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Created March 7, 2013 21:39
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Save hirokai/5112043 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pratt and Chandler’s theory calculation
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
type RealFunc = Double -> Double
fi :: Int -> Double
fi = fromIntegral
integral :: RealFunc -> (Double,Double) -> Maybe Int -> Double
integral f (from,to) m_num_interval = sum (map f xs) * dx
xs = map (\i -> from + (fi i+0.5)*dx) [0..num_interval-1]
dx = (to-from) / fi num_interval
num_interval = fromMaybe 10000 m_num_interval
func_j :: Double -> Int -> Int -> RealFunc
func_j r m n x = ((x-r)/r)** fi (m+n) * (4*pi*x**2)
int_j :: Env -> Int -> Int -> Double
int_j env m n
| m+n == 0 = 4*pi*(r_max env)**3 / 3
| otherwise = integral (func_j (r_max env) m n) ((r_min env),r_max env) Nothing
phi :: Int -> Double -> RealFunc
phi n r x | x >= r = 0
| otherwise = ((x-r)/r)**fi n
phi_hat_0,phi_hat_1,phi_hat_2,phi_hat_3 :: Double -> RealFunc
phi_hat_0 r k = pi*4.0 * (sin kr / k**3 - r * cos kr / (k**2))
where kr = k * r
phi_hat_1 r k = pi*4.0 * (sin kr / k**3 + 2.0 * (cos kr-1)/ (r*k**4))
where kr = k * r
phi_hat_2 r k = pi*4.0 * (-6.0) *(sin kr / (r**2*k**5) + (2 * r * cos kr + 4) / (r*k**4))
where kr = k * r
phi_hat_3 r k = pi*4.0 * (6*sin kr / (r**2*k**5) + 24 * (1-cos kr)/(r**3*k**6) - 6/(r*k**4))
where kr = k * r
phi_hat :: Int -> (Double -> RealFunc)
phi_hat 0 = phi_hat_0
phi_hat 1 = phi_hat_1
phi_hat 2 = phi_hat_2
phi_hat 3 = phi_hat_3
func_k :: Double -> Int -> Int -> RealFunc
func_k r m n k = k**2 * (phi_hat m r k) * (phi_hat n r k) * s_minus_1 k
s_minus_1 :: RealFunc
s_minus_1 x = ya + (x-xa)*(yb-ya)/(xb-xa)
(as,bs) = span ((<= x) . fst) s_minus_1_table
((xa,ya),(xb,yb)) = (last as,head bs)
int_k :: Env -> Int -> Int -> Double
int_k env m n = (4*pi/(2*pi)**3) * integral (func_k (r_max env) m n) (r_min env, r_max env) Nothing
data Env = Env{
r_min :: Double,
r_max :: Double
defEnv = Env 0 2.7
mat_a env = map j_plus_k [(x,y) | x <- [0..3], y <- [0..3]]
where j_plus_k (m,n) = ((m,n),int_j env m n + int_k env m n)
int_i :: Env -> Int -> Double
int_i env n = integral (phi n (r_max env)) ((r_min env),(r_max env)) Nothing
func_i r n x = 4*pi*x**2*(phi r n x)
vec_i env = map (int_i env) [0..3]
print_mat m n mat = do
putStr "["
forM_ [0..m-1] $ \i -> do
putStr $ intercalate "\t" $ map show $ map (maybe (0/0) snd) $ map (\j -> find ( (== (i,j)) . fst) mat) [0..n-1]
putStrLn ";"
putStrLn "]"
main = do
let envs = map (Env 0.1) $ map (\i -> 3.0+fi i*1.0) [0..2]
forM_ [0..2] $ \i -> do
let env = envs !! i
putStrLn $ "r_max = " ++ show (r_max env)
putStr $ "A{" ++ show (i+1) ++ "} = "
print_mat 4 4 (mat_a env)
putStr $ "I{" ++ show (i+1) ++ "} = "
print $ vec_i env
s_minus_1_table :: [(Double,Double)]
s_minus_1_table =
[( 0.0,-0.938),
( 0.08,-0.938),
( 0.16,-0.938),
( 0.24,-0.937),
( 0.32,-0.937),
( 0.4,-0.936),
( 0.48,-0.935),
( 0.56,-0.932),
( 0.64,-0.928),
( 0.72,-0.921),
( 0.8,-0.913),
( 0.88,-0.902),
