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Created August 3, 2011 12:29
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piqi example
main() ->
Records =
[#piqiex_foo{bar=true, baz=false, quux=false},
#piqiex_foo{bar=true, baz=true, quux=false},
#piqiex_foo{bar=true, baz=true, quux=true},
#piqiex_foo{bar=false, baz=false, quux=false},
#piqiex_foo{bar=false, baz=true, quux=false},
#piqiex_foo{bar=false, baz=false, quux=true},
#piqiex_foo{bar=false, baz=true, quux=true},
#piqiex_foo{bar=true, baz=false, quux=true}],
Bins = [iolist_to_binary(piqiex_piqi:gen_foo(X)) || X <- Records],
V = lists:zip([piqiex_piqi:parse_foo(X) || X <- Bins], Records),
[A = B || {A, B} <- V].
.module piqiex
.record [
.name foo
.field [
.name bar
.type bool
.field [
.name baz
.type bool
.field [
.name quux
.type bool
-spec gen_bool/2 :: (Code :: piqirun_code(), X :: boolean()) -> iolist().
gen_bool(Code, X) ->
piqirun:boolean_to_varint(Code, X).
packed_gen_bool(X) ->
-spec gen_foo/2 :: (Code :: piqirun_code(), X :: piqiex_foo()) -> iolist().
gen_foo(Code, X) ->
piqirun:gen_record(Code, [
piqirun:gen_required_field(1, fun gen_bool/2,,
piqirun:gen_required_field(2, fun gen_bool/2, X#piqiex_foo.baz),
piqirun:gen_required_field(3, fun gen_bool/2, X#piqiex_foo.quux)
-spec gen_bool/1 :: (X :: boolean()) -> iolist().
gen_bool(X) ->
gen_bool('undefined', X).
-spec gen_foo/1 :: (X :: piqiex_foo()) -> iolist().
gen_foo(X) ->
gen_foo('undefined', X).
-spec parse_bool/1 :: (X :: piqirun_buffer()) -> boolean().
parse_bool(X) ->
packed_parse_bool(X) ->
-spec parse_foo/1 :: (X :: piqirun_buffer()) -> piqiex_foo().
parse_foo(X) ->
R0 = piqirun:parse_record(X),
{_Bar, R1} = piqirun:parse_required_field(1, fun parse_bool/1, R0),
{_Baz, R2} = piqirun:parse_required_field(2, fun parse_bool/1, R1),
{_Quux, R3} = piqirun:parse_required_field(3, fun parse_bool/1, R2),
bar = _Bar,
baz = _Baz,
quux = _Quux
-define(__PIQIEX_PIQI_HRL__, 1).
-record(piqiex_foo, {
bar :: boolean(),
baz :: boolean(),
quux :: boolean()
-type(piqiex_foo() :: #piqiex_foo{}).
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