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Last active February 17, 2016 09:50
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Using custom fonts with Xamarin.Forms on iOS and Android (FontAwesome example)

Adding Fonts (FontAwesome-Example)

  1. Add the font file as an asset to all platforms.
  2. Find the names of the icons you want to use at
  3. Use them with inline XAML or DataBinding - A corresponding mapping for FontAwesome 4.5 icons is attached (FontAwesomeMapping.cs) as well as a python script to generate this mapping from the FontAwesome css file (

FontAwesome in Xamarin.Forms app

Add font file to iOS

  1. Put the font file into the folder Resources/Fonts (=> Resources/Fonts/FontAwesome.ttf).
  2. Make sure the font file has set "BundleResource" as "Build Action" and "Copy always" for "Copy to output directory" (font file's properties)
  3. Add the font name to the Info.plist 3.1. Open Info.plist with a text editor and make sure it is listed under the UIAppFonts key. For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  1. Find the "real" font name which is not equal to the font's file name. You can use the following snippet in your AppDelegate.cs to print all known names:
var allFonts = UIFont.FamilyNames.SelectMany(UIFont.FontNamesForFamilyName).ToList();
 Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", allFonts));
  1. For convenience and cross platform compatibility make sure that all the font's file name matches the "real" font name (don't forget to reflect a rename in the info.plist)

Add font file to Android

  1. Put the font file into the folder Assets/Fonts (=> Assets/Fonts/FontAwesome.ttf).
  2. Make sure the font file has set "AndroidAsset" as "Build Action" (font file's properties)

Example Usage

Show the gears icon via XAML:

<Label Text="&#xf013;"/>

Bind a unicode string. Check the FontAwesomeMapping.cs for valid unicode chars.

<ListView x:Name="MenuListView" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" ItemsSource="{Binding MenuItems}">
      <ListView.ItemTemplate >
            <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" Padding="15,0,0,0">
              <Label Text="{Binding FontAwesomeIcon}" FontFamily="FontAwesome" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"/>
              <Label Text="{Binding Title}" VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand"/>
import re
regex = re.compile("\\.fa\\-([^:]{1,}):before\\ \\{\\n\\ \\ content:\\ \"\\\\([^\"]{1,})\";\\n\\}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
outputFileName = "out.txt"
inputFileName = "font-awesome.css"
print ("Reading FontAwesome identifiers from %s to write a static C# mapping to %s ..." % (inputFileName, outputFileName))
with open(outputFileName, "w") as outputFile:
with open(inputFileName) as inputFile:
data =
matchArray = regex.findall(data)
for name, unicodeChar in matchArray:
varName = name.replace("-", " ").title().replace(" ", "")
varName = "Fa" + varName
varLine = 'public static readonly string %s = "\\u%s"; \t // for xaml use: &#x%s; \n' % (varName, unicodeChar, unicodeChar)
print varLine.strip()
namespace Util.FontAwesome
/// <summary>
/// Maps FontAwesome ( string constants to unicode chars. Check the repository's util folder for a generator program.
/// </summary>
public class FontAwesomeMapping
public static readonly string FaGlass = "\uf000"; // for xaml use: &#xf000;
public static readonly string FaMusic = "\uf001"; // for xaml use: &#xf001;
public static readonly string FaSearch = "\uf002"; // for xaml use: &#xf002;
public static readonly string FaEnvelopeO = "\uf003"; // for xaml use: &#xf003;
public static readonly string FaHeart = "\uf004"; // for xaml use: &#xf004;
public static readonly string FaStar = "\uf005"; // for xaml use: &#xf005;
public static readonly string FaStarO = "\uf006"; // for xaml use: &#xf006;
public static readonly string FaUser = "\uf007"; // for xaml use: &#xf007;
public static readonly string FaFilm = "\uf008"; // for xaml use: &#xf008;
public static readonly string FaThLarge = "\uf009"; // for xaml use: &#xf009;
public static readonly string FaTh = "\uf00a"; // for xaml use: &#xf00a;
public static readonly string FaThList = "\uf00b"; // for xaml use: &#xf00b;
public static readonly string FaCheck = "\uf00c"; // for xaml use: &#xf00c;
public static readonly string FaTimes = "\uf00d"; // for xaml use: &#xf00d;
public static readonly string FaSearchPlus = "\uf00e"; // for xaml use: &#xf00e;
public static readonly string FaSearchMinus = "\uf010"; // for xaml use: &#xf010;
public static readonly string FaPowerOff = "\uf011"; // for xaml use: &#xf011;
public static readonly string FaSignal = "\uf012"; // for xaml use: &#xf012;
public static readonly string FaCog = "\uf013"; // for xaml use: &#xf013;
public static readonly string FaTrashO = "\uf014"; // for xaml use: &#xf014;
public static readonly string FaHome = "\uf015"; // for xaml use: &#xf015;
public static readonly string FaFileO = "\uf016"; // for xaml use: &#xf016;
public static readonly string FaClockO = "\uf017"; // for xaml use: &#xf017;
public static readonly string FaRoad = "\uf018"; // for xaml use: &#xf018;
public static readonly string FaDownload = "\uf019"; // for xaml use: &#xf019;
public static readonly string FaArrowCircleODown = "\uf01a"; // for xaml use: &#xf01a;
public static readonly string FaArrowCircleOUp = "\uf01b"; // for xaml use: &#xf01b;
public static readonly string FaInbox = "\uf01c"; // for xaml use: &#xf01c;
public static readonly string FaPlayCircleO = "\uf01d"; // for xaml use: &#xf01d;
public static readonly string FaRepeat = "\uf01e"; // for xaml use: &#xf01e;
public static readonly string FaRefresh = "\uf021"; // for xaml use: &#xf021;
public static readonly string FaListAlt = "\uf022"; // for xaml use: &#xf022;
public static readonly string FaLock = "\uf023"; // for xaml use: &#xf023;
public static readonly string FaFlag = "\uf024"; // for xaml use: &#xf024;
public static readonly string FaHeadphones = "\uf025"; // for xaml use: &#xf025;
public static readonly string FaVolumeOff = "\uf026"; // for xaml use: &#xf026;
public static readonly string FaVolumeDown = "\uf027"; // for xaml use: &#xf027;
public static readonly string FaVolumeUp = "\uf028"; // for xaml use: &#xf028;
public static readonly string FaQrcode = "\uf029"; // for xaml use: &#xf029;
public static readonly string FaBarcode = "\uf02a"; // for xaml use: &#xf02a;
public static readonly string FaTag = "\uf02b"; // for xaml use: &#xf02b;
public static readonly string FaTags = "\uf02c"; // for xaml use: &#xf02c;
public static readonly string FaBook = "\uf02d"; // for xaml use: &#xf02d;
public static readonly string FaBookmark = "\uf02e"; // for xaml use: &#xf02e;
public static readonly string FaPrint = "\uf02f"; // for xaml use: &#xf02f;
