36 — forked from t0mm4rx/
Python script to fetch position total collateral and debt
"""Impermax related functions.
imxc = Impermax collateral token, given in exchange of the actual LP pair.
slp = staked LP token.
from providers import polygon
from chain_data import get_lp_pair_holdings, get_token_decimals
import json
imxc_abi = json.load(open("./abis/imxc.json", "rb"))
hexmanshu /
Created October 20, 2012 12:34
Transparent Git Encryption

Transparent Git Encryption

This document has been modified from its [original format][m1], which was written by Ning Shang ([email protected]). It has been updated and reformatted into a [Markdown][m2] document by [Woody Gilk][m3] and [republished][m4].


When working with a remote git repository which is hosted on a third-party storage server, data confidentiality sometimes becomes