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Created February 23, 2016 01:22
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Add page to Pocket in Pentadactyl.
"" Pocket
map a :pocket<CR>
js <<EOF
"Add to Pocket",
function(args) {
let url = args.length === 0 ? buffer.uri.spec : args[0];
let title = args["-title"] || "undefined";
window.pktApi.addLink(url, {
title: title,
success: function(response) {
dactyl.echomsg("Added to Pocket: " + response.item.normal_url);
error: function(response) {
dactyl.echoerr("Failed to add to Pocket: " + response.message);
}, {
argCount: "?",
completer: function (context, args) {
context.title = ["Page URL"];
let frames = buffer.allFrames();
context.completions = [
[win.document.documentURI, frames.length == 1 ? /*L*/"Current Location" : /*L*/"Frame: " + win.document.title]
for (win of frames)];
options: [{
names: ["-title", "-t"],
description: "Page title",
completer: function title(context, args) {
let frames = buffer.allFrames();
return [[win.document.title, frames.length == 1 ? /*L*/"Current Location" : /*L*/"Frame: " + win.location.href]
for (win of frames)];
type: CommandOption.STRING
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