public static readonly string FaCamera = "\uf030"; // for xaml use: &#xf030;
public static readonly string FaFont = "\uf031"; // for xaml use: &#xf031;
public static readonly string FaBold = "\uf032"; // for xaml use: &#xf032;
public static readonly string FaItalic = "\uf033"; // for xaml use: &#xf033;
public static readonly string FaTextHeight = "\uf034"; // for xaml use: &#xf034;
public static readonly string FaTextWidth = "\uf035"; // for xaml use: &#xf035;
public static readonly string FaAlignLeft = "\uf036"; // for xaml use: &#xf036;
public static readonly string FaAlignCenter = "\uf037"; // for xaml use: &#xf037;
public static readonly string FaAlignRight = "\uf038"; // for xaml use: &#xf038;
public static readonly string FaAlignJustify = "\uf039"; // for xaml use: &#xf039;
public static readonly string FaList = "\uf03a"; // for xaml use: &#xf03a;
public static readonly string FaOutdent = "\uf03b"; // for xaml use: &#xf03b;
public static readonly string FaIndent = "\uf03c"; // for xaml use: &#xf03c;
public static readonly string FaVideoCamera = "\uf03d"; // for xaml use: &#xf03d;
public static readonly string FaPictureO = "\uf03e"; // for xaml use: &#xf03e;
public static readonly string FaPencil = "\uf040"; // for xaml use: &#xf040;
public static readonly string FaMapMarker = "\uf041"; // for xaml use: &#xf041;
public static readonly string FaAdjust = "\uf042"; // for xaml use: &#xf042;
public static readonly string FaTint = "\uf043"; // for xaml use: &#xf043;
public static readonly string FaPencilSquareO = "\uf044"; // for xaml use: &#xf044;
public static readonly string FaShareSquareO = "\uf045"; // for xaml use: &#xf045;
public static readonly string FaCheckSquareO = "\uf046"; // for xaml use: &#xf046;
public static readonly string FaArrows = "\uf047"; // for xaml use: &#xf047;
public static readonly string FaStepBackward = "\uf048"; // for xaml use: &#xf048;
public static readonly string FaFastBackward = "\uf049"; // for xaml use: &#xf049;
public static readonly string FaBackward = "\uf04a"; // for xaml use: &#xf04a;
public static readonly string FaPlay = "\uf04b"; // for xaml use: &#xf04b;
public static readonly string FaPause = "\uf04c"; // for xaml use: &#xf04c;
public static readonly string FaStop = "\uf04d"; // for xaml use: &#xf04d;
public static readonly string FaForward = "\uf04e"; // for xaml use: &#xf04e;
public static readonly string FaFastForward = "\uf050"; // for xaml use: &#xf050;
public static readonly string FaStepForward = "\uf051"; // for xaml use: &#xf051;
public static readonly string FaEject = "\uf052"; // for xaml use: &#xf052;
public static readonly string FaChevronLeft = "\uf053"; // for xaml use: &#xf053;
public static readonly string FaChevronRight = "\uf054"; // for xaml use: &#xf054;
public static readonly string FaPlusCircle = "\uf055"; // for xaml use: &#xf055;
public static readonly string FaMinusCircle = "\uf056"; // for xaml use: &#xf056;
public static readonly string FaTimesCircle = "\uf057"; // for xaml use: &#xf057;
public static readonly string FaCheckCircle = "\uf058"; // for xaml use: &#xf058;
public static readonly string FaQuestionCircle = "\uf059"; // for xaml use: &#xf059;
public static readonly string FaInfoCircle = "\uf05a"; // for xaml use: &#xf05a;
public static readonly string FaCrosshairs = "\uf05b"; // for xaml use: &#xf05b;
public static readonly string FaTimesCircleO = "\uf05c"; // for xaml use: &#xf05c;
public static readonly string FaCheckCircleO = "\uf05d"; // for xaml use: &#xf05d;
public static readonly string FaBan = "\uf05e"; // for xaml use: &#xf05e;
public static readonly string FaArrowLeft = "\uf060"; // for xaml use: &#xf060;
public static readonly string FaArrowRight = "\uf061"; // for xaml use: &#xf061;
public static readonly string FaArrowUp = "\uf062"; // for xaml use: &#xf062;
public static readonly string FaArrowDown = "\uf063"; // for xaml use: &#xf063;
public static readonly string FaShare = "\uf064"; // for xaml use: &#xf064;
public static readonly string FaExpand = "\uf065"; // for xaml use: &#xf065;
public static readonly string FaCompress = "\uf066"; // for xaml use: &#xf066;
public static readonly string FaPlus = "\uf067"; // for xaml use: &#xf067;
public static readonly string FaMinus = "\uf068"; // for xaml use: &#xf068;
public static readonly string FaAsterisk = "\uf069"; // for xaml use: &#xf069;
public static readonly string FaExclamationCircle = "\uf06a"; // for xaml use: &#xf06a;
public static readonly string FaGift = "\uf06b"; // for xaml use: &#xf06b;
public static readonly string FaLeaf = "\uf06c"; // for xaml use: &#xf06c;
public static readonly string FaFire = "\uf06d"; // for xaml use: &#xf06d;
public static readonly string FaEye = "\uf06e"; // for xaml use: &#xf06e;
public static readonly string FaEyeSlash = "\uf070"; // for xaml use: &#xf070;
public static readonly string FaExclamationTriangle = "\uf071"; // for xaml use: &#xf071;
public static readonly string FaPlane = "\uf072"; // for xaml use: &#xf072;
public static readonly string FaCalendar = "\uf073"; // for xaml use: &#xf073;
public static readonly string FaRandom = "\uf074"; // for xaml use: &#xf074;
public static readonly string FaComment = "\uf075"; // for xaml use: &#xf075;
public static readonly string FaMagnet = "\uf076"; // for xaml use: &#xf076;
public static readonly string FaChevronUp = "\uf077"; // for xaml use: &#xf077;
public static readonly string FaChevronDown = "\uf078"; // for xaml use: &#xf078;
public static readonly string FaRetweet = "\uf079"; // for xaml use: &#xf079;
public static readonly string FaShoppingCart = "\uf07a"; // for xaml use: &#xf07a;
public static readonly string FaFolder = "\uf07b"; // for xaml use: &#xf07b;
public static readonly string FaFolderOpen = "\uf07c"; // for xaml use: &#xf07c;
public static readonly string FaArrowsV = "\uf07d"; // for xaml use: &#xf07d;
public static readonly string FaArrowsH = "\uf07e"; // for xaml use: &#xf07e;
public static readonly string FaBarChart = "\uf080"; // for xaml use: &#xf080;
public static readonly string FaTwitterSquare = "\uf081"; // for xaml use: &#xf081;
public static readonly string FaFacebookSquare = "\uf082"; // for xaml use: &#xf082;
public static readonly string FaCameraRetro = "\uf083"; // for xaml use: &#xf083;
public static readonly string FaKey = "\uf084"; // for xaml use: &#xf084;
public static readonly string FaCogs = "\uf085"; // for xaml use: &#xf085;
public static readonly string FaComments = "\uf086"; // for xaml use: &#xf086;
public static readonly string FaThumbsOUp = "\uf087"; // for xaml use: &#xf087;
public static readonly string FaThumbsODown = "\uf088"; // for xaml use: &#xf088;
public static readonly string FaStarHalf = "\uf089"; // for xaml use: &#xf089;
public static readonly string FaHeartO = "\uf08a"; // for xaml use: &#xf08a;
public static readonly string FaSignOut = "\uf08b"; // for xaml use: &#xf08b;
