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Created January 15, 2020 10:02
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  • Save heygambo/5151096e79d978a1fe088553ff36b57b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save heygambo/5151096e79d978a1fe088553ff36b57b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(feature/add-list-collections) firebase-mock ツ npm run test
> [email protected] test /Users/gambo/code/github/firebase-mock
> gulp lint && gulp test
[11:00:45] Using gulpfile ~/code/github/firebase-mock/gulpfile.js
[11:00:45] Starting 'lint'...
[11:00:46] Finished 'lint' after 1.15 s
[11:00:49] Using gulpfile ~/code/github/firebase-mock/gulpfile.js
[11:00:49] Starting 'test'...
[11:00:49] Starting 'cover'...
[11:00:50] Finished 'cover' after 805 ms
[11:00:50] Starting '<anonymous>'...
✓ sets the auth data
✓ is a noop if deeply equal
✓ is a noop if deeply equal
✓ sets null for a non object
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ triggers an auth event
✓ gets a copy of the user by email
✓ only searches own properties
✓ fails when user not found
✓ gets a copy of the user by uid
✓ only searches own properties
✓ fails when user not found
FIREBASE WARNING: FirebaseRef.auth() being deprecated. Please use FirebaseRef.authWithCustomToken() instead.
✓ calls callback on auth state change
✓ calls the callback with a nextErr
✓ invokes the callback when auth state is set
✓ handles no callback
✓ is null by default
✓ returns the value from changeAuthState
✓ is triggered when changeAuthState modifies data
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ is not be triggered if auth state does not change
✓ can set a context
✓ synchronously triggers the callback with the current auth data
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ removes a callback
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ only removes callback that matches the context
✓ sets auth data to null
✓ triggers onAuth callback if not null
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ does not trigger auth events if not authenticated
✓ is triggered when changeAuthState modifies the user
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ is not triggered when auth state does not change
✓ synchronously triggers the callback with the current auth data
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ does not trigger after unsubscribe
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ is triggered if only ID token changes
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ is triggered on updating current user
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ is not triggered on updating non-current user
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ is not triggered on updating current user with the same info
✓ is triggered when changeAuthState modifies the user
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ is not triggered when auth state does not change
✓ synchronously triggers the callback with the current auth data
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ does not trigger after unsubscribe
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ is not triggered if only ID token changes
✓ creates a new user
✓ creates a new user without a password
✓ creates a new user and returns promise
✓ increments the id for each user
✓ creates a new user with preset uid
✓ creates a new user with preset additional attributes
✓ fails if credentials is not an object
✓ fails if email is not a string
✓ fails if user already exists
✓ fails if failNext is set
✓ creates a new user
✓ fails if failNext is set
✓ changes the email
✓ fails if credentials is not an object
✓ fails if oldEmail is not a string
✓ should fail if newEmail is not a string
✓ fails if password is not a string
✓ fails if user does not exist
✓ fails if password is incorrect
✓ fails if failNext is set
✓ changes the password
✓ fails if credentials is not an object
✓ fails if email is not a string
✓ should fail if oldPassword is not a string
✓ fails if newPassword is not a string
✓ fails if user does not exist
✓ fails if oldPassword is incorrect
✓ fails if failNext is set
✓ removes the account
✓ fails if credentials is not an object
✓ fails if email is not a string
✓ fails if password is not a string
✓ fails if user does not exist
✓ fails if password is incorrect
✓ fails if failNext is set
✓ simulates reset if credentials are valid
✓ fails if credentials is not an object
✓ fails if email is not a string
✓ fails if user does not exist
✓ fails if failNext is set
✓ succeeds if user exists with token
✓ should populates claims
✓ fails if no user exists with token
✓ fails if failNext is set
✓ succeeds if user exists
