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Forked from JustinCarmony/example_output.txt
Created March 11, 2016 11:31
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Summary Salt Highstate Outputter
root@deployServer:~# salt \* state.highstate --output=summary_highstate ------------------ Success: 20 Changed: 0 Errors: 0 ------------------ Success: 71 Changed: 1 Errors: 0 ------------------- Success: 73 Changed: 1 Errors: 0 ---------------- Success: 74 Changed: 1 Errors: 0 ---------------- Success: 74 Changed: 1 Errors: 0 ------------- Success: 74 Changed: 1 Errors: 0 ---------------- Success: 74 Changed: 1 Errors: 0 ----------------- Success: 20 Changed: 0 Errors: 0 ---------------- Success: 27 Changed: 0 Errors: 0 ---------------- Success: 88 Changed: 1 Errors: 0 ------------- Success: 93 Changed: 3 Errors: 0 ------------- Success: 82 Changed: 2 Errors: 0
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
I wrote this at 1 am one night, which I basically hacked the existing
state outputter to output in a super summarized way. Probably 1/2 of
the old highstate code could be removed, and the whole thing cleaned up.
But here is the ulgy code version for those who want it now. :P
-- Justin Carmony
The return data from the Highstate command is a standard data structure
which is parsed by the highstate outputter to deliver a clean and readable
set of information about the HighState run on minions.
Two configurations can be set to modify the highstate outputter. These values
can be set in the master config to change the output of the ``salt`` command or
set in the minion config to change the output of the ``salt-call`` command.
By default `state_verbose` is set to `True`, setting this to `False` will
instruct the highstate outputter to omit displaying anything in green, this
means that nothing with a result of True and no changes will not be printed
The highstate outputter has three output modes, `full`, `terse`, `mixed`,
and `changes`. The default is set to full, which will display many lines of
detailed information for each executed chunk. If the `state_output` option
is set to `terse` then the output is greatly simplified and shown in only
one line. If `mixed` is used, then terse output will be used unless a
state failed, in which case full output will be used. If `changes` is used,
then terse output will be used if there was no error and no changes,
otherwise full output will be used.
If `state_output` uses the terse output, set this to `True` for an aligned
output format. If you wish to use a custom format, this can be set to a
# Import python libs
import pprint
# Import salt libs
import salt.utils
def output(data):
The HighState Outputter is only meant to
be used with the state.highstate function, or a function that returns
highstate return data.
for host, hostdata in data.iteritems():
return _format_host(host, hostdata)[0]
def _format_host(host, data):
colors = salt.utils.get_colors(__opts__.get('color'))
tabular = __opts__.get('state_tabular', False)
rcounts = {}
hcolor = colors['GREEN']
hstrs = []
changed = False
state_output = 'mixed'
total_success = 0
total_failed = 0
total_changed = 0
if isinstance(data, list):
# Errors have been detected, list them in RED!
hcolor = colors['RED_BOLD']
hstrs.append((' {0}Data failed to compile:{1[ENDC]}'
.format(hcolor, colors)))
for err in data:
hstrs.append(('{0}----------\n {1}{2[ENDC]}'
.format(hcolor, err, colors)))
if isinstance(data, dict):
# Strip out the result: True, without changes returns if
# state_verbose is False
if not __opts__.get('state_verbose', False):
data = _strip_clean(data)
# Verify that the needed data is present
for tname, info in data.items():
if '__run_num__' not in info:
err = ('The State execution failed to record the order '
'in which all states were executed. The state '
'return missing data is:')
hstrs.insert(0, pprint.pformat(info))
hstrs.insert(0, err)
# Everything rendered as it should display the output
for tname in sorted(
key=lambda k: data[k].get('__run_num__', 0)):
ret = data[tname]
# Increment result counts
rcounts.setdefault(ret['result'], 0)
rcounts[ret['result']] += 1
tcolor = colors['GREEN']
schanged, ctext = _format_changes(ret['changes'])
changed = changed or schanged
if schanged:
tcolor = colors['CYAN']
if ret['result'] is False:
hcolor = colors['RED']
tcolor = colors['RED']
if ret['result'] is None:
hcolor = colors['YELLOW']
tcolor = colors['YELLOW']
comps = tname.split('_|-')
if state_output.lower() == 'terse':
# Print this chunk in a terse way and continue in the
# loop
msg = _format_terse(tcolor, comps, ret, colors, tabular)
elif state_output.lower() == 'mixed':
# Print terse unless it failed
if ret['result'] is not False:
# We dont print successes, just track stats
total_success = total_success + 1
if schanged:
total_changed = total_changed + 1
total_failed = total_failed + 1
elif state_output.lower() == 'changes':
# Print terse if no error and no changes, otherwise, be
# verbose
if ret['result'] and not schanged:
msg = _format_terse(tcolor, comps, ret, colors, tabular)
state_lines = [
' {tcolor} ID: {comps[1]}{colors[ENDC]}',
' {tcolor}Function: {comps[0]}.{comps[3]}{colors[ENDC]}',
' {tcolor} Result: {ret[result]!s}{colors[ENDC]}',
' {tcolor} Comment: {comment}{colors[ENDC]}'