public static readonly string FaLinkedinSquare = "\uf08c"; // for xaml use: &#xf08c;
public static readonly string FaThumbTack = "\uf08d"; // for xaml use: &#xf08d;
public static readonly string FaExternalLink = "\uf08e"; // for xaml use: &#xf08e;
public static readonly string FaSignIn = "\uf090"; // for xaml use: &#xf090;
public static readonly string FaTrophy = "\uf091"; // for xaml use: &#xf091;
public static readonly string FaGithubSquare = "\uf092"; // for xaml use: &#xf092;
public static readonly string FaUpload = "\uf093"; // for xaml use: &#xf093;
public static readonly string FaLemonO = "\uf094"; // for xaml use: &#xf094;
public static readonly string FaPhone = "\uf095"; // for xaml use: &#xf095;
public static readonly string FaSquareO = "\uf096"; // for xaml use: &#xf096;
public static readonly string FaBookmarkO = "\uf097"; // for xaml use: &#xf097;
public static readonly string FaPhoneSquare = "\uf098"; // for xaml use: &#xf098;
public static readonly string FaTwitter = "\uf099"; // for xaml use: &#xf099;
public static readonly string FaFacebook = "\uf09a"; // for xaml use: &#xf09a;
public static readonly string FaGithub = "\uf09b"; // for xaml use: &#xf09b;
public static readonly string FaUnlock = "\uf09c"; // for xaml use: &#xf09c;
public static readonly string FaCreditCard = "\uf09d"; // for xaml use: &#xf09d;
public static readonly string FaRss = "\uf09e"; // for xaml use: &#xf09e;
public static readonly string FaHddO = "\uf0a0"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a0;
public static readonly string FaBullhorn = "\uf0a1"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a1;
public static readonly string FaBell = "\uf0f3"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f3;
public static readonly string FaCertificate = "\uf0a3"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a3;
public static readonly string FaHandORight = "\uf0a4"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a4;
public static readonly string FaHandOLeft = "\uf0a5"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a5;
public static readonly string FaHandOUp = "\uf0a6"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a6;
public static readonly string FaHandODown = "\uf0a7"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a7;
public static readonly string FaArrowCircleLeft = "\uf0a8"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a8;
public static readonly string FaArrowCircleRight = "\uf0a9"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a9;
public static readonly string FaArrowCircleUp = "\uf0aa"; // for xaml use: &#xf0aa;
public static readonly string FaArrowCircleDown = "\uf0ab"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ab;
public static readonly string FaGlobe = "\uf0ac"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ac;
public static readonly string FaWrench = "\uf0ad"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ad;
public static readonly string FaTasks = "\uf0ae"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ae;
public static readonly string FaFilter = "\uf0b0"; // for xaml use: &#xf0b0;
public static readonly string FaBriefcase = "\uf0b1"; // for xaml use: &#xf0b1;
public static readonly string FaArrowsAlt = "\uf0b2"; // for xaml use: &#xf0b2;
public static readonly string FaUsers = "\uf0c0"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c0;
public static readonly string FaLink = "\uf0c1"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c1;
public static readonly string FaCloud = "\uf0c2"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c2;
public static readonly string FaFlask = "\uf0c3"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c3;
public static readonly string FaScissors = "\uf0c4"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c4;
public static readonly string FaFilesO = "\uf0c5"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c5;
public static readonly string FaPaperclip = "\uf0c6"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c6;
public static readonly string FaFloppyO = "\uf0c7"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c7;
public static readonly string FaSquare = "\uf0c8"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c8;
public static readonly string FaBars = "\uf0c9"; // for xaml use: &#xf0c9;
public static readonly string FaListUl = "\uf0ca"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ca;
public static readonly string FaListOl = "\uf0cb"; // for xaml use: &#xf0cb;
public static readonly string FaStrikethrough = "\uf0cc"; // for xaml use: &#xf0cc;
public static readonly string FaUnderline = "\uf0cd"; // for xaml use: &#xf0cd;
public static readonly string FaTable = "\uf0ce"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ce;
public static readonly string FaMagic = "\uf0d0"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d0;
public static readonly string FaTruck = "\uf0d1"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d1;
public static readonly string FaPinterest = "\uf0d2"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d2;
public static readonly string FaPinterestSquare = "\uf0d3"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d3;
public static readonly string FaGooglePlusSquare = "\uf0d4"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d4;
public static readonly string FaGooglePlus = "\uf0d5"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d5;
public static readonly string FaMoney = "\uf0d6"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d6;
public static readonly string FaCaretDown = "\uf0d7"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d7;
public static readonly string FaCaretUp = "\uf0d8"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d8;
public static readonly string FaCaretLeft = "\uf0d9"; // for xaml use: &#xf0d9;
public static readonly string FaCaretRight = "\uf0da"; // for xaml use: &#xf0da;
public static readonly string FaColumns = "\uf0db"; // for xaml use: &#xf0db;
public static readonly string FaSort = "\uf0dc"; // for xaml use: &#xf0dc;
public static readonly string FaSortDesc = "\uf0dd"; // for xaml use: &#xf0dd;
public static readonly string FaSortAsc = "\uf0de"; // for xaml use: &#xf0de;
public static readonly string FaEnvelope = "\uf0e0"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e0;
public static readonly string FaLinkedin = "\uf0e1"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e1;
public static readonly string FaUndo = "\uf0e2"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e2;
public static readonly string FaGavel = "\uf0e3"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e3;
public static readonly string FaTachometer = "\uf0e4"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e4;
public static readonly string FaCommentO = "\uf0e5"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e5;