✓ fails if no user exists with token
✓ fails if failNext is set
✓ should replace the existing user
✓ preserves deep equality of users
✓ should select by uid
✓ should return the updated user
✓ should store a referentially different user from the argument
✓ should reject if the user does not exist
✓ should wait for flush
Auth example for changeAuthState
✓ works as described
Messaging examples
✓ send messages
✓ returns custom message responses
✓ callback on sending messages
set & transition
✓ should work
Array rendering
✓ renders array-like data as an array
Server Timestamps
✓ parses server timestamps
✓ parses server timestamps in child data
✓ parses server timestamps in priorities
✓ sets a timestamp factory function
✓ restores the normal clock
✓ flushes the queue and returns itself
✓ enables autoflush with no args
✓ can specify a flush delay
✓ sets the delay on all children
✓ sets the delay on a parent
✓ returns itself
✓ must be called with an Error
✓ calls the cancel callback
✓ calls the cancel callback on the context
✓ turns off the listener
✓ can match an event type
✓ can match a callback
✓ can match a context
✓ can take null as the cancel callback
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ can trigger a fake value event
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ can trigger a fake child_added event
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ uses null as the default data
✓ requires a path
✓ caches children
✓ calls child recursively for multi-segment paths
✓ can use leading slashes (#23)
✓ can use trailing slashes (#23)
✓ gets a parent ref
✓ returns itself
✓ child / returns same reference
✓ should validate the data
✓ should return a promise
✓ should remove old keys from data
✓ should remove empty properties from data
✓ should set priorities on children if included in data
✓ should have correct priority in snapshot if added with set
✓ should fire child_added events with correct prevChildName
✓ should fire child_added events with correct priority
✓ should trigger child_removed if child keys are missing
✓ should change parent from null to object when child is set
✓ should trigger child_moved with correct prevChildName
✓ should trigger a callback
✓ can be called on the root
✓ should pass the priority to #setPriority
✓ should pass the data and callback to #set
✓ must be called with an object
✓ should validate the data
✓ extends the data
✓ removes empty data
✓ can work with nested paths
✓ can work with nested paths beginning with /
✓ overrides the paths with existing data
✓ does not change unrelated data
✓ handles multiple calls in the same flush
✓ can be called on an empty reference
✓ can simulate an error
✓ should return a promise
✓ fires child_removed for children
✓ changes to null if all children are removed
✓ can simulate an error
✓ validates the event name
✓ should work when initial value is null
✓ can take the context as the 3rd argument
✓ can simulate an error
✓ can simulate an error
✓ is cancelled by an off call before flush
✓ returns the callback
✓ validates the event name
✓ only fires the listener once
✓ can catch a simulated error
✓ can provide a context in place of cancel
✓ validates the event name
✓ can disable all events
sinon.reset is deprecated and will be removed from the public API in a future version of sinon.
✓ can disable a specific event
✓ should call the transaction function
✓ should fire the callback with a "committed" boolean and error message
✓ should return a promise wrapping a "committed" boolean and a snapshot
✓ should update primative value
✓ should update property value
✓ should update nested property value
✓ should remove empty properties from data
✓ should validate the data
✓ should return thenable reference
✓ should return thenable reference when no arguments are passed
✓ can add data by auto id
✓ can simulate an error
✓ avoids calling set when unnecessary
✓ traverses to the top of the reference
✓ returns an array equal to number of flush events queued
✓ does not change length if more items are added to the queue
✓ sets the ref attribute correctly
✓ sets the `method` attribute correctly
✓ sets the `args` attribute correctly
✓ fails to add nested data by auto id
✓ succeeds to add nested data by auto id, when Firebase.autoId is replaced
✓ flushes the queue and returns itself
✓ enables autoflush with no args
✓ can specify a flush delay
✓ sets the delay on all collections and documents
✓ sets the delay on a parent
✓ returns itself
✓ allow calling get()
✓ retrieves all no data for non-existing collection
✓ retrieves all data for existing collection
✓ retrieves data added to collection
✓ retrieves data set as document
✓ allow calling doc()
