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Created July 7, 2015 21:57
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Visualize 2D strain obtained using NCORR
% 2D DIC strain analysis
% 1. Run handles_ncorr = ncorr
% 2. Save the data and load the MAT file
% 3. Run this
num_of_dic_images = numel(current_save);
% exx = 2D distribution of xx strain component in the ROI
exx = cell(num_of_dic_images,1);
% Save strain from each DIC result
for i = 1:num_of_dic_images
exx{i} = data_dic_save.strains(i).plot_exx_cur_formatted;
% Calculate mean and std deviation for each frame
% Calculate for exx now
exx_avg = zeros(num_of_dic_images,1);
exx_std = zeros(num_of_dic_images,1);
for i = 1:num_of_dic_images
exx_temp = exx{i};
exx_avg(i) = mean(exx_temp(exx_temp ~= 0));
exx_std(i) = std(exx_temp(exx_temp ~= 0));
% Plot avg strain and errorbars
errorbar(exx_avg, exx_std)
xlabel('DIC frame')
ylabel('Strain (xx)')
%ylim([0 3e-3])
% Save an image sequence from 2d strain plots
make_image_sequence = 1;
strain_limits = [-0.06 0];
plot_save_dir = '/Volumes/Secondary HD/Work/Deformation_in_Fe_Pd_Single_Crystals/FePd_d_DIC/exx_2d_plots';
for i = 1:num_of_dic_images
% Get bounding box for the first frame. We will crop all the images
% to that bbox
if(i == 1)
exx_temp = exx{i};
exx_temp = abs(floor(exx_temp/max(abs(exx_temp(:)))*256));
exx_temp = uint8(exx_temp);
% Get bounding box
exx_bbox = regionprops(exx_temp ~= 0, 'BoundingBox');
exx_bbox = exx_bbox.BoundingBox;
% We dilate the bbox by 20% so that the deformed configuration
% fits in it as well.
exx_bbox(1) = floor(exx_bbox(1) - 0.1*exx_bbox(3));
exx_bbox(2) = floor(exx_bbox(2) - 0.1*exx_bbox(4));
exx_bbox(3) = floor(exx_bbox(3) + 0.2*exx_bbox(3));
exx_bbox(4) = floor(exx_bbox(4) + 0.2*exx_bbox(4));
% Plotting
exx_temp = exx{i};
h = figure;
pcolor(exx_temp(exx_bbox(2):(exx_bbox(2) + exx_bbox(4)), ...
exx_bbox(1):(exx_bbox(1) + exx_bbox(3))));
shading flat;
axis off;
set(gca, 'FontSize', 16)
caxis([strain_limits(1) strain_limits(2)]);
title(['Strain, average = ' num2str(exx_avg(i)) ', stdev = ' num2str(exx_std(i))]);
print(h, '-dpng', fullfile(plot_save_dir, ['strain_2d_' sprintf('%04d', i)]));
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