public static readonly string FaCommentsO = "\uf0e6"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e6;
public static readonly string FaBolt = "\uf0e7"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e7;
public static readonly string FaSitemap = "\uf0e8"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e8;
public static readonly string FaUmbrella = "\uf0e9"; // for xaml use: &#xf0e9;
public static readonly string FaClipboard = "\uf0ea"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ea;
public static readonly string FaLightbulbO = "\uf0eb"; // for xaml use: &#xf0eb;
public static readonly string FaExchange = "\uf0ec"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ec;
public static readonly string FaCloudDownload = "\uf0ed"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ed;
public static readonly string FaCloudUpload = "\uf0ee"; // for xaml use: &#xf0ee;
public static readonly string FaUserMd = "\uf0f0"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f0;
public static readonly string FaStethoscope = "\uf0f1"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f1;
public static readonly string FaSuitcase = "\uf0f2"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f2;
public static readonly string FaBellO = "\uf0a2"; // for xaml use: &#xf0a2;
public static readonly string FaCoffee = "\uf0f4"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f4;
public static readonly string FaCutlery = "\uf0f5"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f5;
public static readonly string FaFileTextO = "\uf0f6"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f6;
public static readonly string FaBuildingO = "\uf0f7"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f7;
public static readonly string FaHospitalO = "\uf0f8"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f8;
public static readonly string FaAmbulance = "\uf0f9"; // for xaml use: &#xf0f9;
public static readonly string FaMedkit = "\uf0fa"; // for xaml use: &#xf0fa;
public static readonly string FaFighterJet = "\uf0fb"; // for xaml use: &#xf0fb;
public static readonly string FaBeer = "\uf0fc"; // for xaml use: &#xf0fc;
public static readonly string FaHSquare = "\uf0fd"; // for xaml use: &#xf0fd;
public static readonly string FaPlusSquare = "\uf0fe"; // for xaml use: &#xf0fe;
public static readonly string FaAngleDoubleLeft = "\uf100"; // for xaml use: &#xf100;
public static readonly string FaAngleDoubleRight = "\uf101"; // for xaml use: &#xf101;
public static readonly string FaAngleDoubleUp = "\uf102"; // for xaml use: &#xf102;
public static readonly string FaAngleDoubleDown = "\uf103"; // for xaml use: &#xf103;
public static readonly string FaAngleLeft = "\uf104"; // for xaml use: &#xf104;
public static readonly string FaAngleRight = "\uf105"; // for xaml use: &#xf105;
public static readonly string FaAngleUp = "\uf106"; // for xaml use: &#xf106;
public static readonly string FaAngleDown = "\uf107"; // for xaml use: &#xf107;
public static readonly string FaDesktop = "\uf108"; // for xaml use: &#xf108;
public static readonly string FaLaptop = "\uf109"; // for xaml use: &#xf109;
public static readonly string FaTablet = "\uf10a"; // for xaml use: &#xf10a;
public static readonly string FaMobile = "\uf10b"; // for xaml use: &#xf10b;
public static readonly string FaCircleO = "\uf10c"; // for xaml use: &#xf10c;
public static readonly string FaQuoteLeft = "\uf10d"; // for xaml use: &#xf10d;
public static readonly string FaQuoteRight = "\uf10e"; // for xaml use: &#xf10e;
public static readonly string FaSpinner = "\uf110"; // for xaml use: &#xf110;
public static readonly string FaCircle = "\uf111"; // for xaml use: &#xf111;
public static readonly string FaReply = "\uf112"; // for xaml use: &#xf112;
public static readonly string FaGithubAlt = "\uf113"; // for xaml use: &#xf113;
public static readonly string FaFolderO = "\uf114"; // for xaml use: &#xf114;
public static readonly string FaFolderOpenO = "\uf115"; // for xaml use: &#xf115;
public static readonly string FaSmileO = "\uf118"; // for xaml use: &#xf118;
public static readonly string FaFrownO = "\uf119"; // for xaml use: &#xf119;
public static readonly string FaMehO = "\uf11a"; // for xaml use: &#xf11a;
public static readonly string FaGamepad = "\uf11b"; // for xaml use: &#xf11b;
public static readonly string FaKeyboardO = "\uf11c"; // for xaml use: &#xf11c;
public static readonly string FaFlagO = "\uf11d"; // for xaml use: &#xf11d;
public static readonly string FaFlagCheckered = "\uf11e"; // for xaml use: &#xf11e;
public static readonly string FaTerminal = "\uf120"; // for xaml use: &#xf120;
public static readonly string FaCode = "\uf121"; // for xaml use: &#xf121;
public static readonly string FaReplyAll = "\uf122"; // for xaml use: &#xf122;
public static readonly string FaStarHalfO = "\uf123"; // for xaml use: &#xf123;
public static readonly string FaLocationArrow = "\uf124"; // for xaml use: &#xf124;
public static readonly string FaCrop = "\uf125"; // for xaml use: &#xf125;
public static readonly string FaCodeFork = "\uf126"; // for xaml use: &#xf126;
public static readonly string FaChainBroken = "\uf127"; // for xaml use: &#xf127;
public static readonly string FaQuestion = "\uf128"; // for xaml use: &#xf128;
public static readonly string FaInfo = "\uf129"; // for xaml use: &#xf129;
public static readonly string FaExclamation = "\uf12a"; // for xaml use: &#xf12a;
public static readonly string FaSuperscript = "\uf12b"; // for xaml use: &#xf12b;
public static readonly string FaSubscript = "\uf12c"; // for xaml use: &#xf12c;
public static readonly string FaEraser = "\uf12d"; // for xaml use: &#xf12d;
public static readonly string FaPuzzlePiece = "\uf12e"; // for xaml use: &#xf12e;
public static readonly string FaMicrophone = "\uf130"; // for xaml use: &#xf130;
public static readonly string FaMicrophoneSlash = "\uf131"; // for xaml use: &#xf131;
public static readonly string FaShield = "\uf132"; // for xaml use: &#xf132;
public static readonly string FaCalendarO = "\uf133"; // for xaml use: &#xf133;
public static readonly string FaFireExtinguisher = "\uf134"; // for xaml use: &#xf134;
public static readonly string FaRocket = "\uf135"; // for xaml use: &#xf135;
public static readonly string FaMaxcdn = "\uf136"; // for xaml use: &#xf136;
public static readonly string FaChevronCircleLeft = "\uf137"; // for xaml use: &#xf137;
public static readonly string FaChevronCircleRight = "\uf138"; // for xaml use: &#xf138;
public static readonly string FaChevronCircleUp = "\uf139"; // for xaml use: &#xf139;
public static readonly string FaChevronCircleDown = "\uf13a"; // for xaml use: &#xf13a;
public static readonly string FaHtml5 = "\uf13b"; // for xaml use: &#xf13b;
public static readonly string FaCss3 = "\uf13c"; // for xaml use: &#xf13c;
public static readonly string FaAnchor = "\uf13d"; // for xaml use: &#xf13d;
