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Created September 13, 2016 20:43
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# author: hillz
# subject: CLT simulation: bootstrap vs CLT on right tailed distributions with
# many samples - bootstrap converges to CLT answer. No reason to use
# bootstrap.
# utils functions: = function(x, n.simulations=1000){
sample.means = sapply(1:n.simulations,
FUN = function(i) mean(sample(x, size = length(x), replace = T)))
se = sd(sample.means)
plot.boot.vs.clt.estimates = function(many.boot.SEs,{
hist(many.boot.SEs, col='darkblue', main='Standard Error Estimates', breaks=30)
abline(, lwd=8, col='darkred')
abline(v=mean(many.boot.SEs), lwd=4, col='lightblue')
legend('topright', box.lwd=0, bty=T, pch=c(15, NA, NA), pt.cex=c(1.5, NA, NA),
lwd=c(NA, 8, 4), col=c('darkblue', 'darkred', 'lightblue'),
legend=c('Bootstrap SE Estimate',
'CLT based SE Estimate',
'Average Bootstrap SE Estimate'))
# test paramaters:
n.obs = 100000
raise.power = 10 # for skewness
# create the fake skewed data:
x = rexp(n = n.obs, rate = 1)^raise.power
# estimate SE of sample mean by bootstrap: =
# estimate SE of sample mean by Central limit theorom: = sd(x)/sqrt(length(x))
cat(paste0('CLT based SE: ',
cat(paste0('\nBootstrap based SE: ',
# get many bootstrap SE estimates to make sure it is always very close to CLT estimate:
many.boot.SEs = sapply(1:100, FUN = function(i), n.simulations=250))
# plot the results:
# the data is very right tailed:
hist(x, breaks=1000, main='Very Right Tailed Distribution')
# --> bootstrap just converges to CLT answer. There's no reason to use bootstraps when
# estimating the SD of your sample mean, if your data are iid, even if the data is massively
# skewed.
# This doesn't prove that CLT or bootstrap estimates are perfect at this skewness X sample
# size, just that there's no reason to bootstrap it over using CLT.
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