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Last active July 3, 2024 05:30
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Implementation of AA Tree
package ds.tree.aa
import scala.annotation.tailrec
sealed trait Tree
final case class Node(var key: Int, var level: Int, var left: Tree, var right: Tree) extends Tree
case object Nil extends Tree
object Tree {
def make(): Tree = Nil
def leaf(key: Int): Tree = Node(key, 1, Nil, Nil)
def leaf(key: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree): Tree =
Node(key, 1, left, right)
def internal(key: Int, level: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree): Tree =
Node(key, level, left, right)
def insert(t: Tree, x: Int): Tree = t match {
case node: Node =>
if (x < node.key) {
node.left = insert(node.left, x)
} else if (x > node.key) {
node.right = insert(node.right, x)
} else {
// X == value(T) is unspecified
var node_ = skew(node)
node_ = split(node_)
case Nil =>
Node(x, 1, Nil, Nil)
def delete(t: Tree, x: Int): Tree = t match {
case node: Node =>
if (x < node.key) {
node.left = delete(node.left, x)
} else if (x > node.key) {
node.right = delete(node.right, x)
} else {
if (isLeaf(node)) {
return node.right
} else if (isNil(node.left)) {
val temp = successor(node)
node.right = delete(node.right, temp.key)
node.key = temp.key
} else {
val temp = predecessor(node)
node.left = delete(temp.left, temp.key)
node.key = temp.key
var node_ = decrease_level(node)
node_ = skew(node_)
node_.asInstanceOf[Node].right = skew(node_.asInstanceOf[Node].right)
if (!isNil(node_.asInstanceOf[Node].right)) {
node_.asInstanceOf[Node].right.asInstanceOf[Node].right = skew(
node_ = split(node_)
node_.asInstanceOf[Node].right = split(node_.asInstanceOf[Node].right)
case Nil => t
private def decrease_level(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
case node: Node =>
val shouldBe = Math.min(level(node.left), level(node.right)) + 1
if (shouldBe < node.level) {
node.level = shouldBe
if (shouldBe < level(node.right)) {
node.right.asInstanceOf[Node].level = shouldBe
case _ => Nil
// Skew is a right rotation to replace a subtree containing a left horizontal link with one containing
// a right horizontal link instead.
// L <-- T L --> T
// / \ \ ===> / / \
// A B R A B R
private def skew(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
case node: Node =>
if (isNil(node.left)) node
else if (level(node.left) == level(node)) {
val left = node.left.asInstanceOf[Node]
node.left = left.right
left.right = node
} else {
case _ => Nil
// Split is a left rotation and level increase to replace a subtree containing two or more consecutive
// right horizontal links with one containing two fewer consecutive right horizontal links.
// T --> R --> X R
// / / ===> / \
// A B T X
// / \
// A B
private def split(t: Tree): Tree = t match {
case node: Node =>
if (isNil(node.right) || isNil(node.right.asInstanceOf[Node].right)) node
else if (level(node) == level(node.right.asInstanceOf[Node].right)) {
val right = node.right.asInstanceOf[Node]
node.right = right.left
right.left = node
right.level += 1
} else {
case _ => Nil
private def predecessor(t: Tree): Node = {
assert(!isLeaf(t), "calling `predecessor` on leaf")
def goRight(t: Tree): Node =
t match {
case node: Node if node.right == Nil => node
case node: Node => goRight(node.right)
t match {
case node: Node => goRight(node.left)
private def successor(t: Tree): Node = {
assert(!isLeaf(t), "calling `successor` on leaf")
def goLeft(t: Tree): Node =
t match {
case node: Node if node.left == Nil => node
case node: Node => goLeft(node.left)
t match {
case node: Node => goLeft(node.right)
// level of every leaf node is one
private def isLeaf(t: Tree): Boolean = t match {
case node: Node => node.level == 1
case _ => false
private def isNil(t: Tree): Boolean = t.isInstanceOf[Nil.type]
private def level(t: Tree): Int = t match {
case node: Node => node.level
case _ => 0
object Helper {
private val colors =
Array("#bea9de", "#87889c", "#546bab", "#2e4482", "#131862")
case class Js(id: Int, parent: Option[Int], color: String) {
override def toString: String = {
val p ="null")
s"""{"id": $id, "parent": $p, "color": "$color"}""".stripMargin
// level -> keys
private def byLevels(t: Tree): Map[Int, List[(Int, Int)]] = {
def inner(parent: Int, t: Tree, acc: Map[Int, List[(Int, Int)]]): Map[Int, List[(Int, Int)]] = t match {
case node: Node =>
val m = acc.getOrElse(node.level, List.empty)
var acc_ = acc.updated(node.level, m :+ (parent, node.key))
acc_ = inner(node.key, node.left, acc_)
acc_ = inner(node.key, node.right, acc_)
case Nil => acc
inner(0, t, Map.empty)
def stringify(t: Tree): String = {
val map = byLevels(t)
map.flatMap { case (level, nodes) => { case (parent, key) =>
val p = if (parent == 0) None else Some(parent)
Js(key, p, colors(level))
}.toList.mkString("[", ", ", "],")
object Test extends App {
// tree example from the paper
var root = {
// level 1
val n1 = Tree.leaf(1)
val n3 = Tree.leaf(3)
val n7 = Tree.leaf(7)
val n5 = Tree.leaf(5, Nil, n7)
val n9 = Tree.leaf(9)
val n11 = Tree.leaf(11)
val n13 = Tree.leaf(13)
// level 2
val n2 = Tree.internal(2, 2, n1, n3)
val n8 = Tree.internal(8, 2, n5, n9)
val n12 = Tree.internal(12, 2, n11, n13)
// level 3
val n10 = Tree.internal(10, 3, n8, n12)
val n4 = Tree.internal(4, 3, n2, n10)
root = Tree.insert(root, 6)
root = Tree.delete(root, 1)
// Note: `stringify` produces JSON that can be used as input for the Treeviz JavaScript library, available at, for visualization.
// [{"id": 4, "parent": null, "color": "#2e4482"}, {"id": 10, "parent": 4, "color": "#2e4482"}, {"id": 2, "parent": 4, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 8, "parent": 10, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 12, "parent": 10, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 1, "parent": 2, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 3, "parent": 2, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 5, "parent": 8, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 7, "parent": 5, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 9, "parent": 8, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 11, "parent": 12, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 13, "parent": 12, "color": "#87889c"}],
// [{"id": 4, "parent": null, "color": "#2e4482"}, {"id": 10, "parent": 4, "color": "#2e4482"}, {"id": 2, "parent": 4, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 6, "parent": 10, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 8, "parent": 6, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 12, "parent": 10, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 1, "parent": 2, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 3, "parent": 2, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 5, "parent": 6, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 7, "parent": 8, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 9, "parent": 8, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 11, "parent": 12, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 13, "parent": 12, "color": "#87889c"}],
// [{"id": 6, "parent": null, "color": "#2e4482"}, {"id": 10, "parent": 6, "color": "#2e4482"}, {"id": 4, "parent": 6, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 8, "parent": 10, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 12, "parent": 10, "color": "#546bab"}, {"id": 2, "parent": 4, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 3, "parent": 2, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 5, "parent": 4, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 7, "parent": 8, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 9, "parent": 8, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 11, "parent": 12, "color": "#87889c"}, {"id": 13, "parent": 12, "color": "#87889c"}],
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