public static readonly string FaUnlockAlt = "\uf13e"; // for xaml use: &#xf13e;
public static readonly string FaBullseye = "\uf140"; // for xaml use: &#xf140;
public static readonly string FaEllipsisH = "\uf141"; // for xaml use: &#xf141;
public static readonly string FaEllipsisV = "\uf142"; // for xaml use: &#xf142;
public static readonly string FaRssSquare = "\uf143"; // for xaml use: &#xf143;
public static readonly string FaPlayCircle = "\uf144"; // for xaml use: &#xf144;
public static readonly string FaTicket = "\uf145"; // for xaml use: &#xf145;
public static readonly string FaMinusSquare = "\uf146"; // for xaml use: &#xf146;
public static readonly string FaMinusSquareO = "\uf147"; // for xaml use: &#xf147;
public static readonly string FaLevelUp = "\uf148"; // for xaml use: &#xf148;
public static readonly string FaLevelDown = "\uf149"; // for xaml use: &#xf149;
public static readonly string FaCheckSquare = "\uf14a"; // for xaml use: &#xf14a;
public static readonly string FaPencilSquare = "\uf14b"; // for xaml use: &#xf14b;
public static readonly string FaExternalLinkSquare = "\uf14c"; // for xaml use: &#xf14c;
public static readonly string FaShareSquare = "\uf14d"; // for xaml use: &#xf14d;
public static readonly string FaCompass = "\uf14e"; // for xaml use: &#xf14e;
public static readonly string FaCaretSquareODown = "\uf150"; // for xaml use: &#xf150;
public static readonly string FaCaretSquareOUp = "\uf151"; // for xaml use: &#xf151;
public static readonly string FaCaretSquareORight = "\uf152"; // for xaml use: &#xf152;
public static readonly string FaEur = "\uf153"; // for xaml use: &#xf153;
public static readonly string FaGbp = "\uf154"; // for xaml use: &#xf154;
public static readonly string FaUsd = "\uf155"; // for xaml use: &#xf155;
public static readonly string FaInr = "\uf156"; // for xaml use: &#xf156;
public static readonly string FaJpy = "\uf157"; // for xaml use: &#xf157;
public static readonly string FaRub = "\uf158"; // for xaml use: &#xf158;
public static readonly string FaKrw = "\uf159"; // for xaml use: &#xf159;
public static readonly string FaBtc = "\uf15a"; // for xaml use: &#xf15a;
public static readonly string FaFile = "\uf15b"; // for xaml use: &#xf15b;
public static readonly string FaFileText = "\uf15c"; // for xaml use: &#xf15c;
public static readonly string FaSortAlphaAsc = "\uf15d"; // for xaml use: &#xf15d;
public static readonly string FaSortAlphaDesc = "\uf15e"; // for xaml use: &#xf15e;
public static readonly string FaSortAmountAsc = "\uf160"; // for xaml use: &#xf160;
public static readonly string FaSortAmountDesc = "\uf161"; // for xaml use: &#xf161;
public static readonly string FaSortNumericAsc = "\uf162"; // for xaml use: &#xf162;
public static readonly string FaSortNumericDesc = "\uf163"; // for xaml use: &#xf163;
public static readonly string FaThumbsUp = "\uf164"; // for xaml use: &#xf164;
public static readonly string FaThumbsDown = "\uf165"; // for xaml use: &#xf165;
public static readonly string FaYoutubeSquare = "\uf166"; // for xaml use: &#xf166;
public static readonly string FaYoutube = "\uf167"; // for xaml use: &#xf167;
public static readonly string FaXing = "\uf168"; // for xaml use: &#xf168;
public static readonly string FaXingSquare = "\uf169"; // for xaml use: &#xf169;
public static readonly string FaYoutubePlay = "\uf16a"; // for xaml use: &#xf16a;
public static readonly string FaDropbox = "\uf16b"; // for xaml use: &#xf16b;
public static readonly string FaStackOverflow = "\uf16c"; // for xaml use: &#xf16c;
public static readonly string FaInstagram = "\uf16d"; // for xaml use: &#xf16d;
public static readonly string FaFlickr = "\uf16e"; // for xaml use: &#xf16e;
public static readonly string FaAdn = "\uf170"; // for xaml use: &#xf170;
public static readonly string FaBitbucket = "\uf171"; // for xaml use: &#xf171;
public static readonly string FaBitbucketSquare = "\uf172"; // for xaml use: &#xf172;
public static readonly string FaTumblr = "\uf173"; // for xaml use: &#xf173;
public static readonly string FaTumblrSquare = "\uf174"; // for xaml use: &#xf174;
public static readonly string FaLongArrowDown = "\uf175"; // for xaml use: &#xf175;
public static readonly string FaLongArrowUp = "\uf176"; // for xaml use: &#xf176;
public static readonly string FaLongArrowLeft = "\uf177"; // for xaml use: &#xf177;
public static readonly string FaLongArrowRight = "\uf178"; // for xaml use: &#xf178;
public static readonly string FaApple = "\uf179"; // for xaml use: &#xf179;
public static readonly string FaWindows = "\uf17a"; // for xaml use: &#xf17a;
public static readonly string FaAndroid = "\uf17b"; // for xaml use: &#xf17b;
public static readonly string FaLinux = "\uf17c"; // for xaml use: &#xf17c;
public static readonly string FaDribbble = "\uf17d"; // for xaml use: &#xf17d;
public static readonly string FaSkype = "\uf17e"; // for xaml use: &#xf17e;
public static readonly string FaFoursquare = "\uf180"; // for xaml use: &#xf180;
public static readonly string FaTrello = "\uf181"; // for xaml use: &#xf181;
public static readonly string FaFemale = "\uf182"; // for xaml use: &#xf182;
public static readonly string FaMale = "\uf183"; // for xaml use: &#xf183;
public static readonly string FaGratipay = "\uf184"; // for xaml use: &#xf184;
public static readonly string FaSunO = "\uf185"; // for xaml use: &#xf185;
public static readonly string FaMoonO = "\uf186"; // for xaml use: &#xf186;
public static readonly string FaArchive = "\uf187"; // for xaml use: &#xf187;
public static readonly string FaBug = "\uf188"; // for xaml use: &#xf188;
public static readonly string FaVk = "\uf189"; // for xaml use: &#xf189;
public static readonly string FaWeibo = "\uf18a"; // for xaml use: &#xf18a;
public static readonly string FaRenren = "\uf18b"; // for xaml use: &#xf18b;
public static readonly string FaPagelines = "\uf18c"; // for xaml use: &#xf18c;
public static readonly string FaStackExchange = "\uf18d"; // for xaml use: &#xf18d;
public static readonly string FaArrowCircleORight = "\uf18e"; // for xaml use: &#xf18e;
public static readonly string FaArrowCircleOLeft = "\uf190"; // for xaml use: &#xf190;
public static readonly string FaCaretSquareOLeft = "\uf191"; // for xaml use: &#xf191;
public static readonly string FaDotCircleO = "\uf192"; // for xaml use: &#xf192;
public static readonly string FaWheelchair = "\uf193"; // for xaml use: &#xf193;
public static readonly string FaVimeoSquare = "\uf194"; // for xaml use: &#xf194;
public static readonly string FaTry = "\uf195"; // for xaml use: &#xf195;
public static readonly string FaPlusSquareO = "\uf196"; // for xaml use: &#xf196;
public static readonly string FaSpaceShuttle = "\uf197"; // for xaml use: &#xf197;
public static readonly string FaSlack = "\uf198"; // for xaml use: &#xf198;
public static readonly string FaEnvelopeSquare = "\uf199"; // for xaml use: &#xf199;