( 0.96,-0.890),
( 1.04,-0.878),
( 1.12,-0.861),
( 1.2,-0.835),
( 1.28,-0.796),
( 1.36,-0.748),
( 1.44,-0.685),
( 1.52,-0.599),
( 1.6,-0.478),
( 1.68,-0.326),
( 1.76,-0.158),
( 1.84,-0.002),
( 1.92,0.119),
( 2.00,0.190),
( 2.08,0.212),
( 2.16,0.197),
( 2.24,0.166),
( 2.32,0.134),
( 2.4,0.116),
( 2.48,0.119),
( 2.56,0.147),
( 2.64,0.193),
( 2.72,0.245),
( 2.8,0.287),
( 2.88,0.301),
( 2.96,0.277),
( 3.04,0.215),
( 3.12,0.125),
( 3.20,0.022),
( 3.28,-0.079),
( 3.36,-0.164),
( 3.44,-0.227),
( 3.52,-0.262),
( 3.6,-0.271),
( 3.68,-0.255),
( 3.76,-0.233),
( 3.84,-0.199),
( 3.92,-0.162),
( 4.0,-0.124),
( 4.08,-0.083),
( 4.16,-0.039),
( 4.24,0.005),
( 4.32,0.045),
( 4.4,0.076),
( 4.48,0.098),
( 4.56,0.114),
( 4.64,0.126),
( 4.72,0.135),
( 4.8,0.14),
( 4.88,0.136),
( 4.96,0.124),
( 5.04,0.104 ),
( 5.12,0.080),
( 5.2,0.057),
( 5.28,0.035),
( 5.36,0.013),
( 5.44,-0.009),
( 5.52,-0.034),
( 5.6,-0.057),
( 5.68,-0.078),
( 5.76,-0.093),
( 5.84,-0.102),
( 5.92,-0.105),
( 6.0,-0.102),
( 6.08,-0.094),
( 6.16,-0.080),
( 6.24,-0.063),
( 6.32,-0.044),
( 6.4,-0.026),
( 6.48,-0.009),
( 6.56,0.007),
( 6.64,0.023),
( 6.72,0.040),
( 6.8,0.056),
( 6.88,0.069),
( 6.96,0.075),
( 7.04,0.077),
( 7.12,0.074),
( 7.2,0.069),
( 7.28,0.063),
( 7.36,0.053),
( 7.44,0.040),
( 7.52,0.024),
( 7.6,0.007),
( 7.68,-0.008),
( 7.76,-0.020),
( 7.84,-0.030),
( 7.92,-0.037),
( 8.0,-0.044),
( 8.08,-0.050),
( 8.16,-0.054),
( 8.24,-0.054),
( 8.32,-0.050),
( 8.4,-0.042),
( 8.48,-0.033),
( 8.56,-0.023),
( 8.64,-0.013),
( 8.72,-0.005),
( 8.8,0.003),
( 8.88,0.010),
( 8.96,0.017),
( 9.04,0.023),
( 9.12,0.028),
( 9.2,0.031),
( 9.28,0.032),
( 9.36,0.031),
( 9.44,0.029),
( 9.52,0.027),
( 9.6,0.025),
( 9.68,0.021),
( 9.76,0.015),
( 9.84,0.007),
( 9.92,-0.001),
( 10.00,-0.009),
( 10.08,-0.014),
( 10.16,-0.017),
( 10.24,-0.018),
( 10.32,-0.019),
( 10.4,-0.020),
( 10.48,-0.020),
( 10.56,-0.020),
( 10.64,-0.019),
( 10.72,-0.016),
( 10.8,-0.012),
( 10.88,-0.009),
( 10.96,-0.007),
( 11.04,-0.005),
( 11.12,-0.003),
( 11.20,-0.0),
( 11.28,0.003),
( 11.36,0.007),
( 11.44,0.010),
( 11.52,0.013),
( 11.6,0.016),
( 11.68,0.017),
( 11.76,0.017),
( 11.84,0.015),
( 11.92,0.013),
( 12.0,0.010),
( 12.08,0.008),
( 12.16,0.006),
( 12.24,0.003),
( 12.32,0.000),
( 12.4,-0.002),
( 12.48,-0.004),
( 12.56,-0.005),
( 12.64,-0.005),
( 12.72,-0.006),
( 12.8,-0.007),
( 12.88,-0.010),
( 12.96,-0.012),
( 13.04,-0.011),
( 13.12,-0.009),
( 13.2,-0.006),
( 13.28,-0.003),
( 13.36,-0.001),
( 13.44,0.001),
( 13.52,0.002),
( 13.6,0.005),
( 13.68,0.007),
( 13.76,0.008),
( 13.84,0.008),
( 13.92,0.007),
( 14.0,0.005),
( 14.08,0.004),
( 14.16,0.004),
( 14.24,0.004),
( 14.32,0.004),
( 14.4,0.002),
( 14.48,0.000),
( 14.56,-0.002),
( 14.64,-0.003),
( 14.72,-0.004),
( 14.8,-0.004),
( 14.88,-0.004),
( 14.96,-0.004),
( 15.04,-0.004),
( 15.12,-0.003),
( 15.2,-0.003),
( 15.28,-0.003),
( 15.36,-0.003),
( 15.44,-0.003),
( 15.52,-0.002),
( 15.6,-0.001),
( 15.68,-0.000),
( 15.76,-0.000),
( 15.84,-0.001),
( 15.92,-0.002),
( 16.0,-0.003)]
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