# This isn't the prettiest way of doing this, but it's readable.
if comps[1] != comps[2]:
3, ' {tcolor} Name: {comps[2]}{colors[ENDC]}')
comment = ret['comment'].strip().replace('\n', '\n' + ' ' * 14)
except AttributeError:
comment = ret['comment'].join(' ').replace('\n',
'\n' + ' ' * 13)
svars = {
'tcolor': tcolor,
'comps': comps,
'ret': ret,
'comment': comment,
# This nukes any trailing \n and indents the others.
'colors': colors
hstrs.extend([sline.format(**svars) for sline in state_lines])
changes = ' Changes: ' + ctext
.format(tcolor, changes, colors)))
# Append result counts to end of output
colorfmt = '{0}{1}{2[ENDC]}'
host = host + ' '
summary_line = '{0}{1}{2[ENDC]}'.format(hcolor, host.ljust(40,'-'), colors)
summary_line = summary_line + ' ' + colorfmt.format(
'Success:' + str(total_success).rjust(4),
summary_line = summary_line + ' '+ colorfmt.format(
'Changed:' + str(total_changed).rjust(4),
summary_line = summary_line + ' ' + colorfmt.format(
colors['RED'] if total_failed else colors['CYAN'],
'Errors:' + str(total_failed).rjust(4),
#hstrs.insert(0, ('{0}{1}:{2[ENDC]}'.format(hcolor, host, colors)))
return '\n'.join(hstrs), changed
def _format_changes(changes):
Format the changes dict based on what the data is
global __opts__ # pylint: disable=W0601
if not changes:
return False, ''
if not isinstance(changes, dict):
return True, 'Invalid Changes data: {0}'.format(changes)
ret = changes.get('ret')
if ret is not None and changes.get('out') == 'highstate':
ctext = ''
changed = False
for host, hostdata in ret.iteritems():
s, c = _format_host(host, hostdata)
ctext += '\n' + '\n'.join((' ' * 14 + l) for l in s.splitlines())
changed = changed or c
changed = True
opts = __opts__.copy()
# Pass the __opts__ dict. The loader will splat this modules __opts__ dict
# anyway so have to restore it after the other outputter is done
if __opts__['color']:
__opts__['color'] = 'CYAN'
__opts__['nested_indent'] = 14
ctext = '\n'
ctext += salt.output.out_format(
__opts__ = opts
return changed, ctext
def _strip_clean(returns):
Check for the state_verbose option and strip out the result=True
and changes={} members of the state return list.
rm_tags = []
for tag in returns:
if returns[tag]['result'] and not returns[tag]['changes']:
for tag in rm_tags:
return returns
def _format_terse(tcolor, comps, ret, colors, tabular):
Terse formatting of a message.
result = "Clean"
if ret['changes']:
result = "Changed"
if ret['result'] is False:
result = "Failed"
elif ret['result'] is None:
result = "Differs"
if tabular is True:
fmt_string = '{0}{2:>10}.{3:<10} {4:7} Name: {1}{5}'
elif isinstance(tabular, str):
fmt_string = tabular
fmt_string = ' {0} Name: {1} - Function: {2}.{3} - Result: {4}{5}'
msg = fmt_string.format(tcolor,
return msg
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