public static readonly string FaWordpress = "\uf19a"; // for xaml use: &#xf19a;
public static readonly string FaOpenid = "\uf19b"; // for xaml use: &#xf19b;
public static readonly string FaUniversity = "\uf19c"; // for xaml use: &#xf19c;
public static readonly string FaGraduationCap = "\uf19d"; // for xaml use: &#xf19d;
public static readonly string FaYahoo = "\uf19e"; // for xaml use: &#xf19e;
public static readonly string FaGoogle = "\uf1a0"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a0;
public static readonly string FaReddit = "\uf1a1"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a1;
public static readonly string FaRedditSquare = "\uf1a2"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a2;
public static readonly string FaStumbleuponCircle = "\uf1a3"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a3;
public static readonly string FaStumbleupon = "\uf1a4"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a4;
public static readonly string FaDelicious = "\uf1a5"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a5;
public static readonly string FaDigg = "\uf1a6"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a6;
public static readonly string FaPiedPiper = "\uf1a7"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a7;
public static readonly string FaPiedPiperAlt = "\uf1a8"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a8;
public static readonly string FaDrupal = "\uf1a9"; // for xaml use: &#xf1a9;
public static readonly string FaJoomla = "\uf1aa"; // for xaml use: &#xf1aa;
public static readonly string FaLanguage = "\uf1ab"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ab;
public static readonly string FaFax = "\uf1ac"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ac;
public static readonly string FaBuilding = "\uf1ad"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ad;
public static readonly string FaChild = "\uf1ae"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ae;
public static readonly string FaPaw = "\uf1b0"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b0;
public static readonly string FaSpoon = "\uf1b1"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b1;
public static readonly string FaCube = "\uf1b2"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b2;
public static readonly string FaCubes = "\uf1b3"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b3;
public static readonly string FaBehance = "\uf1b4"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b4;
public static readonly string FaBehanceSquare = "\uf1b5"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b5;
public static readonly string FaSteam = "\uf1b6"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b6;
public static readonly string FaSteamSquare = "\uf1b7"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b7;
public static readonly string FaRecycle = "\uf1b8"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b8;
public static readonly string FaCar = "\uf1b9"; // for xaml use: &#xf1b9;
public static readonly string FaTaxi = "\uf1ba"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ba;
public static readonly string FaTree = "\uf1bb"; // for xaml use: &#xf1bb;
public static readonly string FaSpotify = "\uf1bc"; // for xaml use: &#xf1bc;
public static readonly string FaDeviantart = "\uf1bd"; // for xaml use: &#xf1bd;
public static readonly string FaSoundcloud = "\uf1be"; // for xaml use: &#xf1be;
public static readonly string FaDatabase = "\uf1c0"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c0;
public static readonly string FaFilePdfO = "\uf1c1"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c1;
public static readonly string FaFileWordO = "\uf1c2"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c2;
public static readonly string FaFileExcelO = "\uf1c3"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c3;
public static readonly string FaFilePowerpointO = "\uf1c4"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c4;
public static readonly string FaFileImageO = "\uf1c5"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c5;
public static readonly string FaFileArchiveO = "\uf1c6"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c6;
public static readonly string FaFileAudioO = "\uf1c7"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c7;
public static readonly string FaFileVideoO = "\uf1c8"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c8;
public static readonly string FaFileCodeO = "\uf1c9"; // for xaml use: &#xf1c9;
public static readonly string FaVine = "\uf1ca"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ca;
public static readonly string FaCodepen = "\uf1cb"; // for xaml use: &#xf1cb;
public static readonly string FaJsfiddle = "\uf1cc"; // for xaml use: &#xf1cc;
public static readonly string FaLifeRing = "\uf1cd"; // for xaml use: &#xf1cd;
public static readonly string FaCircleONotch = "\uf1ce"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ce;
public static readonly string FaRebel = "\uf1d0"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d0;
public static readonly string FaEmpire = "\uf1d1"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d1;
public static readonly string FaGitSquare = "\uf1d2"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d2;
public static readonly string FaGit = "\uf1d3"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d3;
public static readonly string FaHackerNews = "\uf1d4"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d4;
public static readonly string FaTencentWeibo = "\uf1d5"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d5;
public static readonly string FaQq = "\uf1d6"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d6;
public static readonly string FaWeixin = "\uf1d7"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d7;
public static readonly string FaPaperPlane = "\uf1d8"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d8;
public static readonly string FaPaperPlaneO = "\uf1d9"; // for xaml use: &#xf1d9;
public static readonly string FaHistory = "\uf1da"; // for xaml use: &#xf1da;
public static readonly string FaCircleThin = "\uf1db"; // for xaml use: &#xf1db;
public static readonly string FaHeader = "\uf1dc"; // for xaml use: &#xf1dc;
public static readonly string FaParagraph = "\uf1dd"; // for xaml use: &#xf1dd;
public static readonly string FaSliders = "\uf1de"; // for xaml use: &#xf1de;
public static readonly string FaShareAlt = "\uf1e0"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e0;
public static readonly string FaShareAltSquare = "\uf1e1"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e1;
public static readonly string FaBomb = "\uf1e2"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e2;
public static readonly string FaFutbolO = "\uf1e3"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e3;