✓ allow calling doc() with empty path to generate id
✓ creates child documents with a firestore property pointing at the root db
✓ creates child documents with a firestore property pointing at the firestore of the collection
✓ allow calling add()
✓ allow adding data to empty collection
✓ allow adding data to existing collection
✓ caches children
✓ allow calling where() on collection
✓ allow calling where() multiple times
✓ results contain ref for each doc
✓ returns matched documents for operator "=="
✓ returns matched documents for operator "array-contains"
Using unsupported where() operator for firebase-mock, returning entire dataset
Using unsupported where() operator for firebase-mock, returning entire dataset
✓ returns all documents when using unsupported operator
✓ returns matched documents with multiple where calls
✓ allow using complex path
✓ returns a stream that emits all results
✓ allow calling orderBy() on collection
✓ allow calling orderBy() multiple times
✓ returns documents is desired order
✓ returns documents ordered by name using FieldPath
✓ returns documents ordered by id
✓ returns documents ordered by timestamp
✓ returns documents ordered by date
✓ returns data after the specified value
✓ works with limit
✓ throws with no order
✓ allow calling limit() on collection
✓ returns limited amount of documents
✓ retrieves all data for existing collection
✓ retrieves data added to collection
✓ returns value after collection is updated
✓ calls callback after multiple updates
✓ should unsubscribe
✓ Calls onError if error
✓ returns false if no data
✓ returns true if data available
✓ returns null if no data
✓ returns data if data provided
✓ returns undefined if data does not exist
✓ returns undefined if data does not exist
✓ returns undefined if path is empty
✓ returns undefined if path does not exist
✓ returns data if path exists
✓ returns data with complex path
✓ returns snapshot at correct path
✓ returns snapshot with correct data from previous value
adding doc
✓ correctly applies delta when adding doc
updating doc
✓ correctly applies delta when adding data
✓ correctly applies delta when removing data
✓ correctly applies delta when changing data
deleting doc
✓ correctly applies delta when deleting doc
✓ returns false if no data
✓ returns true if data is empty
✓ returns true if data available
✓ returns null if no data
✓ returns empty data if empty data provided
✓ returns data if data provided
✓ returns clone of data
✓ returns undefined if data does not exist
✓ returns undefined if data does not exist
✓ returns undefined if path is empty
✓ returns undefined if path does not exist
✓ returns undefined if path leads to null value
✓ returns data if path exists
✓ returns data if field path exists
✓ returns data with complex path
✓ returns data with complex field path
✓ returns document id
✓ returns ref for document
✓ flushes the queue and returns itself
✓ enables autoflush with no args
✓ can specify a flush delay
✓ sets the delay on all collections
✓ sets the delay on a parent
✓ returns itself
✓ allow calling collection()
✓ creates child collections with a firestore property pointing at the root db
✓ creates child collections with a firestore property pointing at the firestore of the collection
✓ gets value of doc
✓ results contain ref for doc
✓ creates a new doc
✓ creates a new doc with null values
✓ creates a new doc with server time values
✓ throws an error when a doc already exists
✓ sets value of doc
✓ sets value of doc with null values
✓ sets value of doc with server timestamp
✓ sets value of doc with ref
#set with {merge: true}
✓ creates doc if does not exist
✓ creates doc with null values if does not exist
✓ updates value of doc
✓ updates value of doc with null values
✓ can update date fields
✓ updates value of doc
✓ updates value of doc with null properties
✓ updates value of doc with server time value
✓ removes property when using FieldValue.delete()
✓ updates an array property when using FieldValue.arrayRemove()
✓ updates an array property when using FieldValue.arrayUnion()
✓ does not merge nested properties recursively by default
✓ merges nested properties recursively when using nested paths
✓ can update date fields
✓ delete doc
when present
✓ returns collections of document
✓ returns deeply nested collections of document
when not present
✓ returns empty list of collections
✓ skips collections that has no documents
when present
✓ returns collections of document
✓ returns deeply nested collections of document
when not present
✓ returns empty list of collections
✓ skips collections that has no documents
✓ calls observer with initial state
✓ calls observer when document is updated
