I started to upload bass covers on https://www.youtube.com/@hiroshi18181. Writing my current workflow and some plans to explore and improve.
- audacity
- ardour
- kdenlive
- youtube
/* | |
Fix up old thumbnails https://www.youtube.com/@hiroshi18181/videos | |
- dump all videos data | |
yt-dlp -j https://www.youtube.com/@hiroshi18181/videos > videos.ndjson | |
jq -s '[.[] | {id, title, description}]' videos.ndjson > videos-slim.json | |
node youtube-thumbnail.js process-json videos-slim.json > videos-slim2.json5 |
I started to upload bass covers on https://www.youtube.com/@hiroshi18181. Writing my current workflow and some plans to explore and improve.
From https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/6874,
gh api \
--method PUT \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
/notifications \
-F read=true
// https://github.com/oxc-project/oxc/blob/a6487482bc053797f7f1a42f5793fafbd9a47114/crates/oxc_codegen/examples/sourcemap.rs#L34-L44 | |
function generate(code, mapJson) { | |
const hashRaw = `${code.length}\0${code}${mapJson.length}\0${mapJson}`; | |
// const hash = btoa(hashRaw); | |
const hash = Buffer.from(hashRaw, "utf-8").toString("base64"); | |
return `https://evanw.github.io/source-map-visualization/#` + hash; | |
} | |
console.log(generate(result.code, JSON.stringify(result.map))) |
function wrapConsoleTimeAsync<F extends (...args: any[]) => any>(f: F) { | |
const wrapper = async function (this: any, ...args: any[]) { | |
const id = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2).padStart(12, "0"); | |
const label = `${f.name}:${id}`; | |
globalThis.console.time(label); | |
try { | |
return await f.apply(this, args); | |
} finally { | |
globalThis.console.timeEnd(label); | |
} |
# single test file only on chromium
yarn test:integration -- integration/vite-dev-express-test.ts --headed --project chromium
/* eslint-disable no-console */ | |
import type { API, FileInfo } from "jscodeshift"; | |
import * as recast from "recast"; | |
export default function transformer(file: FileInfo, api: API): string | undefined { | |
const j = api.jscodeshift; | |
const $j = j(file.source); | |
const result: { |
const code = `for (let i = 0; ;i++) { (i++ % 1000000 === 0) && console.log(i); }`
const worker = new Worker(new URL(`data:text/javascript,${encodeURIComponent(code)}`))
// | |
// generate type-safe react-query options wrapper from a record of async functions | |
// | |
type FnRecord = Record<string, (input: unknown) => unknown>; | |
type FnInput<F extends (input: unknown) => unknown> = Parameters<F>[0]; | |
type FnOutput<F extends (input: unknown) => unknown> = Awaited<ReturnType<F>>; | |
type ReactQueryOptionsProxy<T extends FnRecord> = { | |
[K in keyof T]: { |