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Last active April 17, 2018 07:33
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App CI

App CI

  • NAPP / WAPP (guides)
  • Dependencies
    • NPM (yarn)
    • Gems (bundle)
    • Cocoapods (pod)
  • Local (pre-push)
    • package.json
    • git diff develop..
    • Jest (--findRelatedFiles)
    • Lint (fix)
    • console.log
    • --no-verify
  • Fastlane
    • CLI (bundle exec / alias)
    • Lanes
    • Build iOS (fastlane ios build)
    • Build Android (fastlane android build)
    • Certificates for iOS
      • development, adhoc, appstore
      • XCode
      • Match (fastlane ios update certficates)
    • Build or bundle (fastlane ios build_or_bundle)
  • HockeyApp
  • Circle CI
    • develop
    • PRs
    • .circleci/config.yml
    • jobs
    • workflows
    • cache (pod)
    • ssh
  • Creating releases
    • ...
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