public static readonly string FaTty = "\uf1e4"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e4;
public static readonly string FaBinoculars = "\uf1e5"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e5;
public static readonly string FaPlug = "\uf1e6"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e6;
public static readonly string FaSlideshare = "\uf1e7"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e7;
public static readonly string FaTwitch = "\uf1e8"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e8;
public static readonly string FaYelp = "\uf1e9"; // for xaml use: &#xf1e9;
public static readonly string FaNewspaperO = "\uf1ea"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ea;
public static readonly string FaWifi = "\uf1eb"; // for xaml use: &#xf1eb;
public static readonly string FaCalculator = "\uf1ec"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ec;
public static readonly string FaPaypal = "\uf1ed"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ed;
public static readonly string FaGoogleWallet = "\uf1ee"; // for xaml use: &#xf1ee;
public static readonly string FaCcVisa = "\uf1f0"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f0;
public static readonly string FaCcMastercard = "\uf1f1"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f1;
public static readonly string FaCcDiscover = "\uf1f2"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f2;
public static readonly string FaCcAmex = "\uf1f3"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f3;
public static readonly string FaCcPaypal = "\uf1f4"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f4;
public static readonly string FaCcStripe = "\uf1f5"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f5;
public static readonly string FaBellSlash = "\uf1f6"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f6;
public static readonly string FaBellSlashO = "\uf1f7"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f7;
public static readonly string FaTrash = "\uf1f8"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f8;
public static readonly string FaCopyright = "\uf1f9"; // for xaml use: &#xf1f9;
public static readonly string FaAt = "\uf1fa"; // for xaml use: &#xf1fa;
public static readonly string FaEyedropper = "\uf1fb"; // for xaml use: &#xf1fb;
public static readonly string FaPaintBrush = "\uf1fc"; // for xaml use: &#xf1fc;
public static readonly string FaBirthdayCake = "\uf1fd"; // for xaml use: &#xf1fd;
public static readonly string FaAreaChart = "\uf1fe"; // for xaml use: &#xf1fe;
public static readonly string FaPieChart = "\uf200"; // for xaml use: &#xf200;
public static readonly string FaLineChart = "\uf201"; // for xaml use: &#xf201;
public static readonly string FaLastfm = "\uf202"; // for xaml use: &#xf202;
public static readonly string FaLastfmSquare = "\uf203"; // for xaml use: &#xf203;
public static readonly string FaToggleOff = "\uf204"; // for xaml use: &#xf204;
public static readonly string FaToggleOn = "\uf205"; // for xaml use: &#xf205;
public static readonly string FaBicycle = "\uf206"; // for xaml use: &#xf206;
public static readonly string FaBus = "\uf207"; // for xaml use: &#xf207;
public static readonly string FaIoxhost = "\uf208"; // for xaml use: &#xf208;
public static readonly string FaAngellist = "\uf209"; // for xaml use: &#xf209;
public static readonly string FaCc = "\uf20a"; // for xaml use: &#xf20a;
public static readonly string FaIls = "\uf20b"; // for xaml use: &#xf20b;
public static readonly string FaMeanpath = "\uf20c"; // for xaml use: &#xf20c;
public static readonly string FaBuysellads = "\uf20d"; // for xaml use: &#xf20d;
public static readonly string FaConnectdevelop = "\uf20e"; // for xaml use: &#xf20e;
public static readonly string FaDashcube = "\uf210"; // for xaml use: &#xf210;
public static readonly string FaForumbee = "\uf211"; // for xaml use: &#xf211;
public static readonly string FaLeanpub = "\uf212"; // for xaml use: &#xf212;
public static readonly string FaSellsy = "\uf213"; // for xaml use: &#xf213;
public static readonly string FaShirtsinbulk = "\uf214"; // for xaml use: &#xf214;
public static readonly string FaSimplybuilt = "\uf215"; // for xaml use: &#xf215;
public static readonly string FaSkyatlas = "\uf216"; // for xaml use: &#xf216;
public static readonly string FaCartPlus = "\uf217"; // for xaml use: &#xf217;
public static readonly string FaCartArrowDown = "\uf218"; // for xaml use: &#xf218;
public static readonly string FaDiamond = "\uf219"; // for xaml use: &#xf219;
public static readonly string FaShip = "\uf21a"; // for xaml use: &#xf21a;
public static readonly string FaUserSecret = "\uf21b"; // for xaml use: &#xf21b;
public static readonly string FaMotorcycle = "\uf21c"; // for xaml use: &#xf21c;
public static readonly string FaStreetView = "\uf21d"; // for xaml use: &#xf21d;
public static readonly string FaHeartbeat = "\uf21e"; // for xaml use: &#xf21e;
public static readonly string FaVenus = "\uf221"; // for xaml use: &#xf221;
public static readonly string FaMars = "\uf222"; // for xaml use: &#xf222;
public static readonly string FaMercury = "\uf223"; // for xaml use: &#xf223;
public static readonly string FaTransgender = "\uf224"; // for xaml use: &#xf224;
public static readonly string FaTransgenderAlt = "\uf225"; // for xaml use: &#xf225;
public static readonly string FaVenusDouble = "\uf226"; // for xaml use: &#xf226;
public static readonly string FaMarsDouble = "\uf227"; // for xaml use: &#xf227;
public static readonly string FaVenusMars = "\uf228"; // for xaml use: &#xf228;
public static readonly string FaMarsStroke = "\uf229"; // for xaml use: &#xf229;
public static readonly string FaMarsStrokeV = "\uf22a"; // for xaml use: &#xf22a;
public static readonly string FaMarsStrokeH = "\uf22b"; // for xaml use: &#xf22b;
public static readonly string FaNeuter = "\uf22c"; // for xaml use: &#xf22c;
public static readonly string FaGenderless = "\uf22d"; // for xaml use: &#xf22d;
public static readonly string FaFacebookOfficial = "\uf230"; // for xaml use: &#xf230;
public static readonly string FaPinterestP = "\uf231"; // for xaml use: &#xf231;
public static readonly string FaWhatsapp = "\uf232"; // for xaml use: &#xf232;
public static readonly string FaServer = "\uf233"; // for xaml use: &#xf233;
public static readonly string FaUserPlus = "\uf234"; // for xaml use: &#xf234;
public static readonly string FaUserTimes = "\uf235"; // for xaml use: &#xf235;
public static readonly string FaBed = "\uf236"; // for xaml use: &#xf236;
public static readonly string FaViacoin = "\uf237"; // for xaml use: &#xf237;
public static readonly string FaTrain = "\uf238"; // for xaml use: &#xf238;
public static readonly string FaSubway = "\uf239"; // for xaml use: &#xf239;
public static readonly string FaMedium = "\uf23a"; // for xaml use: &#xf23a;
public static readonly string FaYCombinator = "\uf23b"; // for xaml use: &#xf23b;
