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Pierre Martin hickscorp

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// See the updated gist at
// Make sure you install the ANSIEscape package if you want color support.
// Just drop this file in your elixir project root folder, and rename it to
// match it, eg `whatever.sublime-project`.
// Then open sublime like so: `subl whatever.sublime-project`
// The build command will become available by pressing `Ctrl+Shift+B`.
// It's also recommended to install those two packages:
// - Elixir for syntax coloring:
defmodule GraphqlHelpers do
import Ecto.Query
@doc """
## example
field :storages, list_of(:storage), do: has_many(:storages)
defmacro has_many(model) do
quote do
resolve fn subject, _, _ ->
prio / server.ex
Created January 6, 2014 22:16
Elixir gen_server example
defmodule Tcprpc.Server do
use GenServer.Behaviour
defrecord State, port: nil, lsock: nil, request_count: 0
def start_link(port) do
:gen_server.start_link({ :local, :tcprcp }, __MODULE__, port, [])
def start_link() do