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Matthias Stahl higsch

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janwillemtulp / simple-password-protection.svelte
Created May 20, 2020 12:45
Svelte simple static page password protection
let password = ''
const hash = s =>
s.split('').reduce((a, b) => {
a = (a << 5) - a + b.charCodeAt(0)
return a & a
}, 0)
$: console.log(password, hash(password))
chrisjacob /
Created February 18, 2011 03:44
Setup GitHub Pages "gh-pages" branch and "master" branch as subfolders of a parent project folder ("grandmaster").


Description: Setup GitHub Pages "gh-pages" branch and "master" branch as subfolders of a parent project folder ("grandmaster").

Author: Chris Jacob @_chrisjacob

Tutorial (Gist):

The Result