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Last active June 16, 2023 14:17
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Autodiscover available functions based on docstrings and type annotations

If you mark up an example function like this (only the input type annotations are really necessary), and give it a good human readable name, and then some nice pydocs.

The parameters must have descriptions as shown below:

def server_status(self, full:str="yes", tennant_id: str="") -> str:
    Obtain status information about the current server process

    :param full: Show the extended results
    :param tennant_id: The tennant, this will be set automatically
    r = requests.get("").json()
    org = r["org"]
    ip = r["ip"]

    data = {
        "Org": org,
        "IP": ip,
        "URL": COMMIT_URL,
        "Execution Time": datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.process_time()),
        "Uptime": datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.time() - START_TIME),
        "CPU Percentage (of 100)": psutil.cpu_percent(),
        "RAM Percentage (of 100)": psutil.virtual_memory().percent,

    return "\n".join([f"{k}: {v}" for (k, v) in data.items()])

Then this will get parsed properly into something like:

[{'description': 'Obtain status information about the current server process',
  'name': 'server_status',
  'parameters': {'properties': {'full': {'descrption': ' Extended results',
                                         'type': 'string'}},
                 'type': 'object'},
  'required': []}]


gpl3 i guess. I cannot imagine anyone actually uses this but if you want another license ask me.

def discover(self):
import inspect
str: "string",
int: "integer",
functions = []
discovered = [x for x in inspect.getmembers(self) if not x[0].startswith('_') and x[0] != 'discover']
for (fn_name, fn) in discovered:
if not callable(fn):
if fn.__doc__ is None:
parsed_docstring = {
x.strip().split(':')[1].split(' ')[1]: x.split(':')[2]
for x in
if x.strip().startswith(':param')
if not parsed_docstring:
sig = inspect.signature(fn)
required = []
props = {}
for p, pt in sig.parameters.items():
is_required = False
if pt.default is inspect._empty:
is_required = True
print(fn_name, p, pt.annotation in TYPES, is_required)
if pt.annotation not in TYPES and not is_required:
# Skip unknown optional parameters
props[p] = {
"type": TYPES[pt.annotation], # Let it fail.
"descrption": parsed_docstring[p]
"name": fn_name,
"description": fn.__doc__.strip().split('\n\n')[0],
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": props
"required": required
return functions
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