public static readonly string FaOptinMonster = "\uf23c"; // for xaml use: &#xf23c;
public static readonly string FaOpencart = "\uf23d"; // for xaml use: &#xf23d;
public static readonly string FaExpeditedssl = "\uf23e"; // for xaml use: &#xf23e;
public static readonly string FaBatteryFull = "\uf240"; // for xaml use: &#xf240;
public static readonly string FaBatteryThreeQuarters = "\uf241"; // for xaml use: &#xf241;
public static readonly string FaBatteryHalf = "\uf242"; // for xaml use: &#xf242;
public static readonly string FaBatteryQuarter = "\uf243"; // for xaml use: &#xf243;
public static readonly string FaBatteryEmpty = "\uf244"; // for xaml use: &#xf244;
public static readonly string FaMousePointer = "\uf245"; // for xaml use: &#xf245;
public static readonly string FaICursor = "\uf246"; // for xaml use: &#xf246;
public static readonly string FaObjectGroup = "\uf247"; // for xaml use: &#xf247;
public static readonly string FaObjectUngroup = "\uf248"; // for xaml use: &#xf248;
public static readonly string FaStickyNote = "\uf249"; // for xaml use: &#xf249;
public static readonly string FaStickyNoteO = "\uf24a"; // for xaml use: &#xf24a;
public static readonly string FaCcJcb = "\uf24b"; // for xaml use: &#xf24b;
public static readonly string FaCcDinersClub = "\uf24c"; // for xaml use: &#xf24c;
public static readonly string FaClone = "\uf24d"; // for xaml use: &#xf24d;
public static readonly string FaBalanceScale = "\uf24e"; // for xaml use: &#xf24e;
public static readonly string FaHourglassO = "\uf250"; // for xaml use: &#xf250;
public static readonly string FaHourglassStart = "\uf251"; // for xaml use: &#xf251;
public static readonly string FaHourglassHalf = "\uf252"; // for xaml use: &#xf252;
public static readonly string FaHourglassEnd = "\uf253"; // for xaml use: &#xf253;
public static readonly string FaHourglass = "\uf254"; // for xaml use: &#xf254;
public static readonly string FaHandRockO = "\uf255"; // for xaml use: &#xf255;
public static readonly string FaHandPaperO = "\uf256"; // for xaml use: &#xf256;
public static readonly string FaHandScissorsO = "\uf257"; // for xaml use: &#xf257;
public static readonly string FaHandLizardO = "\uf258"; // for xaml use: &#xf258;
public static readonly string FaHandSpockO = "\uf259"; // for xaml use: &#xf259;
public static readonly string FaHandPointerO = "\uf25a"; // for xaml use: &#xf25a;
public static readonly string FaHandPeaceO = "\uf25b"; // for xaml use: &#xf25b;
public static readonly string FaTrademark = "\uf25c"; // for xaml use: &#xf25c;
public static readonly string FaRegistered = "\uf25d"; // for xaml use: &#xf25d;
public static readonly string FaCreativeCommons = "\uf25e"; // for xaml use: &#xf25e;
public static readonly string FaGg = "\uf260"; // for xaml use: &#xf260;
public static readonly string FaGgCircle = "\uf261"; // for xaml use: &#xf261;
public static readonly string FaTripadvisor = "\uf262"; // for xaml use: &#xf262;
public static readonly string FaOdnoklassniki = "\uf263"; // for xaml use: &#xf263;
public static readonly string FaOdnoklassnikiSquare = "\uf264"; // for xaml use: &#xf264;
public static readonly string FaGetPocket = "\uf265"; // for xaml use: &#xf265;
public static readonly string FaWikipediaW = "\uf266"; // for xaml use: &#xf266;
public static readonly string FaSafari = "\uf267"; // for xaml use: &#xf267;
public static readonly string FaChrome = "\uf268"; // for xaml use: &#xf268;
public static readonly string FaFirefox = "\uf269"; // for xaml use: &#xf269;
public static readonly string FaOpera = "\uf26a"; // for xaml use: &#xf26a;
public static readonly string FaInternetExplorer = "\uf26b"; // for xaml use: &#xf26b;
public static readonly string FaTelevision = "\uf26c"; // for xaml use: &#xf26c;
public static readonly string FaContao = "\uf26d"; // for xaml use: &#xf26d;
public static readonly string Fa500Px = "\uf26e"; // for xaml use: &#xf26e;
public static readonly string FaAmazon = "\uf270"; // for xaml use: &#xf270;
public static readonly string FaCalendarPlusO = "\uf271"; // for xaml use: &#xf271;
public static readonly string FaCalendarMinusO = "\uf272"; // for xaml use: &#xf272;
public static readonly string FaCalendarTimesO = "\uf273"; // for xaml use: &#xf273;
public static readonly string FaCalendarCheckO = "\uf274"; // for xaml use: &#xf274;
public static readonly string FaIndustry = "\uf275"; // for xaml use: &#xf275;
public static readonly string FaMapPin = "\uf276"; // for xaml use: &#xf276;
public static readonly string FaMapSigns = "\uf277"; // for xaml use: &#xf277;
public static readonly string FaMapO = "\uf278"; // for xaml use: &#xf278;
public static readonly string FaMap = "\uf279"; // for xaml use: &#xf279;
public static readonly string FaCommenting = "\uf27a"; // for xaml use: &#xf27a;
public static readonly string FaCommentingO = "\uf27b"; // for xaml use: &#xf27b;
public static readonly string FaHouzz = "\uf27c"; // for xaml use: &#xf27c;
public static readonly string FaVimeo = "\uf27d"; // for xaml use: &#xf27d;
public static readonly string FaBlackTie = "\uf27e"; // for xaml use: &#xf27e;
public static readonly string FaFonticons = "\uf280"; // for xaml use: &#xf280;
public static readonly string FaRedditAlien = "\uf281"; // for xaml use: &#xf281;
public static readonly string FaEdge = "\uf282"; // for xaml use: &#xf282;
public static readonly string FaCreditCardAlt = "\uf283"; // for xaml use: &#xf283;
public static readonly string FaCodiepie = "\uf284"; // for xaml use: &#xf284;
public static readonly string FaModx = "\uf285"; // for xaml use: &#xf285;
public static readonly string FaFortAwesome = "\uf286"; // for xaml use: &#xf286;
public static readonly string FaUsb = "\uf287"; // for xaml use: &#xf287;
public static readonly string FaProductHunt = "\uf288"; // for xaml use: &#xf288;
public static readonly string FaMixcloud = "\uf289"; // for xaml use: &#xf289;
public static readonly string FaScribd = "\uf28a"; // for xaml use: &#xf28a;
public static readonly string FaPauseCircle = "\uf28b"; // for xaml use: &#xf28b;
public static readonly string FaPauseCircleO = "\uf28c"; // for xaml use: &#xf28c;
public static readonly string FaStopCircle = "\uf28d"; // for xaml use: &#xf28d;
public static readonly string FaStopCircleO = "\uf28e"; // for xaml use: &#xf28e;
public static readonly string FaShoppingBag = "\uf290"; // for xaml use: &#xf290;
public static readonly string FaShoppingBasket = "\uf291"; // for xaml use: &#xf291;
public static readonly string FaHashtag = "\uf292"; // for xaml use: &#xf292;
public static readonly string FaBluetooth = "\uf293"; // for xaml use: &#xf293;
public static readonly string FaBluetoothB = "\uf294"; // for xaml use: &#xf294;
public static readonly string FaPercent = "\uf295"; // for xaml use: &#xf295;
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