✓ does not call observer when no changes occur
✓ returns error if error occured
✓ does not returns value when not updated
✓ unsubscribes
✓ accepts option includeMetadataChanges
✓ should have path to "name"
✓ should be a function
✓ should return FieldPath
✓ should have path to "documentId"
✓ should be a function
✓ should work with FieldPath.delete()
✓ should be a function
✓ should return FieldValue
✓ should type to "delete"
✓ should be a function
✓ should return FieldValue
✓ should type to "serverTimestamp"
✓ should be a function
✓ should return FieldValue
✓ should type to "serverTimestamp"
✓ should be a function
✓ should return FieldValue
✓ should type to "serverTimestamp"
✓ should be a function
✓ should work with FieldValue.delete()
✓ should work with FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
✓ calls the callback with each child
✓ can set a this value
✓ passes ref for each doc
✓ tests for children
✓ returns the object size
✓ returns 0 for a null snapshot
✓ returns the data as an array of snapshots
✓ flushes the queue and returns itself
✓ enables autoflush with no args
✓ can specify a flush delay
✓ sets the delay on all collections and documents
✓ returns itself
✓ allow calling collection()
✓ allow calling collection() with complex path
✓ caches children
✓ caches deep children
✓ caches deep children with paths
✓ creates child collection with a firestore property pointing at itself
✓ allow calling doc()
✓ allow calling doc() with complex path
✓ caches children
✓ caches deep children
✓ caches deep children with paths
✓ creates child document with a firestore property pointing at itself
✓ transaction updates data
✓ returns the return value of the passed function
✓ batch runs commands after commit
✓ works with set + merge
✓ supports method chaining
when "batch.commit" is not called
✓ does not create documents
✓ gets the value of all passed documents
✓ flushes the queue and returns itself
✓ enables autoflush with no args
✓ can specify a flush delay
✓ returns itself
✓ throws if callback is not a function
✓ registers a callback
✓ should check that message is not undefined
✓ should return thenable reference
✓ can simulate an error
✓ can return user defined results
✓ invokes callback with args
✓ should check that messages is an array
✓ should return thenable reference
✓ can simulate an error
✓ can return user defined results
✓ invokes callback with args
✓ should check that message is not undefined
✓ should check that message contains a "tokens" array
✓ should return thenable reference
✓ can simulate an error
✓ can return user defined results
✓ invokes callback with args
✓ returns the ref used to create the query
✓ flushes the ref
✓ autoFlushes the ref
✓ gets data from the slice
✓ validates the event name
✓ fires the matched event with a snapshot
✓ validates the event name
✓ should provide value immediately
✓ should return null if nothing in range exists
✓ should return correct keys
✓ should update on change
✓ should not update on change outside range
✓ can take the context as the 3rd argument
✓ should work with equalTo
✓ should work with boolean equalTo
✓ should return null if not equalTo
✓ validates the event name
✓ should be triggered if value is null
✓ should be triggered if value is not null
✓ should not get triggered twice
- should include prevChild
✓ should trigger all keys in initial range
- should notify on a new added event after init
- should not notify for add outside range
- should trigger a child_removed if using limitToLast
✓ should work if connected from instead a once "value"
- should trigger for a key in range
- should not trigger for a key outside of range
- should trigger for a child in range
- should not trigger for a child out of range
- should trigger a child_added for replacement if using limitToLast
- should trigger if item in range moves in range
- should trigger child_removed if goes out of range
- should trigger child_added if moved in range
- should not notify on callbacks
- should throw Error if non-integer argument
✓ should return correct number of results
✓ should work if does not match any results
- should be relevant to endAt()
- should be relevant to startAt()
- should throw Error if non-integer argument
✓ should return correct number of results
✓ should work if does not match any results
- should be relevant to endAt()
- should be relevant to startAt()
- should make limit relative to the end of data
- should stop at the priority given
- should stop at the key given
- should stop at the key+priority given
- should make limit relative to start of data
- should start at the priority given
- should start at the key given
- should start at the key+priority given
✓ constructs an empty event queue
