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Last active January 10, 2017 21:53
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Save hillexed/870851cd390d3727e58f93d42452dc30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. v1.0
* alytDumper.c
* by Reisyukaku
* translated to python by hillexed
* Dumps media from GameFreak's ALYT format.
version = 1.1
import sys
def getUnsignedBytes(bytestring, offset, numBytes=4):
return int.from_bytes(bytestring[offset:offset+numBytes],byteorder='little')
def main():
if(len(sys.argv) != 2):
print("Usage: %s <alyt file>\n" % sys.argv[0])
return 1
with open(sys.argv[1],'rb') as fp:
fileBuf =
fileSize = len(fileBuf)
if(fileBuf[0:4] != b'ALYT'):
return 1
ltblOff = getUnsignedBytes(fileBuf,0x8,4)
lmtlOff = getUnsignedBytes(fileBuf,0x10,4)
lfnlOff = getUnsignedBytes(fileBuf,0x18,4)
ltblSize = getUnsignedBytes(fileBuf,0xC,4)
lmtlSize = getUnsignedBytes(fileBuf,0x14,4)
lfnlSize = getUnsignedBytes(fileBuf,0x1C,4)
symbolTbl = getUnsignedBytes(fileBuf,0x20,4)
numOfEntries = getUnsignedBytes(fileBuf,symbolTbl,4)
"""ALYT parser\n
Entries: %d\n\n""" % numOfEntries
for i in range(numOfEntries):
#I haven't found a good way to say 'keep printing till you hit a null terminator
#C, you've got me there
currentByteCounter = symbolTbl+4+(i*0x40) #start point
filename = ""
while fileBuf[currentByteCounter] != 0x00:
filename += chr(fileBuf[currentByteCounter])
currentByteCounter += 1
return 0
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