For the full detail of closed issues specific to 1.7.3 see this list in Redmine, containing no new features, and 10 bugs closed, the majority for Windows.
- 12116: Windows domain and fqdn facts error when there is no domain.
- 16665: [windows] wrong ipaddress with locale != en
- 16668: [windows] ipaddress fact reports hostname
- 20989: Facter 1.7.1 on 32 bit windows reports architecture fact as "i1586", should be "x86"
- 21518: "interface" fact not available on windows 2003
- 21533: Facter prints errors to stderr on precise and f18
- 21762: Update facter to support F19
- 22064: Potential Local Escalation issue with Facts.d folder for executable facts on Windows
- 22077: External Facts Support On Windows
- 22163: Remove hardcoded hostname dependencies from facter