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Last active September 11, 2023 10:14
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Bulk search & replace with ag (the_silver_searcher)
# ag <>
# usage: [search] [replace]
# caveats: will choke if either arguments contain a forward slash
# notes: will back up changed files to *.bak files
ag -0 -l $1 | xargs -0 perl -pi.bak -e "s/$1/$2/g"
# or if you prefer sed's regex syntax:
ag -0 -l $1 | xargs -0 sed -ri.bak -e "s/$1/$2/g"
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@ixis-kyle It’s correct, and necessary:

-r, --no-run-if-empty
              If  the  standard input does not contain any nonblanks,
              do not run the command.  Normally, the command  is  run
              once  even  if there is no input.  This option is a GNU

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NightMachinery commented Jul 29, 2019

(See latest version

comment() { 
doc() { 
function agr { 
doc 'usage: from=sth to=another agr [ag-args]'
comment -l --files-with-matches

ag -0 -l "$from" "${@}" | pre-files "$from" "$to"
pre-files() {
doc 'stdin should be null-separated list of files that need replacement; $1 the string to replace, $2 the replacement.'
comment '-i backs up original input files with the supplied extension (leave empty for no backup; needed for in-place replacement.)(do not put whitespace between -i and its arg.)'
comment '-r, --no-run-if-empty
              If  the  standard input does not contain any nonblanks,
              do not run the command.  Normally, the command  is  run
              once  even  if there is no input.  This option is a GNU

AGR_FROM="$1" AGR_TO="$2" xargs -r0 perl -pi.pbak -e 's/$ENV{AGR_FROM}/$ENV{AGR_TO}/g'

You can use it like this:

from=str1 to=sth agr path1 path2 ...

Supply no paths to make it use the current directory.
Note that ag, xargs, and perl need to be installed and on PATH.

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nikisix commented Apr 17, 2020

I had to use ag's --nocolor argument for it go work

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devinrhode2 commented Oct 4, 2022

This worked well for me:

ag -0 -l 'Old' | xargs -0 sed -ri.bak -e 's/Old/New/g'; git clean -f '**/*.bak';

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Even better so you don't have to worry about slashes:

function agr { ag -0 -l "$1" | AGR_FROM="$1" AGR_TO="$2" xargs -r0 perl -pi -e 's/$ENV{AGR_FROM}/$ENV{AGR_TO}/g'; }

There could be some incompatibilities between the two regex languages though.

I found a way to make this even work for multi-line find-and-replace: add 'BEGIN{undef $/;} ' to the perl -e command and then it'll do multi-line work:
function agr { ag -0 -l "$1" | AGR_FROM="$1" AGR_TO="$2" xargs -r0 perl -pi -e 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/$ENV{AGR_FROM}/$ENV{AGR_TO}/g'; }

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