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Created April 16, 2014 19:19


  1. hiilppp created this gist Apr 16, 2014.
    35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions leaving_range.scpt
    Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
    @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
    do shell script "defaults write askForPassword 1; defaults write askForPasswordDelay 0"

    repeat until (do shell script "defaults read askForPassword") = "1" and (do shell script "defaults read askForPasswordDelay") = "0"
    delay 0.5
    end repeat

    tell application "ScreenSaverEngine" to activate

    if application "iTunes" is running then
    tell application "iTunes"
    if player state is playing then
    set initial_sound_volume to the sound volume
    set i to initial_sound_volume
    repeat until i = 0
    set i to i - 1
    set sound volume to i
    delay 0.1
    end repeat
    set sound volume to initial_sound_volume
    end if
    end tell
    end if

    if application "OmniFocus" is running then
    tell first document of application "OmniFocus"
    repeat until syncing is false
    delay 0.1
    end repeat
    do shell script "date \"+%-d.%-m.%Y, %-H:%M:%S\" > \"$HOME/Dropbox/var/lib/of/ls.txt\""
    end tell
    end if