✓ removes events when they are cancelled
✓ pushes simple events onto the queue like [].push
✓ pushes complex events
✓ is throws when there are no deferreds
✓ fires the events synchronously by default
✓ fires events added during queue processing
✓ prevents recursive flush calls
✓ can invoke events after a delay
✓ returns a copy of the events
✓ runs the event handler on the context
✓ emits a done event
✓ emits a done event
Dependency Injection
✓ returns DI for database().ref()
✓ returns DI for database().refFromURL()
✓ returns DI for auth()
✓ returns object with ref properties
✓ ServerValue
✓ returns a MockFirebase reference
✓ returns a MockFirebase reference
✓ returns object with doc and collection functions
✓ FieldValue.delete
✓ FieldValue.serverTimestamp
✓ FieldValue.arrayRemove
✓ FieldValue.arrayUnion
✓ FieldPath.documentId
✓ returns Authentication object without ref property
✓ should get credential
✓ sets provider id
✓ should get credential
✓ sets provider id
✓ should get credential
✓ sets provider id
✓ should get credential
✓ sets provider id
✓ should get credential
✓ sets provider id
✓ returns firebase app
✓ returns the reference
✓ returns a deep clone of the data
✓ returns null for an empty object
✓ returns the priority
✓ generates a snapshot for a child ref
✓ uses child data
✓ uses child data starting with /
✓ uses child data ending with /
✓ uses child data for false values
✓ uses child data for 0 values
✓ uses child data when accessing with multiple paths
✓ uses child data when accessing with multiple paths for false values
✓ uses child data when accessing with multiple paths for 0 values
✓ uses null when there is no child data
✓ uses null when there is no child data with multiple paths
✓ passes the priority
✓ allows array indexes
✓ allows array indexes in multiple paths
✓ checks for a null value
✓ calls the callback with each child
✓ can set a this value
✓ can handle null snapshots
✓ tests for the key
✓ tests for the key starting with /
✓ tests for the key ending with /
✓ tests for the key with multiple paths
✓ tests for children
✓ returns the ref key
#name is deprecated. Use DataSnapshot.key
✓ passes through to #key
✓ returns the object size
✓ returns 0 for a null snapshot
✓ handles primitives with no priority
✓ handles primitives with priorities
✓ recursively builds an export object
✓ should add storage reference
✓ should create file
✓ should get all files without query
✓ should get only matched prefix files
✓ should delete all files without query
✓ should delete only matched prefix files
✓ should add bucket reference
✓ should get file
✓ should save contents
✓ should not exist when no content
✓ should exist when content added
✓ should get url
✓ should download file
✓ should send file as a buffer
✓ should access file from different refs via same bucket
✓ should delete file from bucket
✓ should not exist after file deleted
✓ should move file using string
✓ should move file using File
✓ should move file using Bucket
✓ should get metadata
✓ should set metadata
✓ should add storage reference
✓ should work with basic path
✓ should work with complex path
✓ should get url
✓ should create bucket
✓ should not recreate bucket with the same name
✓ should work with basic path
✓ should work with complex path
✓ should work with leading slash in path
✓ should work with trailing slash in path
✓ should work with multiple consecutive slashes in path
✓ should convert from date
✓ should convert from milliseconds
✓ should convert to date
✓ should be exported
✓ should reject ID tokens that expire before the issuance time
✓ should reject ID tokens that are issued before the auth time
✓ should reject ID tokens that are issued in the future
✓ should reject ID tokens that show the user authenticating in the future
✓ should keep reference to passed-in auth
✓ deep copies custom claims
✓ preserves reference to auth
✓ preserves deep equality
✓ should delete user
✓ should reload email when changed
✓ should change email
✓ should change password
✓ should change display name
✓ should change photo URL
✓ should get token
✓ should refresh token
✓ should refresh token result
✓ should use defaults if the id token result param is omitted
without forceRefresh
✓ should use provided auth time
✓ should default auth time to current time
✓ should use provided issued-at time
✓ should default to auth time
✓ should use provided expiration time
✓ should default to issued at time plus 1 hour
✓ should use User's providerId string
✓ should default to null
✓ should use user's customClaims object
✓ should default to empty object
✓ should be the same as returned from getIdToken
with forceRefresh
✓ should refresh the ID token
✓ should return a new token result
