curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vpp vpp-plugin-core vpp-plugin-dpdk
sudo usermod -aG vpp $USER
sudo systemctl start vpp
The issue is that the commands listed in the manual result in errors, whereas the commands in the test code do not. It would be better to refer to the commands listed in the test code.
vpp# show version
vpp v22.06-release built by root on 73cad0f338d2 at 2022-06-29T13:28:03
vpp# show sr policy behaviors
SR Policy behaviors:
Plugin behaviors:
t.m.gtp4.d -> Transit function with decapsulation for IPv4/GTP tunnel.
Parameters: '<sr-prefix>/<sr-prefixlen> v6src_prefix <v6src_prefix>/<prefixlen> [nhtype <nhtype>] fib-table <id>'
t.m.gtp4.dt -> Transit function with DT for IPv4/GTP tunnel.
Parameters: 'fib-index <index> [local-fib-table <index>]'
end.m.gtp6.d -> Endpoint function with dencapsulation for IPv6/GTP tunnel.
Parameters: '<sr-prefix>/<sr-prefixlen> [nhtype <nhtype>] fib-table <id>'
vpp# show sr localsid behaviors
SR LocalSIDs behaviors:
Default behaviors:
End -> Endpoint.
End.X -> Endpoint with Layer-3 cross-connect.
Parameters: '<iface> <ip6_next_hop>'
End.T -> Endpoint with specific IPv6 table lookup.
Parameters: '<fib_table>'
End.DX2 -> Endpoint with decapsulation and Layer-2 cross-connect.
Parameters: '<iface>'
End.DX6 -> Endpoint with decapsulation and IPv6 cross-connect.
Parameters: '<iface> <ip6_next_hop>'
End.DX4 -> Endpoint with decapsulation and IPv4 cross-connect.
Parameters: '<iface> <ip4_next_hop>'
End.DT6 -> Endpoint with decapsulation and specific IPv6 table lookup.
Parameters: '<ip6_fib_table>'
End.DT4 -> Endpoint with decapsulation and specific IPv4 table lookup.
Parameters: '<ip4_fib_table>'
Plugin behaviors:
End.AD -> Endpoint with dynamic proxy to SR-unaware appliance.
Parameters: 'nh <next-hop> oif <iface-out> iif <iface-in>'
End.AD.Flow -> Endpoint with flow-based dynamic proxy to SR-unaware appliance.
Parameters: 'nh <next-hop> oif <iface-out> iif <iface-in>'
End.AM -> Endpoint to SR-unaware appliance via masquerading.
Parameters: 'nh <next-hop> oif <iface-out> iif <iface-in>'
End.AS -> Endpoint with static proxy to SR-unaware appliance.
Parameters: 'nh <next-hop> oif <iface-out> iif <iface-in> src <src-addr> next <sid> [next <sid> ...]'
end.m.gtp4.e -> Endpoint function with encapsulation for IPv4/GTP tunnel.
Parameters: ''
end.m.gtp6.e -> Endpoint function with encapsulation for IPv6/GTP tunnel.
Parameters: ''
end.m.gtp6.d -> Endpoint function with dencapsulation for IPv6/GTP tunnel.
Parameters: '<sr-prefix>/<sr-prefixlen> [nhtype <nhtype>] fib-table <id>'
end.m.gtp6.d.di -> Endpoint function with drop-in dencapsulation for IPv6/GTP tunnel.
Parameters: '<sr-prefix>/<sr-prefixlen> [nhtype <nhtype>]'
end.m.gtp6.dt -> Endpoint function with DT for IPv6/GTP tunnel.
Parameters: 'fib-index <index> [local-fib-table <index>]'
doesn't work due tosr policy: Invalid behavior
vpp# sr policy add bsid 2001:db8::1 behavior t.m.gtp4.d D1::/32 v6src_prefix A1::/64 nhtype ipv4
sr policy: Invalid behavior
doesn't work due tounknown input `.m.gtp6.d D4::/64'
vpp# sr localsid prefix 2001:db8::/64 behavior end.m.gtp6.d D4::/64
unknown input `.m.gtp6.d D4::/64'
vpp# show sr localsids
SRv6 - My LocalSID Table:
Address: 2001:db8::
Behavior: End
Good traffic: [0 packets : 0 bytes]
Bad traffic: [0 packets : 0 bytes]
doesn't work due tounknown input `.m.gtp4.e v4src_position 64'
vpp# sr localsid prefix 2001:db8::/32 behavior end.m.gtp4.e v4src_position 64
unknown input `.m.gtp4.e v4src_position 64'
vpp# show sr localsids
SRv6 - My LocalSID Table:
Address: 2001:db8::
Behavior: End
Good traffic: [0 packets : 0 bytes]
Bad traffic: [0 packets : 0 bytes]
- end.m.gtp6.e doesn't work due to
unknown input `.m.gtp6.e'
vpp# sr localsid prefix 2001:db8::/64 behavior end.m.gtp6.e
unknown input `.m.gtp6.e'