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Last active May 10, 2024 16:14
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Swift code to fetch one or more English Wikipedia articles as plain text without most of the interface text
import Foundation
/// Executes two commands in a pipeline.
/// - Parameters:
/// - firstCommand: The first command to execute. This should be a valid
/// command that you would type into the terminal.
/// - secondCommand: The second command to execute. This should be a valid
/// command that you would type into the terminal.
/// - args: The command line arguments passed to the script.
/// - Returns: The output of the second command, which is the result of the piped commands.
func executePipedCommands(firstCommand: String, secondCommand: String, args: [String]) -> String {
// Create two Process objects, one for each command.
let firstTask = Process()
let secondTask = Process()
// Create a Pipe object. This will be used as the input for the second command.
let pipe = Pipe()
// Set the standard output of the first command to be the pipe.
firstTask.standardOutput = pipe
// Set the arguments for the first command. The "-c" flag tells it to
// execute the command passed in as a string.
firstTask.arguments = ["-c", firstCommand]
// Set the launch path to the zsh shell. This is where the command will be executed.
firstTask.launchPath = "/bin/zsh"
// Set the standard input for the second command to be the read end of the pipe.
secondTask.standardInput = pipe
// Set the arguments for the second command. The "-c" flag tells it to
// execute the command passed in as a string.
secondTask.arguments = ["-c", secondCommand]
// Set the launch path to the zsh shell. This is where the command will be executed.
secondTask.launchPath = "/bin/zsh"
// Create a new Pipe object for the second command's standard output. This
// will be used to capture the output of the second command.
let outputPipe = Pipe()
// Set the standard output of the second command to be the new pipe.
secondTask.standardOutput = outputPipe
// Launch the first command.
// Launch the second command.
// Read the data from the new pipe that was created for the second command's standard output.
let data = outputPipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
// Convert the data to a string using UTF8 encoding.
guard let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
// If the data could not be converted to a string, return an empty string.
return ""
// Return the output of the second command.
return output
// we'll need to convert spaces in the title to underscores
let urls = CommandLine
.map { "\($0.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "_"))&action=render" }
let pipedCommandOutput = executePipedCommands(
firstCommand: """
curl -Z \
-vs \
.map { "\"\($0.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed)!)\"" }
.joined(separator: " "))
secondCommand: """
textutil \
-format html \
-convert txt \
-stdin \
-stdout \
-inputencoding UTF-8
args: urls)
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