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Created February 18, 2020 21:02
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ObservableSetViews for filtering and sorting ObservableSets
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
typedef FilterPredicate<T> = bool Function(T element);
/// An unmodifiable but observable view of an ObservableSet.
/// This just delegates reads and observations to the [sourceSet].
class ObservableSetView<E> extends UnmodifiableSetView<E> implements ObservableSet<E> {
ObservableSetView(ObservableSet<E> sourceSet)
: _setBase = sourceSet,
final ObservableSet<E> _setBase;
/// See [ObservableSet.observe]
observe(listener, {bool fireImmediately}) =>
_setBase.observe(listener, fireImmediately: fireImmediately);
/// An unmodifiable, observable, filtering view of an ObservableSet.
/// This accepts a [predicate] and will filter the original set to a new [ObservableSet] containing
/// only elements for which the [predicate] returns true.
/// As the [sourceSet] changes, the filtered set will also change.
/// Listeners will only be notified when the filtered set changes (not on every change to the source).
class FilteringObservableSetView<E> extends ObservableSetView<E> {
/// Create an observable view of an [ObservableSet], which contains only elements matching the predicate.
FilteringObservableSetView.filteredFrom(ObservableSet<E> sourceSet, FilterPredicate<E> predicate)
: this._filtered(sourceSet, ObservableSet.of(sourceSet.where(predicate)), predicate);
// We have to use this private constructor so that we can use the non-static [_trackSource] while
// already having the filteredSet set up.
ObservableSet<E> sourceSet,
ObservableSet<E> filteredSet,
FilterPredicate<E> predicate
) : super(filteredSet) {
_trackSource(sourceSet, filteredSet, predicate);
/// A FilteringObservableSetView is observing the original set, and thus should be disposed of.
void dispose() => _disposer?.call();
Dispose _disposer;
void _trackSource(
ObservableSet<E> sourceSet,
ObservableSet<E> filteredSet,
FilterPredicate<E> predicate
) {
_disposer = sourceSet.observe((SetChange setChange) {
switch (setChange.type) {
case OperationType.add:
if (predicate(setChange.value)) filteredSet.add(setChange.value);
case OperationType.remove:
case OperationType.update:
throw UnsupportedError('SetChange should not have an update OperationType');
/// An unmodifiable, observable, sorting view of an ObservableSet.
/// This creates an observable [SplayTreeSet] to contain a sorted version of the [sourceSet],
/// and optionally accepts both [compare] and [isValidKey] (see [SplayTreeSet]).
/// As the [sourceSet] changes, the sorted set will also change.
class SortingObservableSetView<E> extends ObservableSetView<E> {
/// Create an observable view of an [ObservableSet], containing the same elements but sorted in
/// a [SplayTreeSet], with optional [compare] and [isValidKey] (see [SplayTreeSet])
SortingObservableSetView.sortedFrom(ObservableSet<E> sourceSet,
{ Comparator<E> compare, bool isValidKey(dynamic) })
: this._sorted(
ObservableSet.splayTreeSetFrom(sourceSet, compare: compare, isValidKey: isValidKey)
// We have to use this private constructor so that we can use the non-static [_trackSource] while
// already having the sortedSet set up.
SortingObservableSetView._sorted(ObservableSet<E> sourceSet, ObservableSet<E> sortedSet)
: super(sortedSet) {
_trackSource(sourceSet, sortedSet);
/// A SortingObservableSetView is observing the original set, and thus should be disposed of.
void dispose() => _disposer?.call();
Dispose _disposer;
void _trackSource(ObservableSet<E> sourceSet, ObservableSet<E> sortedSet) {
_disposer = sourceSet.observe((SetChange setChange) {
switch (setChange.type) {
case OperationType.add:
case OperationType.remove:
case OperationType.update:
throw UnsupportedError('SetChange should not have an update OperationType');
extension ObservableSetViews<E> on ObservableSet<E> {
/// Generate an [ObservableSetView] tracking this [ObservableSet].
ObservableSetView<E> unmodifiableView() {
return ObservableSetView<E>(this);
/// Generate a [FilteringObservableSetView] tracking this [ObservableSet].
FilteringObservableSetView<E> filteringView(FilterPredicate<E> predicate) {
return FilteringObservableSetView<E>.filteredFrom(this, predicate);
/// Generate a [SortingObservableSetView] tracking this [ObservableSet].
SortingObservableSetView<E> sortingView({Comparator<E> compare, bool isValidKey(dynamic)}) {
return SortingObservableSetView<E>.sortedFrom(this, compare: compare, isValidKey: isValidKey);
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I'm leaving this here in case I or someone else has success with it, but going down this road I hit some pretty big performance bumps and i'm scrapping it instead of trying to figure out all of the details. The convenience wasn't worth the headache.

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