Scenario: I'm trying to build a Jenkins pipeline. According to the requirement, the pipeline should take backup the content from a database and restore it to the new mysql database running on Kubernetes.
When I have tried to restore the dump to new mysql server
. It was creating a database which was backed up during the dump process. In a moment, I realised that my application is trying to hit another database for the content. In this case, I left with two options:
- Update the code of the application
- Create a database required by application and copy all the tables from one database to another.
Let's assume that the name of the dump file is demo.sql
which has a database named prod-thor
- Take the dump of mysql database
mysqldump -h remote-db-url -u root -pYourDbPassword --databases prod-thor > demo.sql
- Update the name of the database
sed -i 's/prod-thor/demo-thor/g' demo.sql
- Create a database with the name of
in mysql servermysql -h -u root -pYourDbPassword -e CREATE DATABASE demo-thor
- Copy all tables from one database to another
mysql -h -u root -pYourDbPassword -e CREATE TABLE `newdb`.table1 SELECT * FROM olddb.tb1;