✓ should persist the new token result
✓ should use the previous token's authTime by default
✓ should use current time as new issuance time by default
✓ should expire one hour after issuance by default
✓ should update the upstream user if there is one
✓ should accept missing upstream users
most fields
✓ should be the same
✓ keys should be missing if omitted
✓ should populate to lastLogin if present
✓ should populate to createdAt if present
✓ should return null, when the obj is empty
✓ should make no changes, when obj does not contain an empty property
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a bool
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a string
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a number
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a NaN
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a undefined
✓ should remove property, when it is null
✓ should remove property, when it is an empty object
✓ should remove property, when it is an empty array
✓ should return null, when all properties are null
✓ should return null, when the obj is empty
✓ should make no changes, when obj does not contain an empty property
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a bool
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a string
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a number
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a Date
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a Timestamp
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a NaN
✓ should make no changes, when obj is a undefined
✓ should remove property, when it is null
✓ should remove property, when it is an empty object
✓ should remove property, when it is an empty array
✓ should return null, when all properties are null
✓ should split the properties by slash
✓ should not overwrite updates to the same branch
✓ should not touch properties without slash
✓ should ignore leading slash
✓ should split the properties by dot
✓ should not overwrite updates to the same branch
✓ should not touch properties without dot
✓ should ignore leading slash
✓ should give no priority to equal items
✓ should order null items first
✓ should order false before true
✓ should order booleans before numbers
✓ should order numbers before strings
✓ should order numbers in ascending order
✓ should order strings lexicographically
613 passing (1s)
27 pending
File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
src/ | 93.58 | 83.32 | 90.7 | 93.86 | |
auth.js | 91.11 | 62.5 | 66.67 | 91.11 | 34,37,44,74 |
firebase-auth.js | 89.75 | 82.73 | 86.32 | 90.17 |... 574,575,576 |
firebase.js | 96.27 | 93.95 | 92.31 | 96.15 |... 645,646,647 |
firestore-collection.js | 93.94 | 64.29 | 86.67 | 93.75 | 24,46,79,94 |
firestore-delta-document-snapshot.js | 94.74 | 87.5 | 100 | 94.74 | 24 |
firestore-document-snapshot.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
firestore-document.js | 91.79 | 70.97 | 89.47 | 92.19 |... 203,265,319 |
firestore-field-path.js | 91.67 | 100 | 75 | 91.67 | 17 |
firestore-field-value.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
firestore-query-snapshot.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
firestore-query.js | 92.71 | 73.2 | 89.19 | 92.63 |... 220,254,319 |
firestore.js | 92.19 | 80 | 86.21 | 92.91 |... 216,217,218 |
index.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
lodash.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
messaging.js | 98.65 | 91.67 | 100 | 98.65 | 123 |
query.js | 86.73 | 68 | 95.65 | 86.73 |... 136,148,178 |
queue.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
sdk.js | 96.77 | 58.33 | 90 | 96.77 | 86,90 |
slice.js | 80.8 | 71.74 | 72.22 | 82.79 |... 165,174,177 |
snapshot.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
storage-bucket.js | 100 | 93.75 | 100 | 100 | |
storage-file.js | 98.11 | 91.67 | 100 | 98.11 | 52 |
storage-reference.js | 83.33 | 100 | 50 | 83.33 |... 62,63,67,68 |
storage.js | 100 | 83.33 | 100 | 100 | |
timestamp.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
user.js | 98.21 | 97.06 | 100 | 99.1 | 136 |
utils.js | 98.09 | 94.17 | 100 | 98.7 | 26,50 |
validators.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
write-result.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
All files | 93.58 | 83.32 | 90.7 | 93.86 | |
=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements : 93.58% ( 2290/2447 ), 2 ignored
Branches : 83.32% ( 884/1061 ), 1 ignored
Functions : 90.7% ( 478/527 ), 1 ignored
Lines : 93.86% ( 2263/2411 )
[11:00:53] Finished '<anonymous>' after 2.88 s
[11:00:53] Finished 'test' after 3.69 s
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