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Created October 14, 2019 22:30
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Vanilla panel at any size
package powerlessri.harmonics.gui.screen;
import com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import powerlessri.harmonics.HarmonicsCore;
import powerlessri.harmonics.gui.ITexture;
import powerlessri.harmonics.gui.Texture;
import static powerlessri.harmonics.gui.Render2D.*;
public final class BackgroundRenderers {
private BackgroundRenderers() {
// Flat style
public static final int LIGHT_BORDER_COLOR = 0xffffffff;
public static final int DARK_BORDER_COLOR = 0xff606060;
public static final int BACKGROUND_COLOR = 0xffc6c6c6;
* Draw a flat style GUI background on the given position with the given width and height.
* <p>
* The background has a border of 2 pixels, therefore the background cannot have a dimension less than 4x4 pixels. It shares the same
* bottom color as the vanilla background but has a simpler border (plain color).
* <p>
* See {@link #drawVanillaStyle4x4(int, int, int, int, float)} for parameter information.
public static void drawFlatStyle(int x, int y, int width, int height, float z) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(width >= 4 && height >= 4);
int x2 = x + width;
int y2 = y + height;
coloredRect(x, y, x2, y2, z, DARK_BORDER_COLOR);
coloredRect(x, y, x2 - 2, y2 - 2, z, LIGHT_BORDER_COLOR);
coloredRect(x + 2, y + 2, x2 - 2, y2 - 2, z, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
// Vanilla style
private static final ResourceLocation GENERIC_COMPONENTS = new ResourceLocation(HarmonicsCore.MODID, "textures/gui/generic_components.png");
private static final int TEX_WIDTH = 256;
private static final int TEX_HEIGHT = 256;
public static final ITexture TOP_LEFT_CORNER4x4 = Texture.portion(GENERIC_COMPONENTS, TEX_WIDTH, TEX_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 4, 4);
public static final ITexture TOP_RIGHT_CORNER4x4 = TOP_LEFT_CORNER4x4.moveRight(1);
public static final ITexture BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER4x4 = TOP_LEFT_CORNER4x4.moveRight(2);
public static final ITexture BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER4x4 = TOP_LEFT_CORNER4x4.moveRight(3);
public static final ITexture TOP_EDGE4x4 = TOP_LEFT_CORNER4x4.moveRight(4);
public static final ITexture BOTTOM_EDGE4x4 = TOP_EDGE4x4.moveRight(1);
public static final ITexture LEFT_EDGE4x4 = TOP_EDGE4x4.moveRight(2);
public static final ITexture RIGHT_EDGE4x4 = TOP_EDGE4x4.moveRight(3);
* Draw a vanilla styled GUI background on the given position with the given width and height.
* <p>
* {@code x} and {@code y} includes the top/left border; {@code width} and {@code height} also includes the borders. Since a border is 4
* pixels wide, {@code width} and {@code height} must be greater than 8.
* <p>
* The background will be drawn in 9 parts max: 4 corners, 4 borders, and a body piece. Only the 4 corners are mandatory, the rest is
* optional depending on the size of the background to be drawn.
* @param x Left x of the result, including border
* @param y Top y of the result, including border
* @param width Width of the result, including both borders and must be larger than 8
* @param height Height of the result, including both borders and must be larger than 8
* @param z Z level that will be used for drawing and put into the depth buffer
public static void drawVanillaStyle4x4(int x, int y, int width, int height, float z) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(width >= 8 && height >= 8);
int bodyWidth = width - 4 * 2;
int bodyHeight = height - 4 * 2;
int bodyX = x + 4;
int bodyY = y + 4;
int bodyXRight = bodyX + bodyWidth;
int bodyYBottom = bodyY + bodyHeight;
int cornerXRight = x + width - 4;
int cornerYBottom = y + height - 4;
TOP_LEFT_CORNER4x4.vertices(x, y, z);
TOP_RIGHT_CORNER4x4.vertices(cornerXRight, y, z);
BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER4x4.vertices(x, cornerYBottom, z);
BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER4x4.vertices(cornerXRight, cornerYBottom, z);
if (bodyWidth > 0) {
TOP_EDGE4x4.vertices(bodyX, y, bodyXRight, y + 4, z);
BOTTOM_EDGE4x4.vertices(bodyX, bodyYBottom, bodyXRight, bodyYBottom + 4, z);
if (bodyHeight > 0) {
LEFT_EDGE4x4.vertices(x, bodyY, x + 4, bodyYBottom, z);
RIGHT_EDGE4x4.vertices(bodyXRight, bodyY, bodyXRight + 4, bodyYBottom, z);
if (bodyWidth > 0 && bodyHeight > 0) {
lightGrayRect(bodyX, bodyY, bodyWidth, bodyHeight, z);
public static final ITexture TOP_LEFT_CORNER3x3 = Texture.portion(GENERIC_COMPONENTS, TEX_WIDTH, TEX_HEIGHT, 0, 4, 3, 3);
public static final ITexture TOP_RIGHT_CORNER3x3 = TOP_LEFT_CORNER3x3.moveRight(1);
public static final ITexture BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER3x3 = TOP_LEFT_CORNER3x3.moveRight(2);
public static final ITexture BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER3x3 = TOP_LEFT_CORNER3x3.moveRight(3);
public static final ITexture TOP_EDGE3x3 = TOP_LEFT_CORNER3x3.moveRight(4);
public static final ITexture BOTTOM_EDGE3x3 = TOP_EDGE3x3.moveRight(1);
public static final ITexture LEFT_EDGE3x3 = TOP_EDGE3x3.moveRight(2);
public static final ITexture RIGHT_EDGE3x3 = TOP_EDGE3x3.moveRight(3);
* @see #drawVanillaStyle3x3(int, int, int, int, float)
public static void drawVanillaStyle3x3(int x, int y, int width, int height, float z) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(width >= 6 && height >= 6);
int bodyWidth = width - 3 * 2;
int bodyHeight = height - 3 * 2;
int bodyX = x + 3;
int bodyY = y + 3;
int cornerXRight = x + width - 4;
int cornerYBottom = y + height - 4;
TOP_LEFT_CORNER3x3.vertices(x, y);
TOP_RIGHT_CORNER3x3.vertices(cornerXRight, y);
BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER3x3.vertices(x, cornerYBottom);
BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER3x3.vertices(cornerXRight, cornerYBottom);
if (bodyWidth > 0) {
TOP_EDGE3x3.vertices(bodyX, y, bodyX + bodyWidth, y);
BOTTOM_EDGE3x3.vertices(bodyX, bodyY + bodyHeight, bodyX, bodyY + bodyHeight);
if (bodyHeight > 0) {
LEFT_EDGE3x3.vertices(x, bodyY, x, bodyY + bodyHeight);
RIGHT_EDGE3x3.vertices(bodyX + bodyWidth, bodyY, bodyX + bodyWidth, bodyY + bodyHeight);
if (bodyWidth > 0 && bodyHeight > 0) {
lightGrayRect(bodyX, bodyY, bodyWidth, bodyHeight, z);
private static void lightGrayRect(int bodyX, int bodyY, int bodyWidth, int bodyHeight, float z) {
coloredRect(bodyX, bodyY, bodyX + bodyWidth, bodyY + bodyHeight, z, 0xffc6c6c6);
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