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[profile xx-dev]
region = ap-northeast-1
aws_mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::{master-aws-id}:mfa/zack_xxx
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::{dev-aws-id}:role/environment-admin
source_profile = default
export AWS_PROFILE=xx-dev
hitxiang / kind-airflow-cluster.txt
Last active February 18, 2022 06:51
create airflow cluster at local
# create local k8s cluster
kind create cluster --name airflow-cluster --config kind-cluster.yaml
kubectl cluster-info
kubect get nodes -o wide
# 让jupyter notebook中的一个cell同时有多个输出
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"
hitxiang /
Last active November 5, 2020 12:22
Quickfix sequence

The sequence of outgoing message:

  • toAdmin/toApp
  • persist outgoing messages in messgestore(fileStore in our case)
  • increase sequence number of sender
  • logging of messages
  • send messages

The sequence of incoming message:

hitxiang / gist:345c8f699b4ad1271749e00b7517bef6
Last active October 6, 2020 05:04
Thread dump for fix client app
{"app_time":"2020-10-04T20:33:03.741Z","message":"parsed message: pos=88,lim=88,rem=0,offset=88,state=4 8=FIXT.1.1\u00019=65\u000135=0\u000134=2491\u000149=BO1\u000152=20201004-20:33:03.735\u000156=TAETF_BO1\u000110=120\u0001","logger_name":"quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder","thread_name":"NioProcessor-30","level":"DEBUG"}
{"app_time":"2020-10-04T20:33:21.740Z","message":"parsed message: pos=97,lim=97,rem=0,offset=97,state=4 8=FIXT.1.1\u00019=74\u000135=1\u000134=2492\u000149=UniETF_BO1\u000152=20201004-20:33:21.735\u000156=TAETF_BO1\u0001112=TEST\u000110=140\u0001","logger_name":"quickfix.mina.message.FIXMessageDecoder","thread_name":"NioProcessor-30","level":"DEBUG"}
{"app_time":"2020-10-04T20:33:21.741Z","message":"==== TEST FIXT.1.1:TAETF_BO1->BO1:BackOffice AdminMessageReceived====","logger_name":"route8","thread_name":"QFJ Message Processor","level":"INFO"}
"\"Reference Handler\"
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at [email protected]/java.lang.ref.Reference.waitForReferencePendingList(N
hitxiang / QuickfixjMessageJsonTransformer
Last active March 26, 2024 04:56 — forked from CN6033/
FIX message to JSON convertor
public class QuickfixjMessageJsonTransformer {
private DataDictionary dataDictionary;
public QuickfixjMessageJsonTransformer(){};
public QuickfixjMessageJsonTransformer(DataDictionary dd) {
this.dataDictionary = dd;
public String transform(Exchange exchange) {
// camel message
org.apache.camel.Message in = exchange.getIn();
hitxiang / Deployment in openshift
Created November 4, 2019 08:00 — forked from sudhirpandey/Deployment in openshift
creating spring boot with prometheus metrics (step by step)
#To be able to deploy the app as service in openshift we can follow various routes.
#I have follwed the binary build and deployment method..
#Other methods are also discussed in the recoommened guide above for being able to do deployment. for private source repository
Image secret is need while doing s2i builds from the repo
# provides other useful ways of deployment
hitxiang / Dockerfile
Last active July 9, 2019 09:15
setup postfix in centos 6
#From cespi/php-5.3:cli-latest
From centos:centos6.9
RUN yum update -y \
&& yum install -y postfix cyrus-sasl-plain php rsyslog
COPY /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
#COPY .env /.env
# 1, export environment variables
kubectl -n zack-app run zack-vault-test --image=golang --command -- sleep 10000000
kubectl -n zack-app get pods
# copy folder
kubectl -n zack-app cp vault-kubernetes-authenticator zack-vault-test-75998c55fd-dqkv8:/go
kubectl -n zack-app exec -it zack-vault-test-75998c55fd-dqkv8 -- /bin/bash
# Debug sample
package main
import (