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Created October 4, 2013 13:00
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whois(ish) REST for netdot
whois(ish) REST for netdot
Fetch contact information for a given IP address
if ip not found, then closest covering netblock contacts are returned
if direct contacts not found,then parent contacts are returned
install == copy this next to other REST scripts
Oct 4 2013
ver 0.0.1
$ip => undef
use Netdot::REST;
my $rest = Netdot::REST->new(user=>$user, manager=>$manager);
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED OK NOT_FOUND
# Get relevant HTTP headers from request object
my $headers = $rest->{request}->headers_in;
my $logger = Netdot->log->get_logger("Netdot::REST");
$logger->info(sprintf("/rest/whois: %s request with args: %s from %s (%s)",
my %res;
if ( $ip ){
# look for ip
my $ipb = Ipblock->search(address=>$ip)->first;
unless ( $ipb ) {
# ip not found, look for closest covering netblock
$ipb = Ipblock->get_covering_block(address=>$ip);
unless ( $ipb ) {
# not found, return no xml only HTTP header
Netdot->throw_rest(code=>Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND, msg=>"$ip not found");
} else {
$res{match} = 'closest covering block';
$res{route} = $ipb->get_label;
} else {
$res{match} = 'direct';
$res{route} = $ipb->parent->get_label if $ipb->parent;
# is it viewable for current user
unless ( $manager->can($user, 'view', $ipb) ){
$logger->info(sprintf("/rest/whois: user %s not allowed to view ip %s", $user->getUsername(), $ip));
msg=>"User not allowed to view this IP");
my %clists;
# grab usedby and owner id's
if ( $ipb->used_by && (my $cl = $ipb->used_by->contactlist) ){
$clists{$cl->id} = $cl;
$res{used_by} = $ipb->used_by->get_label;
$res{user_contact_type} = 'direct';
} else {
#try parent
if ( $ipb->parent && $ipb->parent->used_by && (my $cl = $ipb->parent->used_by->contactlist) ){
$clists{$cl->id} = $cl;
$res{used_by} = $ipb->parent->used_by->get_label;
$res{user_contact_type} = 'parent covering block';
if ( $ipb->owner && (my $cl = $ipb->owner->contactlist) ){
$clists{$cl->id} = $cl;
$res{owned_by} = $ipb->owner->get_label;
$res{owner_contact_type} = 'direct';
} else {
#try parent
if ( $ipb->parent && $ipb->parent->owner && (my $cl = $ipb->parent->owner->contactlist) ){
$clists{$cl->id} = $cl;
$res{owned_by} = $ipb->parent->owner->get_label;
$res{owner_contact_type} = 'parent covering block';
unless ( %clists ) {
$logger->info(sprintf("/rest/whois: ip %s has no contacts", $ip));
# no contacts found, return no xml only HTTP header
Netdot->throw_rest(code=>Apache2::Const::NOT_FOUND, msg=>"$ip has no contacts");
# get contact's out of contact lists
foreach my $cl ( values %clists ){
$res{contact_list}{$cl->id}{name} = $cl->name;
foreach my $con ( $cl->contacts ){
my $person = $con->person;
foreach my $key ( qw(lastname firstname aliases position email
office cell home pager ) ){
$res{contact_list}{$cl->id}{contacts}{$con->id}{$key} = $person->$key;
$res{contact_list}{$cl->id}{contacts}{$con->id}{type} = $con->contacttype->name;
$res{contact_list}{$cl->id}{contacts}{$con->id}{employer} = $person->entity->name if $person->entity;
$rest->print_formatted(\%res) if %res;
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