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Daniel Sánchez hielfx

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hielfx /
Created November 18, 2023 20:45 — forked from juanbrujo/
Files for PlayStation BIOS Files NA-EU-JP
# README: A more updated version is on the comments by (ashmna)[]
# See at:
# this is for tools required
brew update
brew install ninja
brew install cmake
hielfx / mongo_registry.go
Created November 19, 2022 11:02 — forked from SupaHam/mongo_registry.go
mongo-go-driver UUID decoder & encoder for Golang
// This is a value (de|en)coder for the UUID type. For best experience, register
// mongoRegistry to mongo client instance via options, e.g.
// clientOptions := options.Client().SetRegistry(mongoRegistry)
// Only BSON binary subtype 0x04 is supported.
// Use as you please
package repository
import (
hielfx /
Created April 19, 2022 10:52 — forked from bgauduch/
Git config with multiple identities and multiple repositories

Setup multiple git identities & git user informations

/!\ Be very carrefull in your setup : any misconfiguration make all the git config to fail silently ! Go trought this guide step by step and it should be fine 😉

Setup multiple git ssh identities for git

  • Generate your SSH keys as per your git provider documentation.
  • Add each public SSH keys to your git providers acounts.
  • In your ~/.ssh/config, set each ssh key for each repository as in this exemple:
hielfx / Appfile
Created October 9, 2018 10:24 — forked from mmazzarolo/Appfile
Simple Fastlane setup for React-Native (Android - iOS)
# iOS
app_identifier "" # The bundle identifier of your app
apple_id "[email protected]" # Your Apple email address
team_id "1234ABCD" # Developer Portal Team ID
# Android
json_key_file "./google-play-api-secret.json" # Path to the json secret file - Follow to get one
package_name "" # Your Android app package
hielfx / gist:d967ad2e769bbed2bd67e2a3a335a58c
Created January 25, 2018 22:34 — forked from CristinaSolana/gist:1885435
Keeping a fork up to date

1. Clone your fork:

git clone [email protected]:YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-FORKED-REPO.git

2. Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:

cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream git://
git fetch upstream
hielfx / negroni-gorilla.go
Created November 15, 2017 09:58 — forked from danesparza/negroni-gorilla.go
Negroni with Gorilla mux subrouter
package main
import (
hielfx / negroni-gorilla.go
Created November 15, 2017 09:58 — forked from danesparza/negroni-gorilla.go
Negroni with Gorilla mux subrouter
package main
import (
hielfx / nodejs-tcp-example.js
Created July 17, 2017 07:48 — forked from tedmiston/nodejs-tcp-example.js
Node.js TCP client and server example
In the node.js intro tutorial (, they show a basic tcp
server, but for some reason omit a client connecting to it. I added an
example at the bottom.
Save the following server in example.js:
var net = require('net');
hielfx /
Created March 1, 2017 18:20 — forked from christopher-hopper/
Resize a Hard Disk for a Virtual Machine provisioned using Vagrant from a Linux base box to run using VirutalBox.

Resize a Hard Disk for a Virtual Machine

Our Virtual Machines are provisioned using Vagrant from a Linux base box to run using VirutalBox. If the Hard Disk space runs out and you cannot remove files to free-up space, you can resize the Hard Disk using some VirtualBox and Linux commands.

Some assumptions

The following steps assume you've got a set-up like mine, where: