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Last active October 13, 2015 03:07
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20:02:52 * mazer turns around and noticed Derp getting red in the face.
20:03:39 * mazer covers his ears. "We're in a story" said Derp
20:03:49 <+mazer> "That's insane" said user
20:04:28 <@derp> mazer: save this for the story! I want to read it all
20:04:30 <+mazer> "Everything around us, everything we're saying... It's just in the mind of some lunatic who types it up"
he said.
20:05:10 <+DuoNoxSol> lunatic++
20:05:47 <@derp> mazer: <?
20:05:47 <@derp> < stray tag on your awesome website.
20:06:09 <@derp> do you know how to php?
20:06:28 <@derp> Wordpress is pretty complex, they say...
20:06:34 <+mazer> That was when prurigro finished making pancakes. Derp ate some of the pancakes and his stomache started
hurting. That was when the walls started to spin, and his stomache burst. A baby dog came out of the
bloody stump of Derp's stomache cavity.
20:07:25 <@derp> This. We're witnessing the unfolding of Brandon Robinsons sanity!
20:07:33 * derp *grabs popcorn*
20:08:14 <+mazer> Finn heard Derp say Wordpress was pretty complex. He found it amusing and then typed in 3 lines of haxx0r
shellcode. The 3D printer on Finn's desk printed off a knife, he used it to stab Derp.
20:11:02 <+mazer> Just when the dust started to settle the quiet DuoNoxSol had been coding a Go program. When he typed in
the commands "go run 1337.go", his laptop transformed into a robot. The robot then transformed into an exo
skeleton suit that was able to fly and shoot lightning. DuoNoxSox was also able to travel through time, he
ended up murdering Cantor's parents for the lulz.
20:12:26 < finn> the fuck is happening...
20:12:34 < finn> my name got said
20:12:40 < finn> oh shit it's a story
20:12:50 <+mazer> All of a sudden sound could be heard from one of the nearby rooms. It was a feint sound but Roots went to
investigate. He opened the door to each room and looked inside. When he reached the third door he found cy
in there having sex with animals. He was horrified, and commited an hero.
20:14:50 -!- grundy_2 [~Grundy@fc10:3ea6:184b:1c9f:777d:e25a:c637:8c52] has joined #hyperboria
20:14:50 <+mazer> finn: yeah im just making it up on the spot
20:14:50 <@derp> mazer: continue
20:17:22 <+mazer> While nobody was looking, mazer activated Derp's windows 8 system restore. He came back to life and was as
fast as new. XFaCE tossed derp an arch linux disk. Derp started installing frantically while Finn noticed
he was alive again. A race started see who kills who first with Finn panicing and making password typing
errors trying to do a git pull on a private repo with his hax. Finally Derp runs a pacman command to
update his syste
20:20:03 -!- maria [~maria@fcf1:b5d5:d0b4:c390:9db2:3f5e:d2d2:bff2] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
20:20:55 <+mazer> Jercos gets involved by trying to run an oper command. Derp boobie trapped the oper command to a bomb.
Jercos and all his hoes in his pimp mobile explode. Fake implants and wigs fly everywhere, one of the fake
boobs managed to land on a clock and cause a rift in the time space continuum. The boobie goes back in
time to Sept 11 2001 and distracts the hijackers on air planes near new york city. Women on the planes
were then able to k
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